Daily reminder that love him or hate him this man wants to get rid of the capital gains tax and $0 for under $15000 a year which is 99% of you neets
Tax Reform
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That solar eclipse was funny as fuck, he just kept looking directly at the sun
His guys kept trying to tell him not to but he just couldn't help himself lmao
Have you never looked at the sun? It's honestly not that big of a deal.
Hmm part of me wants to believe you so that I can finally feel safe staring at the sun but what you say goes against everything I've been told
I wouldn't trust it because I need my eyes but I do know there are people who straight up stare at the sun for hours because they think it gives them healing powers
So... a little sun gazing should be fine.
Vid related. Random sun gayzer gayzing at the sun
obviously don't fucking dilate your eyes 100% and mong out, but you can have a direct glance at it and you won't go blind. I imagine we'd have a lot more blind people if accidentally looking at the sun made you blind. The only reason people dont want you looking at the sun is because it cures cataracts somewhat. It's like the hemp/weed thing where the cotton owners made everyone think hemp gives you brain damage.
nothing wrong with looking at the sun.....
unless you are looking through telescope or some kind of magnifying glasses.
p.s,. I love Trump. I literally celebrated his election more than i celebrated any other event previously.
sun gazing has scientifically been proven to help you
Your iris automatically closes enough when looking directly at the sun. The only (very) dangerous part during an eclipse is when looking at the sun when its fully hidden, your eye adjusts and relaxes, and then the diamond ring comes and destroys your relaxed eye.
momma always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun
would be abuse instantly, as everyone would keep cashing out $15000 at a time.
>he fell for the tax liability upon cashing out meme
Audits are fun.
I just want this to be instated right now.
And? Good for us, fuck the normalfags who don't invest.
>tfw I'm over that by 5k and paid my "lack of medical insurance" penalty last year, reducing my tax return by 700 dollars.
Help MAGA!
>get rid of the capital gains tax
Source? I've seen them having you divide your investment income by 2 before calculating tax, but never getting rid of capital gains entirely. That would be the dopest shit ever. Holy fuck!
But momma, that's where the fun is!
Trump is my man!!
If your able to pull $15000 straight out in a year your doing much better and I'm assuming your capital gains would still count towards scoring a higher income bracket
I swear, peoples retardation knows no bounds.
yeah but not during a solar eclipse dude
I swear to God if Trump cucks on DACA I'm done. Real talk. He better be playing 4D chess.
If he gets his tax plan through in any form that resembles what he wants, you're looking at 1950s level economic growth and prosperity.
>Looking at the sun cures cataracts
Nigger what
Yeah cool, okay we can fucking look at the sun, yay
But WHERE'S MY 0% capital gains tax??
Wasn't the tax rate on top earners like 90% back then
when the eclipse started I looked directly at the sun for a moment before realizing I was doing literally what everyone said not to do
the curiosity in that moment was rather overpowering
He may need to compromise on DACA in order to get tougher security and deportation measures in place
i looked at the sun during the eclipse and its no different than glancing at the sun on a normal day
it hurts too much to look at for very long either way so you have to be a certain type of stupid to sautee your eyes
crypto will BOOM
eye doctor here, while looking at the sun is bad and can cause solar retinopathy, it really only occurs after a prolonged period of time (typically 5-10 min straight). now those whom are unfortunate (usually kids and down syndrome) will see a loss of macular cells known as the pill line which although does cause loss of central vision it is known to regenerate to a degree after a prolonged period of time.
all in all he did not stare long enough to warrant concern.
Doc sometimes when i open my eyes after waking up in the morning the inside of my eyelid scratches my ege and its painful as fuck please help me what do i do
one of 2 things may be happening from the information given
1. when you're asleep the tears along the lid margin evaporate leaving the natural minerals in the tears behind causing the crust commonly seen when one wakes up. If it gets caught in the lashes or under the lid then it may cause the painful scratchy feeling but once the curst either works its way out or re wets it goes away
2. while you sleep your lids may be cracked open causing a dry spot along the surface setting off the nerves where moisure when blinking usually helps.
either way washing your face or using artifical tears ( can get at any cvs for like 5 bucks ) is a quick fix.
what it may also be is the tear glands are stopped up in the morning causing miebum (or oil deposits) to form on the lid scratching the eye.... if thats the case, again wash your face, or artifical tears