>single payer healthcare
Single payer healthcare
Clearly a stupid idea, so much so that nearly every industrialized nation uses it to keep their citizens healthy. Why would a government possibly want that?
KO Punch in one post
>single payer healthcare while importing the entire third world
>getting railroaded into a health insurance shopping mall
>government makes good decisions
>he doesn't have an M.D. based in divine platonic forms and surgical theology
>pay the most expensive healthcare on earth
>isn't the most healthy on earth
We also pay exorbitant amounts into public education and are lagging dangerously behind in education quality at the same time.
As it turns out, having a decent state-run plan "compromised" into half a mediocre state-run plan and half a nightmarish corrupt privately-run plan is not that beneficial for commoners.
>get your medicine from central planning
>taxed for abortions and nigger std checks
>when your kid gets sick the death panels decide he'll get 'death with dignity' which is literally euthanasia
death is more expensive
Fuck off Schlomo.
europe's healthcare system has destroyed their military readyness and their birthrates
Not Veeky Forums
As opposed to what, America? Where niggers and hispanics are outbreeding the whites?
Thats no true at this point. Do really want to pay for abortions and euthanasia? seems like a pretty dark thing to pay for.
Public expenditure on healthcare in the US is far above OECD average too.
the tax rate for it is much lower than any European country.
>Thats no true at this point.
Why do you lie, rabbi?
>abortions for black people
>not desirable
its 2017 i mena cmon check the new ones we're back at the top again. Ever since we ousted obama the socialist
There's actually a wonderful mechanism to attempt to change parts of the system you don't like, it's called "voting".
A human being has the right to end their own life, better to step into the night on your own terms i say, and so what if i'm paying for it? We're all paying for it, and maybe when i'm old, i would like that gentle step into the night.
More tax dollars are spent on healthcare in the US. What the fuck are you saying.
from what've I've seen the africans and muslims keep their children and put them on welfare a la refugee status
The problem of American healthcare is that it's too expensive, not who pays for it. Who gives a shit whether the patient or the state foots the bills if you pay 10 thousand for a scorpion antivenom and 300 bucks for getting your bedsheets changed? There should be hard price caps in place.
>hard price caps in place.
venezuela and france like those and there are constant shortages of materials that get them
Abortions are currently the only thing holding the niggers in check.
>comparing American production capabilities with those of Venezuela
So you wouldn't care if some death panel demanded your kid get aborted or euthanised? I'm tlaking about yourself, im talking about your kid. In the us we've basically voted against that whle system.
is the USA made of magic that makes it impervious to basic economics?
>believing Tea Party jew propaganda
What the fuck is a death panel? I live in Britain, what the fuck are you talking about?
You're an idiot.
we earn more money hence we have more money to spend on healthcare. Its not just the cost, its the quality of care, the morality of central planning, and the idea of mandatory taxations in the system.
The US still has some of the worst health outcomes in the OECD despite the extra spending. The American healthcare system is the laughing stock of the world.
the doctors who decide the kid is the one who the care should be given towards instead of the parents. So they abduct the kid and don't let him leave and then decide he'll be euthanised. You need a court order to defy them which was denied after some british kid with birth defects wasn't allowed to leave the hospital.
>worst health outcomes
not true, people come from all over the world to get US healthcare.
enjoy the diversity and anti-rape seminars socialist
Not true really. Even wealthy Americans go to places like Switzerland.
>American talking about diversity
And this is a feature of all single payer health care systems because? The NHS is a good healthcare service.
The classic parrot
Average Americans, who should be the primary beneficiaries of the system, get jack fucking shit.
Rockfeller got all of his 6 heart transplants in the USA. Donald Trump refuses to be cared for anywhere else. Was this person making a statement?
we're not an ethnic nation-state like France or the UK so its has a completely different meaning.
>the system that places coverage above outcomes is less favoured by those who don't have to worry about not being covered
I sure love paying taxes into a system that only benefits the wealthy
>the UK is a ethnic nation state
Fucking lol, Tell that to the Irish, Welsh and Scots.
doctors then have to pay for fat people to lose weight, who never do. All the while hospitals become more and more dark. Once morality goes out the window its a slow-ride to USSR-style facilities. I remember nazis posing as doctors and performing these types of operations, hope you don't suffer the same way.
France isn't an ethnic nation state either. UK is, but France sure as fuck is not.
How can we stop the need for so much Healthcare?? Make gyms widely available, and teach daily workouts with weights and cardio? promote fasting? Is longevity a bad thing?
it isnt going to stop some rich parent from pouring in cash to save his kid so what heck are you crying about
The term "medical tourism" was invented due to the millions of americans that seek healthcare outside of the US per year
>muh fat people
Because that explains why USA is way fatter than European countries
>dislikes the nazis
Fucking knew you were a jew all this time
because poor people are getting euthanized by a supposed health-care system
Obamacare was honestly better than just state-run healthcare imho. Better than the canadian system, at least.
Obamacare benefits nobody but insurance companies.
you have ethical problems with that but not charging the way we do now?
every time you go running to the emergency room you put your life in their hands
They should pray. Just gets worse under single-payer where you don't even have a chance to survive once they euthanize or abort you. If you even get past the waiting-lines for surgery and can find one that isn't skimping on medical goods.
No they aren't, stop making up bullshit.
45k americans die per year because they can't access the american healthcare system.
I'd rather the government's power over healthcare be weakend, honestly. And that people stop relying on hospitals all together as much as they do now.
>doctors then have to pay for fat people to lose weight, who never do.
Actually, the taxpayer does, and this incentivises the government to cut down on unhealthy people, why would the American government cut down on obesity? it drives a profit driven industry in health care and in food.
>All the while hospitals become more and more dark.
A Human being has dominion over their life, we can accept that and let people die with dignity at the time they choose, or we can discover our loved ones hanging from the ceilings, the fact that a Human being can take their own life is unavoidable, there is not reason you have given that Euthanasia of willing parties is a bad thing.
>Once morality goes out the window its a slow-ride to USSR-style facilities.
It's immoral to force the terminally Ill to suffer in beds, slowly rotting away, or push them into painful suicide.
>I remember nazis posing as doctors and performing these types of operations, hope you don't suffer the same way.
My GP is not a nazi you weirdo.
>main part of ACA is that insurance companies can't deny coverage for preexisting conditions
the fuck are you on about
their sins must weigh heavy.
There are no forced abortions in Britain, if god has delivered a terminally ill child who medicine cannot save, to attempt to keep said child alive is the height of vanity.
You sound like some death-cultist. Enjoy the ride into ruin. Socialist countries are known for collpasing. As for morality, people may not interfere with divine providence, which is life-and-death.
The main part of ACA is the government subsidizing private coverage so insurance companies can cover poorfags, and makes coverage all but compulsory. So basically the insurance companies get higher enrollments and get money from the government even for people who can't pay.