Should I just exit now and take my losses, or wait until it shoots back up again?
Should I just exit now and take my losses, or wait until it shoots back up again?
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Might as well just exit all of crypto while you're at it pal :)
who knows. tierion itself has a solid usecase and anyone that says tnt price won't moon if tierion is adopted widely is just an autistic fudder that hasn't read the white paper
with that said, however, it could certainly go a decent amount lower. no one can really say
I am holding.
The loss isn't massive yet, and this isn't a shitcoin at all.
We will make it.
This coin is garbage. Clients won't need TNT to use the service, so the token is completely useless except for running nodes. You run nodes for a CHANCE to get a payout, it's not guaranteed. You guys made them rich from the ICO and now you're running a massive network of nodes for them for free.
Take losses. People lost confidence. It's big software update was shit.
Retard, do you think Ethereum was huge 2 months after its ICO? Give it time. This is a 100x in 6 months to a year guaranteed.
node operators can use whatever conventional payment methods but those node operators need tnt to send data to the core
read the white paper people jesus christ
The node rewards are lottery based but your amount of tnt raises your likelyhood of winning. What you are going to get are whales exponentially getting larger and larger to the point where they will receive every reward.
>your amount of tnt raises your likelyhood of winning.
no it doesn't, read the whitepaper again. 2500 tnt + more than 10800 credits to burn (1tnt=200 credits) is all you need
I'm running 5 nodes basically for lulz... but i think it just broke more than it was. None of them are validating anything now. All errors.
Exit ur life fucking KEK
Well there's good news fuckers. We don't need to pay TNT anymore to operate them, so the credits will be free.
I think this waynefag is gonna change other stuff as well. Don't worry about it, our BTC are in good hands.
Wayne is still a smug ass fucker, but at least he knows what he's doing.
why did you buy tesla mobile stock?
Sold this shitcoin.
Today we’re launching changes to the Tierion Network and Chainpoint Node software. These changes address some of our user's concerns. They also improve the network security and performance. We’re collecting a lot of data and we appreciate the feedback from node operators
Nodes will receive enough credits to submit the maximum number of hashes to Core per day. Nodes under max load will submit one hash per second to Core, and there are 86,400 seconds per day. Users with a credit balance under 86,400 now have a credit balance of 86,400. Credits will be used throughout the day. At UTC midnight, nodes with a balance below 86,400 will have their credit balance restored to 86,400. This credit model will remain active until further notice. At this time, there is no need to convert TNT to credits.
Node Audit Check
Node operators can see their recent audit history at:[ETH-Address][ETH-Address][ETH-Address]
We will shortly publish an required update to Chainpoint Node software. Users must update to be eligible for rewards.
buy high sell low, it's the Veeky Forums way
Sorry for the pastasauce, but it was on telegram and I'm banned there, so I got it from a guy who gives me info from there.
When was this? This is great news
Also what happens to the people that already burned some TNT on their nodes?
Nevermind, it was 2 hours ago.
Frickin sweet. How do I go about starting a node myself?
I think they're basicly gonna say "no refunds". But yeah, it wasn't that much anyways. I think I only wasted like 3000 TNT worth.
If u know something about starting an ubuntu server, it's a piece of cake.
Yeah this is great news
Anyone that panic sold this at a loss are stupid. The team is communicating, and this is a very significant update that addresses a key issue (burning tnt for credits)
Lol, I only have 6800 TNT total, and that was me dumping a big chunk of my portfolio into it when it was $0.11.
So I hope the price will reflect that pretty soon once the naysayers FOMO back in, lel
Now 2 more things:
Make users pay in TNT and put this shit on a major exchange and we'll be looking at 7000 sats.
node operators being forced to charge tnt as payment would make this moon so not sure why they don't do it? what are the downsides?
Yeah I spammed these 2 issues about the credits and charging TNT for users over 9000 times. It'll eventually pick up probably. So yeah, they're going the right direction, it's only a matter of time for a moon. Just keeping my nodes running, maybe I'll get 1 or 2 rewards before it's not profitable anymore.
Thinking of selling my IOC for this shitcoin, I'm already balls deep but 8c is such a good price for something that will clearly 10x over the next 5 months, especially with the credits issue being solved and added to new exchanges. Am I being a stupid cunt?
Nope this shit is a fucking bargain right now
Anyone not accumulating is literally brain dead. This team isn't random fucks. Within a month I guarantee you things will be much smoother and we will be much wealthier
i don't suggest going 100% even though i'm confident in the long term profitability of this. long term hodl coins like tierion are great for diversifying imo
it's comfy for me, but it's still a risk so it's comfier to be in two seemingly comfy long term hodls
I don't expect you can go 100% anyways, there are not enough sell orders.