Historical things that make you go "hmmm".
Historical things that make you go "hmmm"
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>US funding both sides of the conflict
Simple matter really. Israel saw Saddam's Iraq as the biggest threat at the time because it had the largest army in the Arab World and was openly aligned with the USSR. And it looked like they were going to roll over Iran (their own incompetence prevented this). So Israel picked the lesser of two evils.
>that time Israel, the United States, North Korea, and Syria were on the same side
>that time the United States and China were on both sides at the same time
Pretty much. And years later they changed their stance on him.
>Israel warned us against Iraq invasion, US official says
> Israel tried to convince the Bush administration that the main problem in the region was Iran, not Iraq.
>According to Wilkerson, different sources in Israel explained to senior US officials that "if you are going to destabilize the balance of power, do it against the main enemy."
>The Israeli advice was apparently triggered by reports reaching Israeli officials in December 2001 that the Bush administration was beginning serious planning for an attack on Iraq.
>Soon after Israeli officials got wind of that planning [Bush's plan to invade Iraq], Prime Minister Ariel Sharon asked for a meeting with Bush primarily to discuss US intentions to invade Iraq.
>In the weeks preceding Sharon's meeting with Bush on February 7, 2002, a procession of Israeli officials conveyed the message to the US administration that Iran represented a greater threat, according to a Washington Post report on the eve of the meeting.
They naturally would. The Israeli's are a lot like the brits: so long as our neighbours are fighting each other instead of us, we're safer for it. If any becomes a proper regional hegemon it tips the balance of power unfavourably for Israel.
Also Iran and Israel used to be pretty friendly pre-revolution. Muh release from Babylonan slavery and sheit
Tremendously underrated war desu.
Does anyone have the one where Venice started as ally of Pope and in the end were the enemy of Papal States?
The Battle of Majnoon wasn't nearly as widely documented as Hussein's use of vast chemical weapons arsenals on Iraq's rebellious Kurds, whose poisoned bodies littering the roadsides have been shown time and again on Western television during the past 10 days. Nor was it as well publicized as the Iraqi leader's devastating "War of the Cities" missile attacks on schools, homes and mosques throughout Iran during the eight-year war.
In fact, there were very few shots fired, and only a handful of artillery barrages. They were hardly needed, given the creative killing methods devised by the Iraqi army for the occasion.
"You wait until nighttime, and you will see how we are killing these Iranian dogs," an Iraqi officer said with a broad grin. "We are frying them like eggplants."
He then took us on a tour of dozens of thick electrical cables his troops had lain through the marshy battlefield, a spaghetti network that snaked in and out of the patchwork of lagoons. He showed us the mammoth electric generators that fed the exposed power lines from positions just behind the Iraqi front lines. And, when the Iranian Revolutionary Guards made their regular evening advance, the officer and his men demonstrated the macabre genius of their invention.
Iraqi gun batteries fired just enough artillery to force the Revolutionary Guards from their marsh boats, and, when hundreds of them had been forced to continue their advance through the lagoons on foot, the men manning the Iraqi generators flipped a few switches and sent thousands of volts of electricity surging through the marshland.
Within seconds, hundreds of Iranians were electrocuted.
>china not even trying to hide its supporting both sides
>top 10 anime conflicts
>top 10 anime team ups
>top 10 anime betrayals
all in the same war
Is that from Fisk's book?
>Israel (denied by Iran)
>"nah bombs and artillery is too difficult, let's instead set up an elaborate trap with miles of electrical cabling and massive generators in this incredibly specific area to zap the Iranians"
this seems like so much bullshit, Iraq was pretty retarded but this is a stretch, the logistics alone make it so implausible, also Fisk lies like it's breathing
Just cause they suck at warfare doesn't mean they are any way less creative.
Israel has always backed the right side.
Truly amazing.
whats the Veeky Forums run down on Biafra and the Igbo. /pol/ seems to think they're a race of LE BASED BLACK MAN
You mean every time since 1965?
Seconded. I'm not sure the physics of it even holds up. There are a lot of reasons why I'm sure this is bullshit
It has been that way since forever.
Our government was hardcore socialist and sent medical supplies to Vietnam, on the other hand we had a secret defensive alliance with the US against the Soviet Union.
The eternal swede strikes again
The US takes on the Cominform... and Sweden.
I wonder which one scared them the most.
Why did the US and the USSR fight on the same side? Is it a jewish conspiracy?
The only reason I'd see that happening is anti-colonialism, which I don't think is the reason.
It's a very oil-rich area as well.
Anybody knows why?
What's so surprising about this? It looks like the most sensible thing ever.
Sweden sided with the commie block all the way until killing fields became public. Seriously, Sweden's prime minister was praising Burma the same year it became public.
Honest I think Israel really is the good guy but the problem is the West is filled with incompetent pussy governments who naturally get played by a competent ethnonationalist government like Israel and China.
Yeah that makes up for the 999999999.99999999% Han domination.
holy shit you're still posting this pasta you sad iraqi fuck, don't you have a wife (goat) to make coitus with?
supported by =/= fight on the same side
actually over 41 million innocent german babies met their fate at the hands of arther "fetus fucker" harris
hahaah how my god
I do not think we could tanks this man enought , really a good man.
>joking about the 487 million pure blonde haired blue eyed newborn ayran babies that were ripped apart by arthurs giant spinning meat drill
That is the biggest clusterfuck of a war I have ever seen
>start a war
>switch sides
>win war
>Supported by Rhodesia, South Africa, Francoist Spain
Do you even need to ask if they're based?
Bulgaria was communist.
>Russia arming both sides
>give them weapons
>they give you money
That's how.
I currently live in the UK, both of my parents are of Igbo descent, here's the rundown:
Nigeria is composed of 3 main ethnic groups, Hausa-Fulani Muslims in the North, Yorubas in the West and Igbos in the South East.6 years after Nigerian Independence (1960) there were anti-Igbo pogroms being carried out in the Northern Islamic parts of Nigeria, where ~30,000 Igbos were killed.
This provoked Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, an Igbo man to form the Secessionist State, the Republic of Biafra, this was what started the Nigerian Civil War, as Biafra which was an Igbo-dominated area contained much of Nigeria's natural resources, crude petroleum and Oil. It would have been more beneficial to the British since they'd be able to get cheap resources from Nigeria than having to do fair and more expensive trade with Biafra, so the British sided with the Nigerians, due to pragmatic Islamic relations, the Muslim world also sided with Nigeria, I'm still unsure of why the USA and USSR sided with Nigeria.
As for Biafra, they were supported by both Fascist Portugal and Spain, as well as South African and Rhodesian Mercenaries, France also reportedly supplied weapons to the smaller Biafran forces, as well as Swedish Mercenaries pilots helping to supply and maintain Biafran MFI-9s which proved to be quite effective, Israel's support for Biafra probably due to parallels between the history of Jewish persecution in Europe and the persecution of Igbos in the Islamic parts of Nigeria.
You can research the details on the military operations and the creation of the Biafran puppet state of Benin in your own time, but to keep things brief, the war came to an end after the Nigerian army blockaded Biafran supply routes, essentially starving 1 million+ Biafrans, both military and civilians until the Biafran army surrendered to the Nigerians under the new leadership of Phillip Effiong.
>France joins the league for a good waaaagh
>every neighbor turns on them because they're butthurt France is doing well [spoiler]just like when playing catan[/spoiler]
>England joins the fun to spite France
>out of sportsmanship, venice makes up with France
>teams up with Scotland to spite England even more before winning it all
What war is this?
Portuguese colonial war.
Angolan War of Independence
based France at it again
Good business
Thanks my dudes
I get it's in the USSR but still why
All roads lead from Russia
What is so surprising? I don't get it.
Now I see!
Israel like south africa wants to keep countries weak and bickering with each other.
peace means eventual danger.
Was Northern Italy the Mesopotamia (Syria) of that time?
Talk about mixed messages.
This is a funny meme but Venice was literally occupied by France and forced to fight their allies.
LOL payback for the 4th Crusade. That'll teach them to use crusaders to attack other christians
My eternal opposition to Venice comes from trying to lower one of their blinds
This is the best one! Gets me every time.
That Bulgaria is seen as underspent but there's no like polish or Ukrainian suppourt
they really wanted Kharkov
>What was world war 2
What war?
After the communist government bankrupted the nation, they sold the entire gold reserve
They started to sell guns and ammo to practically everyone
You can't find a post 1960 conflict without Bulgaria as a major arms supplier
What's the date on this? Is this from when Hafez crushed the Muslim Brotherhood?
Years of Lead
>Italian government supported by US
>far-right terrorists supported by US
Why didn't we just support fascist Italy and get rid of the red tape
Whilst it isn't impossible, it certainly seems implausible for Iraqis to go to all that trouble to do a job with electricity that could easily be done with artillery.
And furthermore, the following passage about roads through the lagoon made from corpses is absolute bullshit.
Papal States were the ones that actually started it. They also initiated the first betrayal