What is Veeky Forums opinion on reenacting?
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I think it seems fun but also really gay and (this one's probably just me) a little derisive towards soldiers who actually had to go through the shit re-enactors play at.
I also see a lot of pictures or LARPers trying to look shit hard like throwing on camo clothes, putting some mud on your face and holding a fake gun is super hardcore
A bit gay, but each faggot to his own.
Thats maybe true for SS and that second part for Netherlands, Australia and another degenerate Western countries where they use megaphones to make gun sounds.
I agree completely.
If it's actually educational, done seriously and with style, then it's good. Most of the time it's just bored manchildren goofing around.
oh shit is that a screenshot from cod ww2?
can be both neat and gay as fuck, probably the only experience in the world that is both
A friend of mine is into it and I go along with him sometimes. It's a lot of fun.
I'd like to try it but I don't care about military shit and the people into it seem autistic (in a bad way not a good way)
Can be both good and an insulting farce.
I've actually participated once, my (actual military) platoon supported a WWI re-enactment. We got like B-grade coats, ill-fitting boots and random rifles.
We're an infantry unit, and with that in mind it was really really obvious the actual hobby re-enactors, with their own gear and such, had zero military experience - essentially running through each other's field of fire and such. We weren't even trying to operate or anything, but if you're used to not making retard mistakes, you just sort of don't, and that made them look even sillier.
tl;dr can be good, but I guess you need some military experience for it not to be ridiculous
Thats a good thing about reenacting partisans as we did on pic. You can do whatever you want and pretend to be LARPing as a forestnigger partisan that never had a rifle in his hands.
I am a big roman nerd and visited some actual roman Legion reenactment. So far the ones held by germans were the most accurate. They live their facsist tendencies and pure autism of roman ceremonies through reenactment, I guess. The hungarians were funny but everyone just wasx fucking around and never even bothered to keep formation during brawls.
I always larped some camp follower and sold the Soldiers shit. I tended to make really good fake money.
Pic related are the germs at the annual roman festival in carnuntum. I think i dumped a thread with pics from this years fair. I missed the late qntiquity festival but I heard from a few friends that it blew hard.
They were doing part Russian Imperial and part German Imperial, though. Especially the Germans using zero cover and essentially moving like a tactical blob was just absurd.
I mean, I guess us basically doing fire and movement wasn't exactly period accurate, but I like to think that made more sense.
Nothing wrong with it. Pic related, Polish Wolin festival.
I think it's very cool, at least to a certain extent. I personally think recreations of anything past the US Civil War is kinda stupid, and when I see guys trying to pretend to be military men and their sweaty fat fucks it's kinda immersion breaking. It's also prone to meticulously autismo communities where you can be a greasy fat fuck Wehrmacht but if your helmet has an extra rivet somewhere you can get shamed for not being accurate. Of course it's not that bad in most reenactors communities, since it's comprised largely of old guys who're just big fans of history and wanna have some fun.
I'm looking to start collecting my Phalangite and Legionary gear once I finish my masters and get a steady stream of income.
Oh, apparently the military combat camera chaps did a neat video on it.
You can still tell which are the "I bought this holster for 500 euros" chaps, though.
Kraut reenactors are very well known for not dying, we (Armija Krajowa and Soviets) lost about third of our men (out of the 22) attacking Hill. (we attacked accidentaly btw because of mess in orders) while we captured 6 Krauts and killed 2 guys, rest retreated and counterattacked us with Panther and about 70+12 soldiers. Also during the nigh skirmishes where everyone was drunk and we accidentaly attacked Russian camp because we thought they are Germans and they though that we are Germans because we had German uniforms and we took off armbands. So, me and my mate took cover under the trees waiting for rest of our group (that got ost in the forest and appeard in nearby town next day) we started shooting at 2 Krauts with our Mosins from about 7 meters and they just ran away.
Also: mad props to the spectacular death fall at 02:33.
I actually (finally) found out my greatgrandfather fought at the battle we were re-enacting, and his regiment broke through literally the same sector we were in. Neat.
From reenactments I've seen, some had a "narrator" with a megaphone so that the audience can comprehend what's going on - and the most amusing "we're not dead, lel" I've seen were some Russian Cossack reenactors with a Maxim gun.
The narrator goes "The Cossacks lose most of their men and abandon the MG"
Meanwhile all of the Cossacks proceed to leg it out of their position, happily dragging the MG along with then.
I roll with the Richmond Howitzer Battalion in California
AMA relating to Civil War artillery
What was the use of artillery if there were no explosive shells or tanks
I talk about something different, guy that is doing reenacting for about 20 years since he was 14 "Saša" that also alcohol poisoned one one of our Polish mates told us that he was in Netherlands, they were reenacting Germans, it was on some sport stadium, Sdkfz´s were rolling on that running part on sides that has red sand on it, reenactors had megaphones in hands doing "poof, poof" as weapons and some guy was running in the American "trench" with board with helmets on it pretending its American infantry there.
We had explosive shells by the time of the Civil War. Even had crude timers that allowed for shells to be detonated mid-air based on calculated flight time and distance.
Also, nothing breaks up an infantry attack like cannister shot.
*32 years
WW2 reenactment makes a lot more sense when you realise a huge chunk of it is just militaria collectors dragging their stuff into a field to get away from the wife for a weekend. Along with that comes the autism around petty shit noone else would even notice, nevermind care about and the kind of one-upmanship that only nerds with more money than sense can provide.
Some "battles" and displays have pyrotechnics set into the ground and on vehicles to simulate artillery landing.
>Some "battles" and displays have pyrotechnics set into the ground and on vehicles to simulate artillery landing.
We actually do that at Moorpark every year. Although at other events, we have to simply make do with firing the cannon and putting on a show for the crowd (which they still love).
You can see some of the pyrotechnics devices in this photo actually.
Looks fun but the overabbundance of WWII, especcially SS divisions, groups are cringey.
how common are daryls among reenactors
Very. Then again, same goes for the military, at least here, so it all fits.
oy vey
How accurate is that leather lamellar armor?
Absolute fantasy.
Not at all.
The existence of Lamellar among Vikings/Rus-period Slavs is very slim, owing only to a few lames being found in Birka and a few Russian sites. Those finds were also iron, and any possible evidence for leather lames would have rotted away under most circumstances.
However, it is good defense in reeinactment combat against blunted weapons, and is relatively cheap to make.
Medieval reenactments>>>>>
Also they got the shape of the plates wrong. This suit more accurately displays the shape of the Birka lammelar plates.
I do WW2 American medic, it's a damn good experience because I'm in a small group that's more concerned with the educational side of it than running around like idiots (granted that's pretty fun as well). AMA if you're curious about other stuff.
Want to team up and save some Jewish qts from the ebil Nazis?
Any poles here? What song is playing in the video?
How much does this cost to get into?
It's a great historical preservation tool.
Depends on what you want to do. I spent about $500 on my kit (granted I didn't need to get a rifle, that's the big cost right there). The best way is to find stuff at antiques stores, militaria shows, even eBay. There are online vendors like At the Front, What Price Glory, WW2 Soldiers etc, they're good places but tend to be a little spendy. Also depends on what nation you want to do, Soviet is cheap as fuck, American is sorta middle of the road and after that it just keeps going up.
Are there soviet reenactors in the US? Also, are they mostly tankies/commies?
It's starting to pick up a bit more. One group has a T-34/85 in pristine condition, Never really talked to them all that much since I stick to my guys at events, kids like to get grabby with shit and they think the needles on my blood bottles are fake. Almost had a kid stab his brothers hand.
>Indian as ROA
>Chink as georgian
fucking farbs
It's Latvian, not Polish.
The band is Skyforger, the song is "Kalnā kāpu lūkoties"
and the faggot behing hasn't applied dubbin to his low boots
memories :')
SCA is dope af.
>The existence of Lamellar among Vikings/Rus-period Slavs is very slim
The thing with bring your own kit societies is that without pretty strict rules, everyone decks themselves out in the coolest shit they can.
I'm in one where we have a pretty strict "hierarchy" so that we actually have fucking peasent levies being portrayed and not everyone is rushing off to portray a routier or knight or other professional.
I need to start going to Heavy practice. I have a pretty good Norse kit with stainless mail and hidden rigid armor, and I really want to start using it more.
Way too many wehraboos and leeaboos are involved in the scene.
Reenactor Anons. Any good places one can get uniforms for grills?
I bought my gear from fellow reenactors mostly.
>They live their facsist tendencies and pure autism of roman ceremonies through reenactment, I guess.
Germany being autistic meme always makes me laugh
>Germans topple the Roman Empire
>two millennia later, they're literally LARPing as the Romans
this is the metallest fucking thing i've ever seen
If they didn't exist, Hollywood would probably have no idea on how to conduct a war movie.
Are you an actual medic too?
Seems really disrespectful to the actual soldiers.
I hope you're not being insincere on the Internet.
We spent the night before the reenactment sleeping outside there, it was -17F/-27C, almost exactly the same as when the actual battle took place.
The lyrics are roughly "I climbed a hill to see what goes on in my fatherland - do Russians or Germans plough the fields.
Still no Russians, still no Germans, my kinsmen yet plough the fields. Horses clad in armour, sharp honed swords.
Dear is my fatherland, paid for in blood. There lie brothers soldiers, there lie sisters seamstresses"
Bunch of wehraboos losers insecure manlets with a superficial knowledge on history trying to escape their shitty lifes for a moment.
Worth gassing more than niggers and slavs.
It's fun.
Very common.
What about earlier stuff?
Napoleonic, Medieval, Roman?
What about non-military stuff, like cooking?
OP here, i think it varies on country where is that club. in Central-Eastern Europe its like this: SS units are portrayed by edgelords with no actual interest in history. Wehrmacht are mostly normal guys (slightly Wehraboo tho), Fallschirmjäger are people that feel rich and can spend money on stuff, combination of Wehrmacht and a little SS, Jäger units are guys with good physical condition that also like to do stuff like LARP mountain climbing, the most hardcore ones even do stuff like putting the flag on Elbrus. Partisans are mostly portrayed by people that are just starting with reenacting or people that want to join but have stuff for country that isnt taking place in "game". US units are mostly edgelords that sperg about Soviet union "occupying Czechoslovakia" (they left in 1945 tho) and about Stalin being Hitler´s ally or whatever. Ive never seen any UK club yet. Soviets are in my opinion the best guys, since they dont take politics into the game, same goes for Czechoslovak army in USSR and i bealive for Berling´s troops in Poland as well. Then there are 3 more groups. those that portray some special army. (KVH Patria is my most favourite one here in Czechia, they dont have vehicles or something like that, but they are the finest guys ive ever met. They portray Finns, WW1 Krauts, WW2 Krauts and partisans. Then there are 1938 Czechoslovak army reenactors, they are mostly dooing stuff like maintaining old fortifications which is a great thing. Last one isnt WW2, Czechoslovak legionaries are considered the most hardcore LARPers since they take everythign too seriously, they built their own train, call each other "brother". Just LARP too hard and take reenacting like their holy duty.They are still much better than SS tho.
We have a lot of vets in reenacting. The head of my unit was a Marine in Vietnam.
same, there is saying that this guy was reenacting himself
>passing on their experiences and stories to future generations
>superficial knowledge of history
You've clearly never met a reenactor...
In the UK a lot of the renanacting clubs are fronts for white supremely groups, due to the nanny states serious hardon for neo nazi organisations
Living in the past but frankly speakin' id love to see rodonesia to be LARPed
I'd love to see a citation for that.
The fuck is a cooking re-enactment?
Just make the fucking food.
War is hell
Because naturally, cooking a Roman recipe over a charcoal griddle is the same as cooking a 14th century recipe on a log fire is the same as cooking a 18th century recipe in a brick oven is the same as cooking a WW2 recipe on a hexamine stove, right?
You might have more luck with the SCA or a similar group.
The SCA has a whole branch of folk that do Arts & Sciences, semi-academic research and recreation of pre-modern aspects of life like: cooking, sewing, armoring, illumination, carving, performing arts, and nearly everything in between. It is mostly Medieval in focus, but nearly anything before the pre-1600s is studied. But I'm sure you can find similar groups for later periods, or one more focused on a specialized time-period.
Trying to relive the glory days?
Never heard of this guy?
I really really like this picture
/pol/, the image
>What about non-military stuff, like cooking?