What were the most broken classes in history, and how were they nerfed?
What were the most broken classes in history, and how were they nerfed?
DAE video games????
kill yourself retard
Mongol horsemen.
Nerfed by typhoons.
>Chosen Companions (Hetairoi)
>Roman shield tactics
video games are for faggots
communist revolution
Carthaginian Elephants ---> Nerfed by Roman Legionnaires breaking into columns (Scipio's tactics at Zama)
Scythe Chariots ---> Nerfed by Hoplites
Byzantine Cataphracts ---> Nerfed by Turkish Horse Archers
Horse Archers ---> Nerfed by Gunpowder
Muskets ---> Nerfed by Remington Rifles and the Colt Single Action Army Revolver
Cavalry ---> Nerfed by Tanks
Trench Warfare ---> Nerfed by Blitzkrieg
Blitzkrieg ---> Nerfed by Human Wave Tactics
Battleships ---> Nerfed by Aircraft Carriers
horse archers were never nerfed per se, the new gun meta just made them completely obsolete
Realistically, even if the thread goes on for another three hundred posts, nobody will have a better answer than this.
They had to fire some of the devs but and really nailed the lead dev but nothing ever really got fixed
I bet your favorite historical polity is Prussia
quality post
This for WW1 fo' sho' dead Germs for days.
Nubian Archers were so op the Babylionians need them to fight against the Egyptian Nubian Archers
Nothing gets nerfed except plagues. Everything else just got hard counters
Aircraft Carriers ---> Nerfed by Russian Missles
>the knights hospitalier
>nerfed by big boats
>Roman shield tactics
Hetairoi were never used against the Romans. Only Greeks, Persians, and Indians.
>Blitzkrieg ---> Nerfed by Human Wave Tactics
spotted the fucking retard
This pissed me off too.
>Not nerfed by trench warfare/machine guns
>What were the most broken classes in history
Rugged hardworking American pilgrims
>and how were they nerfed?
Affluence induced obesity
It's true though. Russian peasants won by drowning the Germans in their own dead bodies for the glory of Communism.
>ctrl+f phalanx
>No results
Hoplites got nerfed by big Roman shields.
Blitzkrieg is nerfed by huge amount of territory to retreat on
Once you've been chasing the Russians on an area 4 times the size of France, the surprize effect kinda wears off
You shouldn't be allowed to post on Veeky Forums
The G*rms had more men until like 1943
Barbarians -> Crossbows
Barbarians -> Walls
Grand Empires -> Civil wars
Grand Empires -> Stagnations
Heavy Cavalry-> Guns and fuck-off huge pointy sticks
Slingers nerfed by longbows
European military superpowers -> Russian winter
>moskva burns
>gets fucked by Nips
Human Wave Tactics ---> Nerfed by massed artillery barrages (Korea)
Neither of those things are true.
1. Mongols were standard steppe horsemen, what made them threatening was how they were organized (well, that and numbers, plus good generals).
2. There's pretty strong evidence that A. there was no typhoon at all in the first invasion of Japan, and B. while there was one in the second invasion, the Mongols had already lost by the time it hit.
Nerfed by guns
cavalry got nerfed the second people started to realize that charging horses directly at a wall of bullets was bad idea