ITT:Virgin vs Chad memes
ITT:Virgin vs Chad memes
you forgot
>is a disciple of Lee Kuan Yew
Who should Virgin Hutu be a disciple of? Mobutu? Mugabe?
probably some crackpot African dictator
It's amazing how in such a short time people have forgotten the whole point of the meme in that the Chad is supposed to look completely ridiculous.
>the Chad is supposed to look completely ridiculous
The chad is supposed to be completely over the top, but still clearly be implied to be better than the virgin. There's no way you can interpret the original walk vs stride picture to be in favour of the virgin.
Originally, there was no Chad. It was just a criticism of the Virgin Walk.
The Chad was the derivation of some assblasted virgin to whom the meme hit too close to home.
The Virgin is supposed to be something you can relate to, but portrayed in an unfavorable light to make you feel insecure. The Chad however is supposed to be ridiculous. You can't seriously look at the Chad in the original and think "this is supposed to actually reflect something."
it was originally just the "virgin walk" without the Chad, intended to bait people by pointing out aspects of peoples' walking that lots of people do mixed in with weird autistic things to make people insecure. then the "Chad stride" appeared as a comical counterpart. it was a way to mock the way people on Veeky Forums might do everyday things (walking, watching movies, looking at their phone on the train, etc.) now it's just autists dressing them up as their favorite historical figures and going "lol this guy sux this guy's awesome"
this was in every chadvirgin thread i go to here and yet anons never learn
>now it's just autists dressing them up as their favorite historical figures and going "lol this guy sux this guy's awesome"
But it's the same thing. The point of the meme is to humorously depict something negatively and the other positively.
Weirdly this is a perfect representation of it.
Literally no one walks like the Chad, no one human anyway. If you read all the descriptions, he's supposed to be walking like the mannequin in "Going to the Store", arms flailing and all.
reverse that for the 3rd crusade
>has Pan African flag
>never left his home state
>tfw have great vision of this meme but 0 paint skills to make it
>The chad radical
>Not "The chadical"
Missed opportunity
I guess technically there was a Chad; there's one meme of a picture of the country Chad where they make it look a like a Chad's face the one used in a long these memes
Wait what? Im a whiteboi singaporean and never heard of this. How did the big Lee affect a bunch of niggers?
OC donut steal
found in Shelburne Museum, in Vermont
chadians are pretty chad
a bunch of them wrecked a bunch of islamists in mali during the french intervention
Hearty kek
>muscles that puzzle biologists
quality shit right there
>not actually manlet
>Josephine cucked him, then he came back from Egypt and made her his bitch; she never cheated on him again, and he took around 24 mistresses.
>Corsican nobody
Because Charlie would have made something of himself if he'd not been born royalty.
>prematurely balding
high testosterone
>died huffing paint
he died of cancer
Accurate. The only thing that could make this post more accurate is one or two posts replying to you calling you an anti-white cuck.
>Whoah Mamma! Do the monkey with me!
>Chad isn't a phone poster
good shit
I was waiting for this.
>dressed like a woman to avoid going to war
>cucked by Agamemnon
>cried like a bitch when his boyfriend is killed
>killed by Paris, mythology's greatest fuccboi
>sent to Hades instead of Elysium
>not a manlet
ok Volodya
>high testosterone
Is that why he looks like a butch lesbian in most of his pictures?
>died huffing paint
May be referring to the fact that the paint in his house on St Helena was full of poisonous chemicals which may have contributed to his ill health there.
>played by brad pitt, the ultimate chad
This is still the best thing this meme has put out. I giggle every time I see it.
Bant overload
Oh shit it was posted 2ice. This could call for a virgin 1rst time poster vs chad 2nd time poster meme.
What? Achilles was given an Oracle where he could choose a long boring life or a glorious short one. He picked the later and went to Troy.
Can't find my "Top Kek" meme, so take this instead.
Can anyone make one with 'the virgin prince-bishop vs. the chad of Münster' about Jan van Leiden and the anabaptists in Münster?
>tfw no one has made the Virgin "Aryan" vs the Chad Kaltenbrunner
>when you collect archbisphorics like Pokemon so your kids will have lands to rule but you're 'purifying the church'
or the virgin Mao Zedong thinker vs. the Chad anti-revisionist
You're both right.
But he didn't dress up like a woman because he wanted to; his mom made him do it because she was worried about him. She dressed him up and sent him to live on this island where only women lived (can't remember the name of it). He didn't want to leave, not because he was scared, but because he was drowning in pussy. He fucked all the women there and one of them had his son, Neoptolemus.
The virgin Mao vs the Chad Kai Shek
I love the way the buffalo has Chad's eye lol
glad you liked it
RIP in peace Grape-kun
The Virgin Post versus the Chad Repost.
the turk looks oddly similar to the chad painting though
yeah that's the point of the meme..