When did the Roman Empire end?
When did the Roman Empire end?
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363, 382 and 394 are the dates that I would consider the end of the Roman Empire proper.
With the state(s) existing after that point being mere non-Roman shadows of the wonder and splendour that came before.
I would also point to 313 and 324 as the beginning of the end of the empire.
Don't you fucking shit on Constantine
Why not 476?
Trust me, friend.
I could never even hope to shit upon Constantine to the tremendous extent that he utterly shat upon the empire.
That man was the single worse thing to ever happen to the empire and single handedly managed to beat out both Commodus and Nero for title of worst emperor.
Constantine was a vile, disgusting rat and the only good thing he ever did for the empire was make possible the eventual succession of the Divine Julian.
I consider the empire quite dead by that point.
>the eventual succession of the Divine Julian.
t. Maximinus II
t. Maxentius
never, Finland is in fact the heir to the roman empire
1475, when the Ottomans sacked based Theodoro
March 17th, 180 AD
July 17, 1918
Brainlet answer: 476 AD
Contrarian answer: 1453 AD
Patrician answer: 610 AD.
The Roman Empire never existed. It's an invention of the Early modern period just like most of the alleged "Antiquity" and "Middle ages"
>The accepted academic answer is now the contrarian choice
Wut? Contrarian would be 610 AD
There clearly was a country calling itself Imperium Romanum so clearly there was such a thing as Roman empire.
>invention of the Early modern period just like most of the alleged "Antiquity" and "Middle ages"
This is true. The term "Middle Ages" doesn't even make sense from our perspective.
I'm not clicking your virus sites nigga
Ah yes, the other five fucking threads on this topic were clearly not enough!
Sorry, Hellene, no one considers the Byzantines Roman. It died when Heraclius came to power and replaced Latin with Greek.
My African American ally
It lives on, my son
1923, If we're being honest
It's still there
Please don't tell me you unironically think the USA is the continuation of the Roman Empire. Jesus Christ, user
476 is the only answer
1204 is an intriguing answer
1453 is the brainlet answer
1918 ( Russia ) and 1806 ( HRE ) are the cheeky answers
The ottoman Empire (1922)
Then we can use fall of Ostrogoth kingdom too
A galilean Roman Empire is no Roman Empire at-all, friend.
461, death of majorian
>Nero for title of worst emperor.
At least Nero is likable.
Rome died in 363, everything after was RINO.
So I'm not the only one who made this analogy?