Is this rich to normies?

is this rich to normies?

Normies who never went to college, yes.

cashlets, when will they learn

Lmao can you fucking imagine being that insecure?

that is a lot of money to be holding in a single bank account yes.


I know a girl who thinks 300 grand means you are "set"


that cant be real.

I have that much (I'm 90% crypto) and I'm poor.

thats my drug and food money for the year

its a lot of money to kids who are 40 grand in debt and still going to school.


Most people won't retire until they're on their death bed, either; what's your point?


sure it is buddy

Jay-Z browses Veeky Forums? I bet you are a bit beaner

to most people on planet earth yes


pretty fucking stupid to not be investing that if he is really 29.

probably does work though. curious to try it.

now I will be the 1st to admit that I dont have anywhere near this amount of money but if I did would it be wiser to pay it towards my mortgage principal or gamble with it on stocks?

Mortgage. The longer you're paying it off the more money you're giving to the bank in interest.

Unless you investments can beat the mortgage interest rate

>29 yo
>Only 100k

wouldnt it need to beat inflation and that interest rate? so my rate of say 3.5 and then what is inflation these days? say 2% average? so try for 6% on earnings or am I not thinking about this correctly?

>tfw 22.
>tfw dateless KHV.
>pic related is my bank account.
>also have 400k worth of BTC.

You're correct. You always need to think about the true rate of return relative to inflation. It's also worth noting that inflation rates are also often purposefully understated/underestimated by the government for various reasons.

>willingly signing your money away to brokerage Jews for them to pocket

Guys my dad beats me, come join my discord group. And my parents are going to start charging me %500 a month for rent. Also buy espers on yobits very good coin, many treasures for family.

stop posting this cringy shit breh

>being proud of wasting money on stupid useless shit

This is so fucking cringe.

this made me feel bad because im 29 and barely have 100k. 25 of which is in crypto. im doing it wrong and im going to end my life

In liquid? Yes

I'm 20 and this is the amount of money I throw at shitcoins every month fucking lmao

I've spent more on travel in the past 3 years than that, Kek

Nobody wants faggot inheritance babbys on Veeky Forums

Self made men only

What game is this? Looks comfy

Nice larp

I bought 100k

Relax champ
You're on Veeky Forums, you're doing better than a lot of people

>arbitrage andy

barely hanging on user

>How to have Coke whores show up at your house



I'd kill myself if I was him. Only 127 at the age of fucking 29? What a fucking failure he is.

Not where I live. In San Francisco probably 25% of the population has at least that much liquid cash. I’m not even in tech. I’m a shitty bartender and I have 40k in cash.

Yeah, now just add operating expenses and opportunity cost (e.g lost wages)

Yeah that's pretty comfy in the suburbs, but Veeky Forumsraelis in this thread seem to be upper class so it's pocket change to them

Crypto has really fucked up my view on what a lot of money really is, and from the looks of it, same for a lot of other Veeky Forumsraelis.

I'm a poor student and when I first started I was aiming for a 10k payout in a year off a 1k investment.

10x returns in the normie world is godlike, but seeing all these shitcoins go 300x has made me greedy.

Maybe it's like Veeky Forums, where once you start lifting you'll never be happy with your body, even if you look like a tank after 5 years you'll still see yourself as a scrawny manlet...

who else /feels/ here...

>only 127,000 at 29

are you that retard from that other posts who said that not being in debt at the age of 30 is a big achievement? From the moment you're 20 you need to set yourself the goal of becoming a millionaire by the age of 30.

I realize having 127k already makes you top 1% of humanity but not among white upper-class men.

biz class to seoul? why travel to south korea for pleasure lol, what a shitty destination.

normal people are funny

i only keep a few hundred thousand in my bank account to buy whatever the fuck I want and 95% of the rest of my wealth is in properties and stocks

if you aren't reinvesting most of your money you're poooooooooorrrrr

What's your address? Sending $100k

i live on like 10grand a year so that's pretty close.

If i had 400k id be good till old age benefits kick in and then its smooth sailing

Hold strong m8

>age 27
>15k in stocks
>10k in bank
>200$ in crypto
feels bad man

Dude seol is awesome if ur rich enough n got connects they let you sleep with kpop idols

How old are you/what did you do to get to that point?

>1k in bank
>200k in crypto
It's not gonna crash, is it Veeky Forums?

You should probably cash a bit out for some liquidity and emergency money


whats wrong with arbitrage.andy?

I like larping threads too.

Considering the average American has less than $1,000 in savings, yes. Normies consider that "baller" status

lol at 29 he thinks he's something with 100k
wait till I show those tinder whores my 100 btc stack

pls leave Veeky Forums. we don't want you or your daily threads here. /r9k/ is a bit more up your alley.

i spent more on my ferrari 458 than this poorfag

I've mentioned my bags to women before and even ones who heard of bitcoin think I'm crazy or can't get past I'm a pasty butter ball with low testosterone

If you spent $300,000 a year on food and drugs I'm pretty sure you would have a heart attack after the first year or so lol.

>if you aren't reinvesting most of your money you're poooooooooorrrrr
This is my goal, anons. There is a point at which your stack has gotten so big that you can't spend it faster than it grows. At that point, I'm 90% out of crypto, I'll let the remaining 10% moon or go to 0.

Only people with superior Ashkenazi DNA know to hide an emergency $5k in antique furniture like it’s Anne Frank.

is the new zelda on the switch

legend of zelda - breath of the wild

Literally my dream.



>implying american college goys aren't still indebted at 30 because of their college

I made that last month and it was my first month in crypto.

lol. that's my trade amount that I don't keep in cold storage . filthy poor cunts. go die


Breath of the wild, very comfy game indeed

I won't consider myself "rich" until I surpass my father's net worth.
That number in pic isn't even half his quarterly income. I think I have a big mountain to climb.

what does he do for a living?

owns a lot of land, basically.
makes money off of that and other investments.

Other than that he plays the drums but it's never made him as much money.

What bar?

Can confirm, 300 dollars in bank

At this point 100 dollars would make my week

Oh also 90k student loan debt. Kill me plz

What are you studying?

No. You need one more zero to be "rich"

Not sure why the other side being the investment of the loan itself would not be subject to inflation. Actually what would be prominent to be considered is + inflation likely results in + interest rate, anons seem to think they can fix the rate for the life of the loan in amerifat, I'm not sure if this is the retardation of the lenders or the anons, but if you can do that you only need to beat interest rate with interest rate.

If they're dumb, otherwise you just figure the guy took a screenshot of his account balance right after receiving the funds he borrowed from Bank of America to buy a shitty $100K house, then it all makes sense...

Yeah you could probably make a fake Chad profile, and get girls to send you their tits just by showing them this.

$299,900 on food and a bag of weed

gender studies and African American history

>$300 in the bank
>$2,100 in stock

No rent, bills, or debt to pay though, so at least i have that going for me.

15 and 30 year fixed rate loans for mortgages are extremely common in America.

Are variable rate mortgages really common elsewhere? That seems like a generally awful idea.

>shitty destination
lol, what?

Why is business class so popular? It's barely even better than economy, and tonnes more expensive. It's like booking a 5 star hotel for a day to stay in it for 3 hours

bragging rights

Who tf brags about their plane journeys?
>the other day I took a plane trip that was FIVE HOURS
>oh yeah? well I was on the FASTEST PLANE EVER... IN BUSINESS CLASS

it's not like anyone would upload pictures of them on image boards on the internet or anything

posting pics of expensive flights on Veeky Forums is pathetic. even posting pics of expensive flights on Facebook is pathetic. no one cares what class your flying except you, and the "added comfort" isnt worth nearly enough for the extra amount you pay.

Sorry user, but it's going to crash in the next year or two.
Besides, the whole system can't last more than 20, maybe 30 years.
Say goodbye to that 1k.

>Normies who never went to college

I'm pretty sure that most of these gender studies grads who are $500,000 in debt would kill to have a 6 digit positive balance.
