>even if you become a millionaire you were still genitally mutilated as an infant and can never undo the damage
>you will still be socially stunted
>you will still be a loner unable to make meaningful connections with others
Even if you become a millionaire you were still genitally mutilated as an infant and can never undo the damage
Try r9k
>implying the majority of Veeky Forumsraelis don't post there
Sucks man. Life isn't fair. Some advice though: the longer you believe those last 2, the longer they will be true. Plenty of autistic fucking weirdos have figured out how to semi-blend in and actually get gfs. I'm one of them. Work at it fucker don't walk around with your hand out.
That's true, but are you actually happy blending in as a normie?
I'm considering just letting my autism flare proudly and do and say whatever I want.
>implying being a millionaire cant fix all of those problems
Youre just a defeatist user youll never amount to anything with that shitty attitude
What is this level of autism where you are actually upset that you were circumcised, cheer up you don't need to retract that shit to take a simple piss.
>what is keratinization
Do you think you're the only one suffering through those feels user? You just described 75% of Veeky Forums with those three criteria
I'm sorry your parents chose to mutilate their innocent, helpless newborn baby. So glad I still have my foreskin. Look into foreskin restoration. It's not the same, but still better than nothing.
Thanks for posting my wet dream.
Seriously though. I cannot believe nothing is being done about this, and the medical community accepts it as normal and healthy to do.
Makes me not trust doctors.
Yeah man I'm happier than I've ever been. Fuck all that shit about "Be yourself ;)" that's bullshit. Be successful above all else. If you're not successful, then definitely don't be yourself. Now how we measure success is different for everyone so be your own judge on your progress so far.
>Makes me not trust doctors.
you never should
more people die in hospitals due to incompetence than anything else, its surreal
Powerful projection.
Go back to plebbit faggot. I've been with my fair share of girls and most of them prefer circumcised. The only place I have ever seen an uproar over it is that sjw shitstain of a site. Kys
Holy shit, just wow. Are you anons anti-vaxxers too?
Thank god you won't be reproducing.
Who cares. If I become a millionaire I'm just going to keep traveling and then kill myself when I get bored.
>loner for life
>still have foreskin
>fappin' in style
Infant foreskins go for about $5k apiece. If you were a millionaire you could buy like half a dozen and have them all patched together and made into a baby-soft anteater and then have that installed on your pecker. Take these fine gentlemen as inspiration if you want, get creative, get a big knobby chin and cheekbones installed on your dick while you're at it. Chicks love knobby dicks.
You're thinking small OP. It doesn't say good things for your ding a ling.
Dear Fat Boy,
What kind of chip do you have on your shoulder? Pringles? Lays?
Not not Lays, you could never get laid
>tfw American and have foreskin still intact
Pretty lucky for me especially since they're from Brooklyn too.
you actually think it's a big inconvenience, rather than something you just do absentmindedly?
the joos got you, it's too late for you.
You can dekeratanize your cock and it pretty much feels like it does when you had foreskin. Also, there are benefits to circumcision: prepares you for the harshness that is life. You also don't get sand in your cock when you're on the beach and girls will actually suck you off instead of disgusting foreskin smegma cock.
>not wanting to genitally mutilate babies means you're an anti-vaxxer retard
What the fuck, how could this happen.
Pretty sure most people wash/masturbate/fuck at least once a week. You'd have to literally never touch your dick for a whole year for any visible buildup to form.
>Tfw Mom wanted to go along with a circumsion bc doctor recommended it and the 'everybody does it' lie but based Dad insisted on keeping those motherfuckers' sharp objects away from his son
>prepares you for the harshness that is life.
It would be nice if I had a foreskin to protect my dick from said harshness
A shame I was tied down and had it sliced off by kikes without anesthesia as a baby