Get a job to buy cryptos

>get a job to buy cryptos
>lunch around the area costs $8+
>millennial coworkers always eat out
>start prepping meals to bring to work which cost me ~$3 a day
>coworkers start ostracizing me and calling me a loser
>stop talking to me because I don't eat with them
>gossip right behind me from their cubicles


nothing but your coworkers are literally cancer-tier

be glad you don't have to deal with them anymore

> save the $5/day and buy cryptos

YFW you have .4 BTC after a whole year!!!!!!!!!!!! ... and no friends.

See who's laughing when you roll up to work IN A FUCKING LAMBO

Wow OP you're saving a whole 15 dollars a week, and only at the cost of having no friends and less than satisfying meals.

Truly a fiscal master

$5 a day
$20 a week
$80 a month
$960 a year
$9600 a decade

+ cooking on my own lets me eat healthier meals and have less chance of dying to heart disease

Damn, anyone know any other ways to make $9600 a decade?

> and less than satisfying meals.
Fuck off
>$8 for a "meal" that is 95% bread
>"mmm satisfying"
>$3 for a slow or pressure cooked meal that lasts for weeks and taste even better the older it gets
>100% pure nutrition and rich flavor

If you can't cook better than fucking takeaway despite the near infinite wealth of ideas and information at your fingertips then you will NEVER make it.
OP did the right thing, millenials are worthless

It's actually better now; community/collectivism was much bigger in previous societies. As someone that also hates eating with people and does not want any friends, I am glad to have access to internet forums and not have to give a shit about finding social interaction in real life.

Fuck them OP, $5 a day on this one thing, and if you can cut a few more $5 a day wasteful things, you're on your way to being rich. They will all struggle to pay their bills for all their shit they don't need.

>They will all struggle to pay their bills for all their shit they don't need.
Not if they collapse the fiat economy and get bailed out like they did 10 years ago

they don't hate you because of the food, they hate you because you're a poorly socialized assburger.

>i don't understand how important saving money is when you're financially unstable

fug off normie

it's the truth . you think if a cool sociable chad was bringing his own lunch they would give a shit? they'd probably start bringing their own lunches too

>implying chad would ever bring his own lunch

True, all the waifus share their bentos with Chad

>implying he doesn't cook a whole weeks worth of chicken breast and brown rice with his model gf every sunday

>ynw never experience school life like this

stacies cook for chad for FREE

you sound like a beta virgin cuck bro
ive never even had to try, girls just love me no matter what i do
have you tried not being a betamax cuckhold? why dont you just buy shit off the value menu its like 2 dollars what are you poor lol what kind of fag spends 20 minutes packing a lunch for themself, u in fuckin elementary school bro?

>implying Stacy's skills go beyond sucking dick

Is it worth getting a job to buy crypto?

>Useless communications degree
>probably $15/hr max if I'm lucky
>NEET for the past year; have become more introvert
>I'll for sure hate having to deal with bosses & coworkers
>Probably will get in the way of some of my other ambitions.

I know eating out is more expensive, but you have to factor in the convenience of it.

You spend more time prepping your own meals, and time is money. And you also expend more energy prepping your own meals, and you only have so much energy to expend in a given day,

Just something to keep in mind.

>>>Useless communications degree
became a crypto journalist and write articles on altcoins and pump and dump them

minced meat

Poorfags like you should really just off yourself. You'll never get the 21btc needed to moon. You'll never get rich of your 10 dollar "investment" you dumb fucking shit. Investing is for people with capital, come back when you have 10 grand spare cash you fucking plebian retard.


>also checked

subtle shill

>You spend more time prepping your own meals, and time is money.
Only if you're doing it wrong. You should be able to make good chicken fajitas and sides in a couple of hours, and make enough to last several days. Additionally, waiting in line at Chipotle you're probably not getting much accomplished. At home while the rice is cooking you can use the gaps of time to do the laundry, clean the bathroom, watch porn, etc.

If you don't smoke your even more of a outsider and will always be the outsider. This is part of what we know as the despair code. Don't let it get you down EVER.

If he buys Bitbean he'll save 15 Lambos a week

>9600 a decade

This is a joke right? Buddy 1 decade = 10 years, you can make that shit in months. Get some nice food and make some friends instead.

A situation where people's lifestyle or standard of living improves as their discretionary income rises either through an increase in income or decrease in costs. As lifestyle creep occurs, and more money is spent on lifestyle, former luxuries are now considered necessities.

My grandfather had a coworker that was extremely cheap. He would always prep his own meals and bring them to work. This guy came up with the most thrifty way to eat that he could think of. He would only eat carrots and peanut butter.

This guy would literally come to work with carrot sticks and a jar of peanut butter, and would eat that for lunch. And he did the same thing at home.

He did that for a month until he became really sick and had to be hospitalized. Apparently he developed some severe nutritional deficiencies from eating that way.

This is straight up bullshit, downtime is not at all unprofitable unless you are a fucking chink factory drone slave or literal gates tier superhuman

I can tell you're a virgin because I know Stacy can't even cook instant ramen without fucking up
Only a wife will make your sandwiches, and only if you're a Bitbean Billionaire

Yeah but extra energy doesn't buy you crypto. Extra $$$ does. Besides, cooking regularly and actually giving a shit about what you cook will help with leveling up. If OP ever decides to be social he can go full on French Chad mode and imprecise Le Stacies with his pink soufflé a la crypto.

OP is forgetting the importance of relationships in any business environment. It's worth a hell of a lot more than $9600 per decade. LOL

>eating more than once a day


Lol, you sound like a fucking fat ass.

Fuck 'em! I used to eat out like a fatass that I am, but when I discovered that you can now invest money in crypto currency, I stopped that. I stopped spending money on food and I'm going to invest in coins.

Holy shit, I thought I was a dumb millennial. Do people not know about saving? About self sustainability? Putting extra money away for unexpected expenses? Christ.

Kudos to you OP, you're doing the right thing and you may have taught someone some lift lessons here