Why were Arabs so successful at enforcing thier identity and maintaining control over the vast territory they conquered?
The Egyptians, Berbers and Arameans were all assimilated.
The only one that survived was Persian identity.
Why were Arabs so successful at enforcing thier identity and maintaining control over the vast territory they conquered?
The Egyptians, Berbers and Arameans were all assimilated.
The only one that survived was Persian identity.
They were already Arab/Semitic peoples.
>They were already Arab/Semitic peoples.
no, that make no sense, berber werent semitic people
I've talked to a few berbers and kabyles and they seem to hate arabs as much as your neighbouring islamophobic european hates them
I'd argue the only "identity and control" was through religion itself. And still, the Caliphate didn't hold that long compared to some other long-lasting empires, and soon the Caliph only held a very nominal role.
Genetically they are pretty much a Levantine transplant
By the time Baghdad fell, most of the area north of it was Aramaic speaking and Christian, also north of Damascus.
If Upper Mesopotamia was "assimilated", you'd think Arabs wouldn't be 3rd or 4th minority there today.
Coptic was also still spoken by that time.
Saying Coptic and Arabic is similar....
ethnic berber here, we got btfo'd as well by all passing empires because we're not united tribes we hated ourselves more than the others. so when at last Islam came, we first fought Arabs and lost ( we had a jewish/Christian queen, she adopted an arab, when he grew up revolted revealing her weaknesses to Arabs) so what we did is take Islamic culture and create our own mini kingdoms turns out Islam made us united and strong to be able to conquer Iberia while disguising under arab identity ( even if you're barber, appropriating to urself some arab identity gives you power and army ). So people still think it's the arabs who did all ... they're fucking savages. but the extremism ruined it all and became the apes we are. one last word. f.u.c.k.a.r.a.b.s
>we had a jewish/Christian queen, she adopted an arab, when he grew up revolted revealing her weaknesses to Arabs
Interesting. Who's this?
> even if you're barber, appropriating to urself some arab identity gives you power and army
Nothing to be ashamed about desu. The Arabs were some of the strongest people in the world then.
>So people still think it's the arabs who did all ...
Well they did organize and supply a lot of it.
>they're fucking savages. but the extremism ruined it all
True. Aftermath of Mongol carnage I guess.
a lot of the mountain tribes were christian up until the euros started colonization, the english, followed by the french however, are islamophiliacs, arabophiliacs and negrophiliacs to the worst degree
pic related is the guy othello was based off, shakespeare being the english cuck he was wrote his story into something reading out of a blacked video
the maghreb becoming this arabized is a relatively recent phenomenon, after the initial conquests berbers revolted and threw out all the arabs west of libya and the hinterlands remained largely in berber hands up until the 19th-20th century with many
kabyle identity is unfortunately coopted by euro commie scum to push their retarded socialist agendas and anyone who tries to return back to the traditional systems is decried as a "traitor" by all the useful idiots
unless you are referring to early back to africa migrations, no, we are not
>Interesting. Who's this?
one of the versions of the story is she was pretty successful until her scorched earth tactics alienated the urban dwelling jewish tribes who in turn betrayed her to the muslim invaders, pretty much what would happen to the iberians later down the road
>Well they did organize and supply a lot of it.
was led by berber tariq ibn ziyad
>Why were Arabs so successful at enforcing thier identity and maintaining control over the vast territory they conquered?
Non-Arabs were literally second-class citizens, even if they converted. So there was a big pressure to "Arabize", which was made easier b the near-requirement to learn Arabic because of prohibitions on translating the Koran.
>They were already Arab/Semitic peoples.
Yes and No. There were Arabs living in the Middle East but they were distinct from other Semites.
>Compare Phillip the Arab (from Syria) and the Severan Dynasty which was part Syrian/Aramean (possibly some Arab too from Bassanius)
>berber werent semitic people
Berber is a Semitic language (Afro-Asiatic language).
>Genetically they are pretty much a Levantine transplant
Not really, but Levantines moved in and mixed with them, Septimius Severus was Punic but maybe had some Berber too
They are more similar to each other than say Coptic and Farsi. Also Arabic is not singular language. I know the Syrian dialect best and I have a hard time understanding North Africans or Gulf Arabs. I believe the substrata of Aramaic could explain why the Syrian dialect is different. Likewise, why other Arabic dialects are different from each other.
Magreb loves Idris :^)
My parents are Syrian so I can speak about that. Most Syrians would consider themselves Arab even though they may not have direct ties to Arabs from the invasions. However there are a lot of people in Syria that do not consider themselves Arab (Armeanians, Assyrians, proud Arab-hating "Arameans", etc)
Arabic is widely spoken because it's the language of Islam and was the language of government when the Arabs conquered. At first the Arabs did not really mix with the locals, to keep power and wealth among themselves. But that changed over time. Nowadays you'll find people all over the Arab World with Arab last names even though they identify with other groups.
For example, I know a Coptic guy with the last name Malek, it means "King" in Arabic, but it was probably adopted and not from an Arab ancestor due to religion. It's interesting why a Copt would have an "Arab" last name. My last name is a Greek cognate for example, my Y-haplotype is E which is not associated with the Arab conquests (J)
>Berber is a Semitic language
Sorry, correction: it's not Semitic but still related in the Afro-Asiatic language familiy
There are dozens of surviving Iranian peoples besides the Persians; Gilakis, Mandarzanis, Balouchis, Kurds, etc...
They had a long time to spread, and Arabic language and identity (like Latin) was a barracks language that spread with the military of the Caliphates
> the arabs were some of the strongest people in the world then.
That's actually just the " new religion " zeal effect.
> Well they did organize and supply a lot of it.
They're most known as savage people. Ibn Khaldoun a famous historian, sociologue and analyst, whose family is from Yemen which settled in newly conquered Iberian and later north Africa gas written that they are the most savage people who live without culture. and all cultural artistic and scientific achievements were realized by north africans, Levantines, modern day iraq, turkics, persians ... those fucks did nothing until oil and gas industry kicked in.
>That's actually just the " new religion " zeal effect.
It's also the fact that they had one of the largest and most powerful empires in the world then.
Why the fuck are you comparing Farsi to Arabic?
My god you're retarded
Farsi is 70% Arabic
They conflated their national consciousness with their religious consciousness. Ethnic conflict in the Islamic world took the form of religious conflict with Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, etc.
>maintaining control over their vast territory
Apart from short periods during the rules of the Umayyads and Abbasids the Islamic world was always extremely fractured, with the Abbasids being Persian controlled rather than Arab.
Berber is Not semitic, afroasiatic contains both semitic and berber languages, but semitic languages di Not contain berber, just like you and reptes are both animals but you are Not a reptile, This is basic logic, is your IQ below 70 or are you just too stupid to double check before spouting bullshit?
And English is 50% French despite being Germanic language and not Romance.
Isnt it 40%?
>They're most known as savage people. Ibn Khaldoun a famous historian, sociologue and analyst, whose family is from Yemen which settled in newly conquered Iberian and later north Africa gas written that they are the most savage people
He wrote about the bedouin Arabs not your regular "urbanised" Arab and that second bit is common Berber we wuzery.