There is no cooler potential European great-power alliance than Russia and Germany anytime between 1880 and 1914
>Russian manpower and resources
>German industry, military staff and (to an extent) manpower
There is no cooler potential European great-power alliance than Russia and Germany anytime between 1880 and 1914
>Russian manpower and resources
>German industry, military staff and (to an extent) manpower
>Russian manpower meme
Got anything else to say or are you going to be quiet?
Having huge population doesnt mean you can have a big army you autist, Germs had about 1 milion more soldiers in WW1 than Russians
It's almost like ... if Russia had access to a better industry ... from some kind of 'alliance' ... then it would be able to arm more soldiers from ts larger manpower base
>Germs had about 1 milion more soldiers in WW1 than Russians
Source? Every single source I can find shows Russians having 1 mil more than Jerries.
>not Germany and the Empire
Oh, what could have been
What do you mean?
United Kingdom and Germany
Oh right, it's hard when practically every country is an empire
Yeah, but you have empires and then you have the Empire
>Byzatine """Empire"""
>not the actual Roman one
Nice try, gayreek
>Byzantine fan championing Justinian's expeditions instead of lamenting the waste
>Fucks over Belisarius
Absolute madman
>Implying Russian population didn't clearly outnumber the rest of European countries' ones
Where is the gain in it?
Russia only opposes Britain and France on a tangential level. It has nothing to gain by going to war with either. On the other hand, if war with Austria comes, Germany must either invade its German-ruled neighbor or tacitly accept its partition.
Go to bed DDRJake.
>the Empire
please Anglos tell me how having your Queen rule as Empress in India turn the rest of the country into an Empire as well
You forgot the trip. Just get to the part where you call white people monkeys.
For Russia:
European border is now safe, can divert forces to the South, why not another attempt for Russian Constantinope? Fuck Austria-Hungary.
For Germany:
Eastern border is now safe, can divert forces to the West. Fuck Austria-Hungary.
>Everything he accomplishes goes to shit after he dies
Classic Greek
>Being autistic
The German and the Russian are natural enemies
Yeah, Russia expands along natural borders. Most of its borders are well defended because of natural terrain. Theres no natural borders toward europe though so their only solution is to expand until they hit ocean or a bottleneck. Eventually theres always going to be war for them.
Having a trusted Ally at the border solves all that
Germany and Russia together is unstoppable in the European sphere
In realpolitc there are no allies. Only enemies and future enemies.
and portugal