


I give this chipmunk a nut every time you post thank you.

autistic fucko

alright Veeky Forums, you have 1 bullet and are in a room with:
>this OP
>the "bancor is literally unstoppable" OP
>the 400k net worth kissless virgin who got all his money from his dad and always posts his checking acct screenshot with $157k in it

who do you kill?

Probably the 3rd optiom


the smug smoke anime girl faggot who always shit talks crypto and shills wall st


The chink that convinced me to buy Walton.

I kill the fat virgin that posts the girl from lazy town in neo threads just to put him out of his misery

forgot about him. fuck that guy.

Did you hear the story about how she became a prostitute?

My dick never became so hard.


i used to hate that pink haired girl but now i find it funny


I wish I could stomp on your stupid gook head and watch the three brain cells that are floating around in there squirt out of your ears.

It's fake, but...just the thought



Autistic fucker



cigar anime girl

Bitcoin is the only crypto you retarded gullible fucks

Op might be an autistic Asian but he's right, altcoins are cancer.

Autistic Fucker

can some one ban this guy already im tired of hiding this post everyday

just nut to squirl girl bro it's goooood.

Lazy town neo faggot