How do I unfuck my life?

So I have crippling anxiety and depression which caused me to drop out of college, but I still do have a very supportive family so I dont think im hopeless.

I live at my parents and have a car and 5k of savings but I dropped out of college cause I was too depressed to go to class.

I tried to start exercising every day and it helps a bit with depression but Im starting to get even more depressed because im seeing all my friends get great internships that will lead into high paying jobs and im just playing video games all day jacking off and eating ramen.

I want to get a job but I dont have much experience and dont think I could handle a manual labor factory job. What would be my best plan for the rest of my life to live a comfy life and not be a pathetic NEET?

Go to community college and try again? All I really want is a job that pays like 40k per year so I can get my own place, a dank gaming setup, and a nice car and take a few vacations a year

Is this even possible without a degree? Is my only hope to be a mindless warehouse drone and make $15 an hour? I am quite good with math and science but what STEM jobs are there that don't require a bachelors? I live In the midwest by the way.

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Depression is incurable.

It's a permanent change in your brain.

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Join the marine corps

Do Infantry

Will get your life back into shape and nothing will ever seem bad again. Life becomes easy mode after.

I'm in a very similar situation. Dropped out, neeted for a year. I went back to a community college, I'll be there for a year to save some money before going back to a uni. Look into programming since ur good at math and seem to like computer shit. Plenty of easy programming gigs that pay in the 30-40k range. I know this shit sucks, but you just gotta do it man. do you really wanna leech off ur parents forever in you room till you die? Don't you have anything or anywhere you want to go before you die? Our time here on earth is pretty limited man

get muscles and career success. doing something you like.

Do a light dose of psychadelics, like shrooms.

I was depressed and suicidal at 17 when I weighed 506lbs at 6'1".

By 19 I was 210lbs at 12% bodyfat.

I am 25, and am still 210lbs or so.

I was supposed to be dead at this age. But I manned the fuck up, busted out a degree in 2 years, did a 2nd one in 2 more years. Sold real estate for 2 years and am getting ready to go to OCS.

All because I turned my sadness into rage.

You can do it bro. Remember, rage is a hell of an anesthetic.

I recommend Army 11x contract or Marines 03xx contract. Don't spend your money and you'll have the savings after 4 years that you would living on your own working on 45k a year.

>So I have crippling anxiety and depression which caused me to drop out of college
hey 18 yr old me

Well OP i'll tell you what I did. You can decide if you want to do it too.
>have mcjob while in college -> put some money into a brokerage account because it's fun
>drop out cause anxiety/depression/stress even though the previous semester I got straight As in 7 classes in Mech-Engineering
>get 2 minimum-ish wage jobs, work 10 hours a day, tell my self i'm just going to work as much as possible. That kept the depression from killing me. I was too busy.
>around Christmas one week i worked 85 hours
>be 19. Get warehouse job. Still have one mcjob on the side. Do this for a year. Start trading stock again.
>quit mcjob -> only have night shift warehouse job now. Trade stock during the day. Every week I have 2 sleepless days so I can trade.
>one year I make more trading stock than the warehouse job
>I decide I want to go back to school, for accounting
>switch to weekend shift and get back into school at 21. Accounting is easy as fuck.
gains have paid for all of it.
Money=Less depression. Currently 24. Last semester of school. Living off gains.
You never really shake your depression, you just learn how to deal with it by getting to know yourself better, or something. I'm am not the same person as I used to be.

I'm not saying you should trade stock, but it really helps to find something you don't hate, and do that. During this whole time I was working out too, got really ripped, tinder'd a lot of girls. Working out and trading were the two things I actually liked doing.

Nah OP here chronic marijuana use was the reason for my depression I'm much less depressed now that I stopped using any drugs or alcohol (except caffeine and nicotine) I'm still depressed though cause I feel like if I don't do something soon and get a real job I'm gonna be stuck as a 30 year old loser working a machine in a hot sweaty factory... And that thought makes me want to Kms

Be this guy

marijuana is a nigger drug that causes depression. shrooms will fix your chemical imbalance with serotonin. just google you faggot

Is accounting easy? I'm pretty good at math but I got a ton of anxiety cause my physics and thermodynamics classes were ass raping me so I dropped out cause I didn't think I could et a job with my shitty gpa. I aced my freshman year so I know I'm not stupid. Would 2 years community college > 4 year university for an accounting degree be a good plan? I'm 20 btw.

You're literally me, almost. Physics was lightly raping me. BUT what really triggered me was public speaking class. I was not mentally prepared to do that - I could blame it on a lot, but I just wasn't prepared.

Accounting is hardly math in terns of operations, like working through the product rule of derivatives or something.
it's all heuristics, with a very general format to follow. I got into it because I was already looking at financial statements as basically my job. You'll learn the heuristics for specific transactions then they get complex as you progress through the degree. You'll also have to take some finance classes. Accounting is not for everyone.

Yeah if your 4 year university is kinda expensive it would be worth the 2 year community college assuming the credits are 100% transferable.
This site will let you test out of almost all of your General education classes for $80/class and a test you have to get at least 70% on, to full credit. I wish I knew about it earlier, but look into if your school accepts these credits. I tested out of macroeconomics using this - i studied for about 2 weeks in my free time. beats $2000 and 16 weeks.

so fucking true . why isn't this more common knowledge ? probably people trying to make money off curing It. impossible. when you pull the pants down on the system and see how stupid and fucked this society is you realise there is no turning back. screen cap this. we are going to zero... figuratively speaking

It's treatable, but not curable.
If you say I'm wrong, you've never been on paxil.

>Is accounting easy? I'm pretty good at math but I got a ton of anxiety cause my physics and thermodynamics classes were ass raping me so I dropped out cause I didn't think I could et a job with my shitty gpa. I aced my freshman year so I know I'm not stupid. Would 2 years community college > 4 year university for an accounting degree be a good plan? I'm 20 btw.
Go to a solid state school. Accounting is easy, just study and get great grades. If you graduate with a 3.6+, you will probably start at ~70k a year with upward mobility.

Regarding the 70k/year
That fluctuates a lot depending on where you are. I'm near Cincinnati, I have a job lined up for 55k in public auditing. I'm getting a little fucked compared to industry rates, but, there's a lot of upward mobility like you said and the this kind of experience looks good. 3.59 GPA here lol.

>seeing all my friends get great internships
Use it as motivation instead of comparison, only compare yourself against yourself - have you moved forward or improved
>dont think I could handle a manual labor factory job. 40k year warehouse job midwest nice car vacation etc.
If you have some grit to handle the grind, yes, you can. I make a little over 40k in a factory in ohio, im not going on vacations with a nice car, but I bullshit half my nights on Veeky Forums.

>accounting degree
I have a guy driving a forklift under me with one. If you decide to get a degree in something, understand it opens a door, but it's not a guarantee

What are you supposed to do when you're depressed then?

start by not saying "crippling" anything

i fucking hate that shit. you sound like a redditor.

muh "crippling anxiety"
muh "crippling depression"

you want to know whats "crippling"? being a fucking cripple


Fucking learn JavaScript. Do Code Academy. Then read Eloquent JavaScript. Then take Hack Reactor or App Academy bootcamp prep to get into top bootcamps. Finish bootcamp and get 6 figga nigga job without a crappy degree. Boom done.

Come out of Babylon my children. God is still waiting for you. Buy a bible and start reading. No joke.

Get medicated. I did well with lifestyle coping mechanisms. Meditation. Excercise. QT gf. But medication makes it even better. There's no trophy for suffering more.

You don't have to confine yourself to 1 source of income
Your skills aren't limited to their current position
Your ability to improve them isn't limited to paid education

I know people that make 30 an hour doing tutorials for uni kids, high school kids you could make an easy 20+, There are great platforms out there for getting little trickles of revenue off of clothing design and marketing these through social media would be incredibly cheap, learning programming would be a great way to get out of the pits, etc etc etc.

Intelligence isn't the highest paying attribute, initiative is. Find out what you're good at, what the market around you needs, and build your skills around these factors & market them. Shit, I know people who make a comfortable living mixing E-juices for vapes.

is a gimp, eat acid and sit in a forest for 8 hours if you want to fix your depression.

unironically this. acid and mushrooms together didn't necessarily cure my depression, but it helped immensely. just make sure not to dose too high your first time or you will likely have a TERRIBLE time.

Good work user.

I went through a similar situation, not weight but shit in my personal life.

Youre 100% right that rage is the best motivator.

OP- listen to him, you need to transform all your negative energy into a positive force. Rage is not negative- it can be used for good things. Sadness and nihilism are the enemy of mankind. I recommend nofap for 3 months, keep lifting, start on small things and build your discipline levels up- its a muscle and needs to be trained. Dont jump in the deep end.

I look forward to hearing a great report in 3 months.