>talk about people sharing and working together
>be a fat fuck who never worked a day in his life
Talk about people sharing and working together
Other urls found in this thread:
uhhh actually he worked for a newspaper at one point???? get your facts straight, faggot
Reddit interjections should result in an autoban.
Strawman. OP never said he's a Libertardian.
philosophers generally become philosophers because they don't want to work, it has nothing to do with communism
How many economic experts do you know that actually worked for an extensive period of time?
Socialism existed before Marx, his writings are just a specific view of socialism which views all of history through the lens of class struggle.
I agree with you that he was wrong, but using him to discredit all socialist theory as a lot of people do is pretty narrowminded.
[spoiler]Saying this as a lolbertarian[/spoiler]
You don't consider reading almost every economics textbook contemporaneously available to you to be "working"?
>not understanding death of the author
Thanks. Both communism and capitalism are scum.
Even the original essay is still critiqued from Barthes' perspective... lol. Face it, death of the author is dead faggot. You're a fool to think your biases don't show through in whatever you write.
>You can't empathize with other people unless you've lived the exact same life as them
I'm not a fan of Marx but this argument against him has to be the weakest of all possible arguments. Neither Lincoln nor Grant were ever slaves, but that didn't stop either of them from wanting to abolish slavery.
Not that guy and not even a Marxtard but death of the author is a great concept. Intentions really shouldn't matter.
>le everything I don't le like is le rebbit meme XDDD!!!!
I thought Grant owned slaves until Lincoln freed them
Interjection and exclamation posting definitely is reddit. It's always been that way.
>Marx was laz-
source on him being fat?
le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le XDDD!!!
I often use exclamations, even though I've never used reddit. It's a habit picked up on /jp/. Also, that first post was clearly supposed to be a joke.
You can say the same thing about other philosophers.
>'you have nothing to lose but your chains'
>send millions to work in Siberia in chains
Case in point.
>Ayn Rand
>B-list actor
>rich family
Rand was dirt poor after the revolution, got expelled from her university due to bourgeois background, came to the US barely speaking the language and slept on the floor in a small apartment of some relatives, while working nonstop as a poorly paid ghostwriter. She was basically going to starve until The Fountainhead broke out. Holy shit /leftypol/ is dumb as fuck.
>Talks about people becoming ubermensch
>Is a weak, sickly and mentally ill beta
I would accuse you of attacking the character rather than the work, but ironically it was Nietzsche who came up with that tactic as a legit philosophical concept.
>/leftypol/ hates Lutheran clergy
Why though
And Marx lived in destitution for a full thirty years of his life, at least. It seems like both ideologies are swarming with ignoramuses.
>Ayn Rand gets thrown out of university because of communism and has to work non-stop to survive
>heh, she never studied philosophy in a university so her opinion is invalid
dudes fat as fuck did they not deep fry his chicken enough?
Marx never said anything about labor camps. You're thinking of Lenin and Stalin.
>Sending people in Sibera in chain
Why am I not surprised to the level of ignorance of burgers when their education is so biased like in pic related?
Marx didn't want labor camps, he just wanted to straight up murder people.
Her family spent a few years in destitution after the revolution but she lived with well off relatives in America, who owned their own theater and let her watch movies for free.
She was expelled from the university of petrograd but was allowed to return to finish her liberal arts degree.
She found work as a screenwriter for Cecil B. DeMille and worked odd jobs in Hollywood, including the head of the costume department at RKO Studios, but fucked herself out of a Hollywood professional network when she ratted out her colleagues to the House of UnAmerican Activities.
She found minor success with We The Living and Anthem, Fountainhead brought her financial comfort, and Atlas Shrugged brought her disappointment: she genuinely thought that she was writing the great American novel and that it would provoke a massive right-wing uprising, which of course it didn't.
From that point on, she mooched off of her chief evangelist Nathaniel Branden for professional support and mostly wrote non-fiction for people who were already sycophants.
/leftypol/ is a spook which /pol/tards use to rationalize their lack of popular support outside their own little narrow world
>'communism will make the worker richer by cutting out the middle man'
>millions starve in a completely preventable famine
Why are communists so subhuman?
I've never understood the argument of "never worked a day in their life" when it comes to people in either academics or politics. Why does work stop counting as work when it's not manual labor? I mean yeah I'm no stranger to it, my father who was a carpenter thought CEOs weren't doing real work either, but it's still just saying that "if you're not suffering you have no right to talk about those who are"
user you don't understand, he was literally unemployed and living off loans/handouts from his wealthy friends for his entire adult life.
No I just mean the statement in general. People always use it as a way to dismiss arguments.
>has hundreds of volumes of writing and correspondence
>never worked a day in his life
choose one. write me when you jot down an intellectual framework that influences generations of scholars and shapes history itself.
thats some fancy toilet paper you got there user
come out and say were they real communists?
Dude wrote an 800 page book. Like him or not, that takes a lot of work
Grant owned one slave that he inherited from his father-in-law. He freed him when he could barely put food on the table for his family and selling the man could've brought Grant a handsome sum. Owned him for something like two weeks.
I've seen phone books that are longer.
How conveniently derail the thread with whataboutism without answering the question: the screencap
>Advocates for communism
>Sold his books for profit
Good goy learn about capitalist exploitation buying my books
leftpol is worse than pol bc they think the fact that they have a smaller echo chamber makes them special
>talks about freedom, democracy and personal privacy
>installs brutal dictatorships in foreign countries and spies its own citizens
Because it shows the nature of a man.
Plenty of academics worked at least a part of their life and those usually are not communists.
But the most noble of communists end up turning out to be parsytes who leeched off others their entire lives.
A man who fights for a working class should not be a parasyte.
This, many of them are so smug in their belief that they're somehow better than /pol/tards it's incredible. At least /pol/ has a rough form of unity where as /leftypol/ is full of sectarian infighting nearly 24/7.
What a bunch of homos
so this polfag moved on from africa to marx now, how do we get him banned
>What is you go to
>What is a X
are worst than those desu
and nobody uses shitlord unironically those days
Marx founded a newspaper and worked his ass off until it was shutdown by the Prussian government. He lived all over Europe but that's because he constantly had to flee from the authorities. He came from a relatively well-off family originally but he lived in hardcore poverty for years, and yeah the guy worked his ass off in libraries. Do you think those statistics on the price of grain can be found on google in the 19th century?
Upset that your hero is exposed as a lazy fat fraud? ;)
He ate salamon and smoked cigars while his family was in extreme poverty.
Greedy selfish fatty. Just ignore 20 years of adulthood where he did nothing.
Kill yourself. Communism is retarded.
>but fucked herself out of a Hollywood professional network when she ratted out her colleagues to the House of UnAmerican Activities.
based hollywood network.
I am the last one to claim that Marx wasn't an asshole to his immediate surroundings, he was a huge prick, but that doesn't mean that he was lazy. The guy was at one point searched by almost every government in continental europe, and you don't get such infamy by doing absolutely nothing
But the point is that a barely working man, who does not care about his family is considered the noble man fighting for lower class.
He was searched after because his ideas were and are dangerous. If he was not dealt with he would become like Rosa Luxemburg and be one of the leaders of revolution
The man was intelligent and knew how to manipulate people around him and his readers.
It is important to expose his sociopathic personality because his works continue to deceive people today.
He was also a racist and hated many ethnicities and races. You can read about his rants on Muscowites, Niggers and Jews
Capitalism actually works though
ill kill you first, you are worse than commies
He looked thin in all his pictures. He was never fat. You are thinking of Santa
Things that go together
Pepper and salt
Paper and pencil
Communism and mass starvation/mass murder
>in a completely preventable famine
how exactlywas it preventable
if only there was another route you could take
A Third Way, if you will
Having lots of children will do that.
Full house checked
All marxists need to be gassed.
Kek. To be fair, for all his ego I don't think Nietzsche ever claimed to be an ubermensch, except maybe right before his mental collapse.
Well, OP, if you work 10~12h shifts on a factory and didn't learned your first letters because you we're poor as fuck and education is a privilege, it's quite hard to study and develop ideas to put into a book. Have you tried to write more than 1000 words on 4 chan with a little depth beyond common sense and shitposting? It's quite hard to do that in less than 1 hour. 1 hour you should be sleeping or cleaning your house of preparing food, or shit like that, because, you know, you have to survive.
And I guess writing articles and selling books isn't a job, is it?
t. jewish nigger
By selling oil to America for grain and not bringing back serfdom but embracing the Khulaks
There is nothing even remotely hard about writing 1000 words in an hour
>And I guess writing articles and selling books isn't a job, is it?
It isn't, by definition.
We agree education is a privleige, but why can't the privleiged go and work in a factory
I guess the serfs who sold surplus crops on the city fairs on middle ages were capitalists.
>selling things you make is capitalist
Though he isn't much an authority on what oppression looked like, I'd like to talk about him in a more civil manner.
His idea of shared wealth, social evolution, and all that, stems on the idea of Capitalism. You couldn't get his ideas without first supposing that there was a capital of wealth. The capital of wealth exists in all kinds of places; from the creation of money (inflation is a source of capital), to the earning/production of bare product (doesn't have to be just money), the state, and all sorts of small little places, even to cultural capital (justifying capital with culture/multiculture). His ideas wouldn't work without supposing the idea of capital.
But what is capital?
>Pre agricultural society at a population standstill, because of resource limitations.
>Near starvation event occurs
>Man discovers that the seeds regrow the entire crop, then discovers the particular kind of soil he requires, through trial and error
>First Proto-agricultural farms start popping up all over the world
>Life is good, everyone's wellfed, and life continues until the supply runs out
>He realizes "I need to control the supply so the people don't get lazy"
>Wages are created, and a system where you can earn more wages for being more productive
>Surplus becomes the main element of the agricultural revolution, sustained by the capital interest of the man with power.
>Man in power pays a fair amount of grain to people who build him a house, build better tools, etc.
>Tools are made which make the job easier, but the capitalist realizes he needs to curb the incoming laziness by further reducing the wages.
>Capital arises elsewhere, and trade is established, each seeking a mutual beneficial deal, but inwardly benefiting 50.0000009+% more than the other guy, because it's the transaction in itself that has reduced the inherent capital power.
>Beginning of capital
Then Marx comes along, and says "Redistribute the wealth"
>For two things to be comparable they must be commensurable, and so all things must have some basic unit of value.
>This value is not the same as price, since price only measures the relative exchange values.
>Money is not simply a means of exchange, it has that function, but it is also a commodity itself. The money commodity is used as a means of exchange, but that two goods can be compared relatively in terms of a third commodity does not mean that there is no value. If 1 bottle of wine, and 5 blocks of cheese are both worth a pack of cigarettes, then the wine and the ciggies can be compared with cheese-money, or the ciggies and cheese can be compared in terms of wine-money. Ultimately there must be some foundational unit of value for exchange to ever occur.
>So money is not simply a means of exchange, Commodity(C)->Money(M)->C, but M-C-M+ where M+>M, and this is how profits are made.
>The basic unit of value is labour and this value, again, is NOT the same as price. Just because two things have the same price, does not mean they have the same value.
>The proletariat sell their labour and do not receive the total value of that labour, the embodied labour in the commodity is estranged, etc. We are all proles, the lawyer, the shop-worker, the doctor, the street-sweeper, the executive, the factory worker etc, because we sell our labour on the market.
>Capitalists live on the returns of Capital, they don't need to work. They employ and exploit the surplus labour of the proletariat for profits which contribute to the accumulation of capital, and to their own wealth.
>Labourers have a right to the value of their labour
This is scratching the veneer of the first few chapters of Capital. Probably better if ancaps (Americans) actually read Capital vol 1&2 before running their mouths, you look like this: youtube.com
t. non-Marxist
nice strawman
Its not really a strawman. Being an economist isn't really a 'proper job'. From Smith and Ricardo to Keynes and Hayek they were mostly pamphlet and essay writers or in academia. Nonetheless this is hardly an argument against their work which is useful and should be taken at its own merit.
Literally all rich people and politicians have never worked a day in their lives including Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
The HIV virus too works.
Doesn't mean it's a good thing.
meant for
1000 words with actual content, user, not just writting crap. I mean citing authors to give substance to your argument, that kind of stuff. Just the time you take to pick 3 different authors, find their works, and read them you already blew 3h (assuming you gathered articles, not books) of the 1 you had.
>It isn't, by definition.
Why ? Just because they're not on wage?
Time/energy management, of course. Why would they spent 10h a day doing labor to get home, do chores and spare maybe 10h to study and get rest? With our sanitized 8h it's hard enough, let alone 10h on inhuman conditions.
>Being an economist isn't really a 'proper job'
An economist can be an academic research economist publishing papers to the major journals with their findings... like any other academic. How exactly is being a researcher not a "proper job"? Most economists work in industry, and can be found working in almost every industry. They can work for multi-nationals, government, utility companies, oil, the big-4 accounting firms, or banks, central or private etc etc.
Malthus, and J.S. Mill both worked for the East India Company as economists, Ricardo was a businessman, investor, and stockbroker. Keynes worked in the civil service and made millions in the stock market. He was first in India working as an economist and bureaucrat, and then worked closely with the government in the civil service.
I don't get this meme.
He wrote stuff on political science, how is that not working?
Both of you are trash, you need to go back
He wrote lies. You don't get paid for that.
>success follows truthfulness
It doesn't support the theories of the almighty Dennis Prager, Stefan Molyneux, the Austrian School, and Steven Crowder. Therefore, it isn't REAL political science.