Lost $1000 in two days margin trading AMA

Lost $1000 in two days margin trading AMA

Did your mum tell you you're special?

Did you set stops?

there was an user who lost 80k
1k is nothing

Yep but I kept going back in afterwards

That was my rice and beans allotment for the month

Link to the thread/post?

What were you shorting/longing?

I've lost 50k in one night from Numenaire before lol. Step up your game.

Never margin crypto, or treat it as casino and spend accordingly


I pay more than that for a mediocre dinner.

how tall are you?

I've lost like 8k on ARK lmao

Same senpai. I'm still all in at .05 on that shit and post about it at every fucking opportunity because it makes the pain subside a little

Ah I've done worse; lost 100k in one trade. Lucky I'm a millionaire

We're talking usd not yen

a 100k loss still sounds pretty bad, how many millions may i ask?

>in one trade
But I see TWO trades there


Lost it margining xbt/usd :(

lmao people lose 1k when a coin dips 10%. Get outta here.

Not all of us are whales :(

lost 0.7BTC
kill me

:( welcome to support