You are now able to give one civilization a brief message.
Who do you pick and what do you say?
You are now able to give one civilization a brief message.
Who do you pick and what do you say?
>ancient Athens
>ur gay faggots
For example, I'd tell Native Americans to stay tf away from Europeans
I'd tell Otoya to bury it deep.
Tell the Habsburgs to fuck off from Bosnia
Oghûz Turkmen 900 ad
Turn back and Go back to Mongolia
>australian abo's
>da whoite men cumin for ya
Qin Dynasty China
Keep going west until you get past all the steppes and desserts. Also stop drinking lead and mercury you fucking idiots.
Crusader states
>stop squabbling like a bunch of children you fucking morons
>newly independent United States, 1782
>pic related
>pre Constantine Rome
Stop christianity while you can, slaughter them all if you have to unless you want your descendants worshiping a kike
tell rome to be lenient in dealing with carthage after the first punic war
>November 7th, 2016
>"Vote Hillary"
In hoc signo vinces.
>that steam thingy is real neet. Look into some more
This is what they already did in the current timeline.
>Poland Commonweath
>Get rid of that shitty Sejm and form a powerful empire with Russian backing
as a historian I'd be more interested in the opposite
what would they say to us?
"holy fuck what is that" like a billion times
Your first suggestion is good but Poland and Russia could never have cooperated as equals - Russia was too strong not to want to have an upper hand in the relationship and that's putting aside all the bad blood between them.
Honestly they should've given equal status to Ukrainians and Belorussians in addition to removing the Sejm - the Khmelnytsky Uprising was one of the major events that led to the decline of the Commonwealth.
Most people were more or less on board with turning the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth into a Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Commonwealth, but Russia wasn't, so they incited unrest amongs ukrainians and it never really came to fruition
>Constantine XI
>lock the doors yourself
>Macedonian empire
>"Indians said that Aristotle was a cuckold, and any man who puts high value in a cuckold is worth nothing. Also, Diogenes is a fucking retard."
>hope the taunt remotivates him
Try an American art school, they'll accept anyone.
They tried all of that, you fucking nonce.
Tell Prussia to kill Marx.
Leave greece alone and conquer whole central asian and tarim basin
>"stay away from europeans"
>natives slowly die off as they wander long distances to avoid coming into contact with european settlers
>the few surviving remnants reach the coasts and drown themselves in the ocean
tip top advice
No they didn't, I don't remember an Empire wide blood hunt on them where people are ordered to kill them on sight. Most of the Emperors were way to lenient.
>Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!
*tips fedora*
An image of the cross in the sky, accompanied by the words "In hoc signo vinces."
There's a myth that the Ottomans only managed to conquer Constantinople because someone managed to leave one of the side gates unlocked.
I tell Rome to burn down Carthage, kill all men, enslave its sons and daughters and salt its fields after the second war, to make sure it sticks
who so much hate for carthage?
>Charles the bold
>don't fuck with the swiss
>go to the german empire in 1914
>tell them to send lenin to russia and focus on russia so it falls quickly
>only defend in the west since the german-french border is pretty small
>stupid fucking allies bash themselves weak against trenches
>move everything west and fuck them up with the schlieffen plan
>win and not push sancions
>make damn sure that the soviet union never fucking exists
Constantine: Soldier did you lock the East Gate?
Soldier: It has a lock?
>Kill everybody in Mecca
Cristoforo Colombo
don't u fucking dare bitch
too bad he firf 1100 years prior you bozo
>American civilization
>Ayy lmao
Did you just attempt to type "died" and miss all the keys but one?
Pointless unless you got rubber for gaskets.
Kill All eurangutans
Wait until Italy is ready for war, or else those dagos will drag you down
Byzantines and Sassanids
>No they didn't
>The Diocletianic or Great Persecution was the last and most severe persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.
>It was not until the 250s, under the reigns of Decius and Valerian, that such laws were passed. Under this legislation, Christians were compelled to sacrifice to Roman gods or face imprisonment and execution.
>On February 23, 303, Diocletian ordered that the newly built Christian church at Nicomedia be razed, its scriptures burned, and its treasures seized.
>The edict prohibited Christians from assembling for worship, and ordered the destruction of their scriptures, liturgical books, and places of worship across the empire.
> local judges often enforced executions during the persecution, as capital punishment was among their discretionary powers.[148] Galerius's recommendation—burning alive—became a common method of executing Christians in the East.
>n the summer of 303,[157] following a series of rebellions in Melitene (Malatya, Turkey) and Syria, a second edict was published, ordering the arrest and imprisonment of all bishops and priests.
>In 304, the fourth edict ordered all persons, men, women, and children, to gather in a public space and offer a collective sacrifice. If they refused, they were to be executed
And yet after all of this, they persisted.
If not because of this
Christianity is a cuck/martyr cult
>Reverts all persecutions
>Has Christian advisors
Nothin' personnel, praise the Sun God.
>Hey Incans, milk those goddamn Llamas and here's a wheel
Arabs and "Mohemmed is an agent of the Devil"
shoo shoo
only good one thus far
>ww2 avoided because germany never goes to war
Sacrificing children is bad
said the incel flailing in impotent rage
I'd send a message to the Warsaw resistance to not trust the Soviets to help them.
Waxed leather user, how do you think canteens worked before metal?
Don't trust (((Christians))) it will ruin you.
The very first.
My advice: stop it.
>genocide jews before they spread their shitty religion
>send back the blacks
They'll thank me in the long run
Point is to not view it as a funny novelty item but to investigate the science behind it.
This, if Jews were eliminated then Christianity and Islam would have never even have been created.
Please genocide the jews.
Emperor Maurice
"that fuckhead phocas is going to kill you and doom your empire"