How true is this meme?
How true is this meme?
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Should either be Charles II + Anne Frank or Nicky in "After"
You've been pushing Commie shit harder than usual recently, it doesn't work
I certainly didn't have wife and kids to begin with. In fact i'm still a 25 yo kissless virgin.
Is there anything cringier than /leftypol/ trying to meme Veeky Forums into a commie board and failing repeatedly?
The africa threads and the holocaust denial threads
Fixed it for you
I'm starting to think you're just pretending to be from /pol/ in order to make us look bad
Your obsession with a bunch of LARPing poofters on a board no one gives a shit about is certainly giving them some competition
dog bless :DDD
Veeky Forums is a radical centrist board
We must squash right/left wing extremism to protect pregnant Anne Frank and the Romanov sisters from harm.
fuck yes
whig history is right, radicals and reactionaries are scum
my nigga's
This tbqhfam
Not at all. Veeky Forums is a libertarian board.
Honestly this is the most anglo board
We just hate people with superiority complex is all.
I love you user.
Liberalism, especially Anglo-Saxon liberalism has created the greatest societies of all time, and soundly beaten both reactionaries and revolutionaries literally every time.
childhood is thinking Robespierre was wrong
adulthood is realizing that Robespierre did nothing wrong and was merely protecting the revolution.
I like this place because it has a good mix of people, keeps things interesting
I'd say the dominant character of this board is a centrist position that is basically libertarianism tempered by pragmatism (though not to the extent progressives are) and some manner of respect for history (though not to the extent conservatives are
LARPING radicals and reactionaries are met with greater criticism
>Liberalism wasn't spawned by revolutionaries
>Today's society is the greatest society of all time
>Implying libertarians aren't larpers
That's Adam Smith, though
We don't seem as Russian orthodox any more, that was bigger in the past
I never said I was from /pol/, because I'm not, commie faggot.
enjoy hard brexit you fucks
(except not slaughtering more reactionaries)
Not even an Anglo, I just respect their contribution to western thought.
It's all up from here, boys.
Yes, you're truly winning with non-English London and the creeping police state. We Slavs will feel sorry for you as the West continues its descent into irrelevance.
Absolutely plebian
Slavs eternally btfo'd
>Le eternal Russian asshurt
Just give it a rest and join the modern world. Your population is declining faster than the Anglos and you've got nothing to show for it.
Enjoy losing Siberia in the next 20 years.
Oh my God, did you know that the Japanese yen is .0089 USD? Japan must be as poor as Zimbabwe!
It's so obvious, too.
Just a few dozen retards desperately shilling their failed ideology. Communist brigades: about as effective here as they were in Madrid.
>Money is human happiness in abstracto; consequently he who is no longer capable of grasping happiness in concreto sets his whole heart on money.
>He types, in English, on an American website invented by Anglos, while living in a liberal capitalist democracy
Slavs are a philosophical irrelevance, and your civilisation's destiny is to be a battleground between Western liberty and asiatic despotism.
>Slavs only live in Russia
Macron is turning out to be a flop, though.
History should be apolitical.
the communist part is true
France as a whole is a flop. Haven't had a single politician worth shit since Napoleon.
You're right, let's bring in the entire third world, that'll solve the problem. Can't wait for the pedophile and bestiality pride parades! Although, of sharia law is implemented in time, I guess you won't have to worry about those.
Also, I'm not Russian.
Nice article from 2013
Admittedly there are things I admire about Western liberty, but there won't be any more liberty if you keep down the path you're going.
Adam Smith was Scottish though, hence why his statue is in Edinburgh
post the real one
Once again, eternally btfo'd
>Adam Smith was Scottish though, hence why his statue is in Edinburgh
Scotland is a western nation, and lowland Scots are Anglos anyway
This. Veeky Forums got me back into my Francophile stage.
>youre only fellow anglos when there's an achievement to take credit for
Pls don't steal our famous historical figures
>a liberal calling other reactionaries
robespierre was a proto communist
with all the inbreeding, you island monkeys might as well all be one ethnic group
liberals are reactionaries
How did this lead to the murder of innocents?
You can't expect to win this game
jesus this meme is really getting out of hand
I'm not even Anglo. Lowlanders are though
I think what makes Veeky Forums different from a lot of boards is a lot of studiers of history are more content with being oberservers of history who merely catalog what has happened from a more objective stance, than to actually get involved in the change ourselves.
fucking commies and nazis are sickening
>what is the study of history
We are the elitists, no? Superior to the common rabble and STEM-lords.
The objectivity in studying history is a relatively new phenomenon that pretty much didn't exist before the 1970s.
We're nationalist whatever side that may take in the world be it communist, fascist, or Islamic.
Thank God it's not a choice between stagnant, soulless neoliberalism and boneheaded right-wing populism.