Since when the word "European" is synonymous with "White"?
Who invented that concept?
Since when the word "European" is synonymous with "White"?
Who invented that concept?
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>was i a good clown? then honk, as I goosestep the stage
good post
It's related to post-reconquista, post-Age of Discovery, Christendom that informed Colonialism.
Up until the late 1800's Arabs by many were called white. But with the rise of colonial powers Europeaness centered who was truly a white peoples.
but arabs did not consider themselves white they considered europeans, jews, levantines and persians to be white
Rome was a Mediterranean empire. They had an entire imperial dynasty descended from Berbers and an Arab Emperor. Italy had more in common with Egypt than it did a place like Denmark.
The idea of 'Europe' only came about after the Muslim conquests.
It began with the splitting of the Roman Empire.
Diocletian realised he wasn't really white, so he moved to the East, and set the precedent where people who weren't really white or Roman moved to the Eastern Empire and pretended to be both
Pretty damn recently since most of human history gave far more of a shit about culture and nationality than skin color.
You are 100% correct. For example, a recent post on r/history taught me that the Romans did not see skin colour, and totally never discriminated against non-Romans in the slightest
user don't be facetious. My point is more that an Englishman will take a swarthy Italian any day of the week over a goddamn Frenchman.
t. Ahmed
Arab =/= Muslim
nice b8 friendo
Colonial Era
>Arab =/= Muslim
Arab = Mudshit
literally invented by non-whites(the spanish).
> let me tell you about your country
>non-whites(the spanish)
They are whiter than you.
quality post, although i respectfully disagree with your equation.
Do people seriously believe that racism just came into existence in the colonial era? They unironically think in Rome there was no concept of a black person having a different background to a white person?
their minds can't deny the image of spear-chuckers and steam trains from heart of darkness so they have to jump to conclusions
they were aware there different races obviously, but there was no concept of a white race in roman times. they saw themselves as just as distinct from other people of europe as they did from non-european peoples.
There is no concept of a white race until Europeans meet America Natives and African niggers
That's still racism
t. buttblasted moor
German autists. The same people who took the "indo-european language family" idea and within a short generation transformed it to mean THE GLORIOUS GERMANIC ARYAN MASTERRACE.
we wuz visigoths and sheit!
>Germany came up with the concept of a white race
The "white race" that excludes slavs and southerners, yes.
Before that the only use for "white race" was for the White Man's Burden, which happily included darker skinned christian europeans.
He's not wrong. Germans were/are the most autistic when it comes to proving they're better than everyone else. It was their xenopobhic theories of XX century that are still considered "science" and are slowly debunked by actual fucking research.
Ffs those idiots put Indo-European(oh, I'm sorry Indo-Germanic) homeland in fucking Schleswig just to fit their idiotic theory about their Nordic Aryan origins.
Pic related.
>literally invented by non-whites(the spanish)
>Indo-European(oh, I'm sorry Indo-Germanic)
You're sorry, Germanic-Indian.
i'm not american, you dumb moop.
Might as well be.
>brown skin
>brown eyes
>brown hair
>never really managed to advance to the industrial age
t. Reza Ahmed
As demonstrated with the huguenots immigration
So the Middle East is white?
Europeans met west africans (blackest blacks) for sure during Roman times, seeing how there were colonization attempts to get access to gold mines.
They did not look completely different to Europeans like natives or blacks
Mediterraneans made fun of folks being too white
europeans had contanct with blacks as far back as ancient greece. the concept of a white race didn't emerge until about 2000 years later.
the concept of europe is from antiquity, from the ancient greeks
the concept of europe as we know it today is from the middle ages, when christian europe - christendom was isolated from asia and africa by islam
the concept of white and black and other races is from the spanish and portuguese and their colonial empires
the concept of white as an english speaking anglo-saxon protestant is from the british and their colonial empire, especially USA who have no ethnicity and self identify as "white" instead of a real nation
Arabs consider themselves 'white', and they are compared to their neighbours (Pajeets and Tyrones) call one brown and they'll probably get offended.
WTF, I love Koreans now. I feel conflicted
whats the original quote
Think of Europe like its china its Shang dynasty is the Greeks while its Han is Rome
The the rest were absorbed and got permantly influenced like what Mongolia, Manchuria, even Vietnam
but what's different form china is that Europe constantly breaks and form each his own states