Why did America commit self-suicide?
Why did America commit self-suicide?
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As opposed to...?
Women's suffrage is a symptom not the cause. The reason it passed was because America had already lost its republican roots and was becoming a nation of wage-slaves in a mass-production capitalist system where there is no good reason for excluding women from voting.
>As opposed to...?
the kind of suicide you commit after finding evidence that Bill or Hillary Clinton committed a crime
The Clintons are shit for reasons that have nothing to do with some fictional kill list or BENGHAZI. Start here:
Work became accessible enough for women to participate and once women had buying power, voting power was inevitable.
It was also hastened by men treating women like garbage since literally the dawn of human history as well, I suppose. As sentient beings I imagine women want what most people want, including not being treated as little more then fuck-dolls you can come home to and slap around when you've had a bad day.
You know what's the most pathetic and sad thing about women's suffrage? It's the fact women got it by literally moaning and whining until men felt pity to them. As if it all would need for women to go back to being breeding units is the collapse of our modern post-industrial society. Even when women became independent. They only got it because man could afford to let them.
>cheap labor and a new voting base
you would be crazy not to jump on that band wagon user
>You know what's the most pathetic and sad thing about women's suffrage?
That you are complaining about it on the web?
What's with all the /r9k/ threads lately?
>Veeky Forums has a pregnant Anne Frank fetish
>/r9k/ has an Anne Frank-lookalike fetish
Some overlap there
Immigrant populations then were overwhelmingly male, thus this was seen as a way to expand the WASP vote.
>expand WASP vote by giving it to women
>they vote for my immigrants
The eternal female strikes again
she's such a qt
why are Jewesses so cute and smart?
Immigration Act of 1965 along with the Great Society programs the same years
It fucked niggers, poor whites and other minorities to be slaves to the state
she's cute but why does she use makeup like a retard?
>The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America
>Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act
>Introduced by three Republicans from Texas/Iowa/Virginia
>Telecommunications Act of 1996
>Introduced by Republican from South Dakota
So Clintons are bad because of Republicans?
Maybe she was attacked by a Palestinian and she wears it to cover up the scars
>tfw no qt Jewish gf
just end me now
Why isn't the American Revolution depicted?
People think feminism began with the Jews.
It actually began with the WASPs.
I don't really understand how the /r9k/ brainlets on this site actually think one could maintain a rational, objective, and rule of law respecting government while excluding approximately half of the human population from civic involvement.
Besides, there are women smarter than some men. You're more than fine letting utter retards be in charge of democracy just so long as they have the right chromosomes? Whine more, you lost this fight. It'll never go back.
t. woman who literally cannot be trusted with the State.
>A century later America still exists
As to why suffrage went through, on the one hand denying liberty to half the population based on an arbitrary accident of birth could not be justified with American values, especially at a time right after ww1 when the us was formulating for the first time a vision of a global democratic world order.
Second the tireless activism of many suffragettes over the course of decades had rallied sympathy to their cause.
Read the sticky, address his points instead of tossing insults or just don't post at all.
Women are different from men, user.
>could not be justified with American values
It is a quintessential American value, held by the men who invented American values. Universal suffrage is anti-American to the core, proposed later by those who would erode the integrity of our sacred Republic.
>Whine more, you lost this fight. It'll never go back.
All it would literally take is a collapse of our society for humanity to go back to its base instinct and as history has shown, its happened plenty times before
What a glorious day that'll be
Note who signed them all.
self-youiside, kys
>A century later America still exists
>In the mongrel form it is in now
well jeez user I just don't know
And yet, you don't say how
Go look up the definition of suicide please.
Uh yeah, thats how the system works. The legislature makes the laws, the president signs them. The presidential veto shouldnt even be a thing; that a single man can override the collective will of a hundred elected senators and a few hundred congressmen is wrong and antidemocratic.
>this nigger believes his own words
President signing means he has no major stake in it. If it was done with Democrat law maker + democrat president, then the Clintons own it. If Republicans make the law and Clinton only signs it, then this is Republican law.
By turning the system into a tyrannical mob rule. This country was founded as a Republic in Roman form, patricians of the American type voting for who will best serve the whole. Instead we've ended up with this writhing populist mass where everyone on top is in it to appeal to the lowest common denominator, whether by entertaining the stupid or by inviting in the foreign. The only arguments in favor of such a backwards, tyrannical system are tolerance and apathy: that we should tolerate these people as equal within the voting system when they so clearly are not, or that we should be apathetic to the fact that they have a say in the system in the firs place. Well tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society and by either or both will be the Republic's demise.
>niggers don't want niggers to vote
I wish they were so insightful
>By turning the system into a tyrannical mob rule.
you realize this happened within a decade of the Republic's refounding in 1788? Blame Jefferson, Washington and Hamilton and all the Federalists believed in Patrician government.
You ever suicided somebody else?
I don't know how that invalidates anything I've said. The more suffrage you afford the lower and lower into the barrel you are digging for votes. I would prefer how it was at the nation's founding, from there on out it was a slow decline into the septic tank.
well what I'm saying is that the republic was still-born from the get-go and was not a slow decline, as you say, but a very quick process. By 1800 the republic had already become vulgarized beyond recognition and was well on its way to becoming a populist "democracy" that you so loath
>not a slow decline
Suffrage was spread to all American men over a period of 50 or so years state by state up until the 1850s, it was hardly an overnight transition. And add on to that the expansion of suffrage to non-American men during Reconstruction and to women in the 1920s. I fail to see what your point was, it was a decline that took decades, just as I said. And now we're at the point were most major politicians want to extend voting rights to blatantly hostile and criminal elements within our country to reap their electoral benefits. You've done nothing to oppose what I've said beyond playing semantics, and even at that you failed.
Women are on average about as intelligent as men. Both sexes do stupid, impulsive shit, just for different reasons.
Everything in this post is wrong. The poster, by making the statement that she made, outed herself either as female or a male with a female-wired brain, a la a transexual. No insult was made, I just told it like it is. And present affairs are in the course of proving why the Reason of State can never be entrusted to women.
>liberty is equivalent with voting rights
>expansive suffrage
>gender is arbitrary
>implying Jefferson or Madison would've called these "American" values
This is all true but you seem to be trying to excuse or explain away the central truth, which is that when men run things, society is, on balance, better for all than if women were running things.
How about committing treason? I mean, it's plainly clear with special access programs (real Get Smart vault-tier shit that should never leave a need-to-know guarded military base) in her closet which would've needed to be pirated from high up, and were on record stolen by foreign governments, which is a crime without needing intent. Or that they've been selling Uranium to Russia since 2010 to benefit the Clinton Foundation.
They should've been hanged long ago.
Stop reading Breitbart.
He didn't just rubber-stamp them, he actively supported them while they were going through Congress. Also note the illegal bombing campaign against Serbia and supporting draconian shock therapy on Russia.
Do you honestly expect a propertied elite (as the only people you'd allow to vote) to act in the best interests of the entire population? And
>the expansion of suffrage to non-American men during Reconstruction
most blacks have been in America for longer than most whites.
Weird how congressional and FBI inquiry and investigative committe official government documents are alt right. Nice going there, champ!
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Breitbart. The truth is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of grand geopolitical strategy, most of the facts will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Bannon’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his narratives- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Ancient Sumerian literature, for instance. The readers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these stories, to realise that they’re not just true- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Breitbart truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the truth in Bannon's existential catchphrase “Civil Society” which itself is a cryptic reference to Ciciero's societas civilis. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Steve Bannon's genius unfolds itself on their computer monitors. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Swastika tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.
> Also note the illegal bombing campaign against Serbia and supporting draconian shock therapy on Russia.
5 ccs of Krokodil have been left on your doorstep.
Please don't reduce this to shitpost pasta.
>Do you honestly expect a propertied elite (as the only people you'd allow to vote) to act in the best interests of the entire population?
The land owning population is hardly some minuscule super-privilege oligarchy. The Founders recognized that the nation is made of two distinct building blocks, blood and soil. Only those that have member ship in both spheres should have a say in how the country as a whole is governed for they are the ones who are most effected by its successes and failures, they are the ones with the most vested interest in it. A man from foreign blood will invariably put his own people's interest ahead of our own and a man without any land has no reason to defend the country's integrity and autonomy, because either way he is nothing but a drifter. Only native landowners can truly be said to have an interest in keeping the ship afloat, the rest are just vultures waiting for drowned carrion or barnacles content with wherever the sea takes them.
>most blacks have been in America for longer than most whites.
And? The trees have been here longer than any of us, should we all just put our hands up and say this is a nation of oak? Of course not, what hand did the trees have in the founding of this nation beyond building blocks and tools? They were manipulated when we needed to manipulate them, that's hardly the mark of an equal.
>Why did America commit self-suicide?
Life history Theory by turd flinging monkey we'll answer this question of yours my disciple or if you're into philosophy you can read George Hagel.
>You've done nothing to oppose what I've said beyond playing semantics
I have, brainlet. To say it was quick as i do is the opposite of saying slow decline. Fuck you.
>Suffrage was spread to all American men over a period of 50 or so years state by state up until the 1850s,
It was effectively universal by the 1820s and even before that many white men could still vote. Most men fit the property requirements as it was or even if they weren't abolished many states lowered them over time. As I stated before, mass politics was already developed in America by the early 19th century.
> And add on to that the expansion of suffrage to non-American men
You mean nonwhites?
>And now we're at the point were most major politicians want to extend voting rights to blatantly hostile and criminal elements within our country
You mean criminals? That has always been up to the states, historically, so that has shifted over time.
>implying outright ignoring congress and weaseling your way past them so you can get your war boner appeased isn't a bad thing
It's all they can do. Spam and hope people pretend to get angry for them. It's fun watching this movement die out as dear leader turns 'is back on it.
>he thinks America is a real democracy to begin with
>believing in the cult of the founders
you realize they are just men who mostly completely disagreed about what what they set down meant in the first place right?
I mean I suppose there are dumber religions out there but that doesn't say much
>I have, brainlet. To say it was quick as i do is the opposite of saying slow decline. Fuck you.
Yes and you were completely wrong, which is why I said you failed at the end of that sentence.
>It was effectively universal by the 1820s and even before that many white men could still vote.
No, the last state to eliminate property requirements was in the 1850s, with states eliminating the requirements sporadically from the early 00s till then. A slow decline like I've been saying this whole thread, which you've slowly been moving your goal posts towards from the post where you explicitly said it was not a slow decline. A few more posts and you'll be agreeing with me!
>As I stated before, mass politics was already developed in America by the early 19th century.
Mass politics developed because suffrage was extended to people who had no business having suffrage over a long period of time, starting in the late 1790s and reaching up til the 1920s with woman's suffrage. Obviously the early 1800s is included within that time period. Mass politics began to develop then and has only gotten more and more toxic as we lurch towards Caesarism.
>You mean nonwhites?
Not exclusively, but yes nonwhites are not American obviously.
>You mean criminals?
No, I was referring to the push by many major politicians to give amnesty to the criminals illegally colonizing our land.
Funny, I'm seeing a strawman or two, but I'm not seeing any arguments.
>What a glorious day that'll be
The hilarious part is that when and if shit ever actually hits the fan, all the basement-dwelling NEETs who are clamoring for that exact scenario are probably either going to starve to death or end up murdered.
Life as neet is shit anyway so at least I get to take some normgroids with me. Some sort of conflict would be the perfect end.
Founs the thread with all the sexist white boys who rally need a good punching.
Wear those red Hate Again caps on your nearest campus. I dare you.
Go to hell, Skinheads.
Can you cite some examples of how society is no longer on balance because women have suffrage?
that's fucking disgusting
>Being this mad over politics
Honestly neck yourself
Picture got my dick hard love historical rape fantasy there isn't enough porn about it
>Wear those red Hate Again caps on your nearest campus
>tfw when I do
>most blacks have been in America for longer than most whites
So have deer and squirrels
This thread has been brought to you by The Department of Redundancy Department.
Anybody remember you rage you lose?
Ah classic Veeky Forums. You are missed.
>Besides, there are women smarter than some men.
There are some crows smarter than some humans, too.
The problem is not we lost the fight , it more about loosing everything in the end . :(
If the problem with letting women vote is that the average woman is not capable of voting rationally, then logically speaking the problem isn't with women voting, it's with irrational people voting. But if the problem is with irrational people voting, then it makes no sense to deny women suffrage - what would make sense would be to deny irrational people suffrage. But that would mean excluding probably 80% of men from suffrage. And who would be tasked with determining who is rational and who isn't, and how could those people being corrupt be prevented?
This desu
"Cultural marxists" get way too much credit. Capitalism does a fine job itself at tearing conventions and culture apart in the name of productivity and consumerism.
Think about it, you're the head of a make-up company and someone brings you a way to make half of the planet, who are rigidly opposed to your products, potential customers. These are influential people with a lot of money to use to push their ideas. I've already seen ads for make-up that include both men and women pretending it's all normal - and it's clearly a rising trend. I myself have gotten so queer that there have been days we're I've actually considered using "just a little" to make up for eyebags or dryness and things like that. Generally, these types of companies are begging to push this womanly-known behavior unto males for the reason already stated: huge profit.
It's the same with fertility rates. It might be hard for most of you to know this but being a wage slave is very taxing. My sex drive and self-esteem was totally killed once I started to actually work. Not to mention the time you don't have to hunt down and impress women. Raising kids is expensive and time-consuming as well, and adds even more stress to our stressed out lives. Most people only have enough energy to work, do the chores and collapse in front of the TV. I personally am genuinely thinking of becoming a full-blown careerist instead of raising a large family, which used to be a big deal for me. This is capitalism.