I dont know much about Ethiopias history, but why does it seem like Ethiopia did so luch better through the ages then their other african neighbours?
They were close enough to the Mediterranean world and the Middle East to benefit from those technological improvements.
I'm sure there are other factors, but that seems to be part of it.
This, plus a combination of military forces that punched above their weight, difficult to hijack political institutions, and rugged terrain that would make life hell for foreign armies. They were the only African country to successfully defeat conquest and colonization by European powers for a reason.
For starters being an actual Nation-State instead of a bunch of warring tribes makes colonisation more difficult
I think that colonization wasn't so rough for them as well. They were also Coptic, some old form of christian.
What does it matter that they did that?
They are shit and were shit in that time, they end up as other countries that was colonized
There's more to it than that, as far as their success against the Italians goes:
>The Russian Empire sent 30,000 Berdan rifles to Ethiopia before the First Italo-Ethiopian War[3]
The Ethiopians, as Eastern Christians (thought not Eastern Orthodox) garnered a lot of sympathy throughout the Russian Empire, which sent them considerably military aid in the hopes that Ethiopia would cockblock European Imperialism. When news about the victory over the Italians reached Russia, it actually alarmed the rest of Europe, because Russia was celebrating the victory of an African people over a European country.
>tfw it takes invading fascists to end slavery in your nation
Is it true the Ark of the Covenant is in one of their churches?
To be fair, we like our counterparts in Madagascar were until attempted colonization warring ethnic groups.
The royal house of Ethiopia was Amhara but that's merely an amalgamation of many tribes that lost their previous roots as well as Oromo who to this day Ethiopia prefer never existed. Oromo themselves are a mixture of many Cushitic tribes just as the Agaw and Qemant who aligned with my people's the Beta Israeli who too are a mixture of Ethio-Semitic and Nilotics peoples.
Basically purity is a myth and we've all grasped one another for power.
Probably because they have cuter women, so men will fight extra hard to protect they waifus.
they claim that yes, now of course its too holy of a relic to show to outsiders or have pictures taken of it
but yes the Ethiopian Church claims to have the Ark of the Covenant
Its kind of a long story, something about an important empress and an affair with Solomon
The princess of Saba?
Anyone knows good folklore about Ethiopia? What are they legends and that stuff.
Also info about the Afar, Amhara and Oromo than isn't the wikipedia.
>show to outsiders or have pictures taken of it
Lying niggers
You mean Axum, which was a naval nation in modern Eritrea, and ethnic Somalian.
For comparison, Ethiopia is a landlocked non-Somali state.
They're on a major trade route and have land good enough to be used for agriculture.
>They were also Coptic, some old form of christian.
No they aren't. They're Oriental Orthodox. Non-Egyptian OO who don't use the Coptic language are not referred to as Coptic. It's not just "some old form of christian" either as the separation was a major dispute and came when Egypt and Syria had a large proportion of the world's Christians, let alone Christian majority.
>it actually alarmed the rest of Europe, because Russia was celebrating the victory of an African people over a European country.
Lol proof? That sounds like bullshit desu.
Well, the >H>R>E and later the Austrians and then Hitler claimed to be in possession of the Holy Lance
the italians and brits in somalia and eritrea were happy with what they got desu
Being fair, somalian, eritrean and ethiopian women far outclass anything sout of the sahara in the africa. Khhoisan a closs second.
Elevation, probably.
Tutsi, Fulani, Wolof and Igbo woman are gorgeous too.
I would agree with the first three, but igbos man are a lot more of a mixed bag, while the average of those is cute, the Igbos go from "I can't belive she isn't a fulani" to Shaniqua.
Also, despite their dark skin, they are part of the Caucasian race. the darkest of the family sure, but still they are not negroid like anyone south of them.
>Also, despite their dark skin, they are part of the Caucasian race.
I dont think thats completely true. Us Amhara have absorbed some Oromo mixture but analysis so far has definitely shown distinctions between the groups.
Those racial categories are nonsense. Our "Caucasian" mixture comes from West-Asian mixture.
Probably the proto Asian/caucasian got off from there, but the ones in Ethiopia are mixed with returnees from africa.
They are hard to clasify to be honest, than they are a fucktong of different tribes than have mixed with anyone from arabia to sudan doesn't help.
>Dominican rape product of a naked islander with no history who thinks he is Latin talking about anyone else and their history
I read not long ago that most of the male ancestors dna of Ethiopians is of Caucasoid origins.
Probably some early caucasoids came back and conquered the new negroids population that settled in the between
You WISH you were black, whitey
>Is it true the Ark of the Covenant is in one of their churches?
No, the whole thing is just us larping desu