>Non consumer friendly, enterprise oriented
>Backed by LLVM/Facebook and RSA engineers, also ETH developer
>Companies want to jump on blockchain train
>Ready to pay 10x premium price for LINK tokens to use their API
>Literally holding LINK is like selling gold to the jews

Other urls found in this thread:



not selling a single one

>buy my bags

Not gonna happen, sorry.

this is pathetic. So you bought some LINK bags and now your first thread is immediately trying to hype it after they fucked the sale up completely.
you know what, I dont see a difference between you and a straight up scammer.
i could admire such ruthless dedication but I believe in the values of the BIBLE which say not to lie, so sorry

Whitepaper shit, website shit, enjoy your bags fags

> after they fucked the sale up
you did not have time to buy != fucked sale

hah i screenshotted this too earlier. WE MADE IT

>day old coin

Never change, Veeky Forums

how does fucking up the sale mean its bad? protip, its not bad.

nice just bought 100k

>Doesnt know what bags mean

29mil was presold

>>Doesn't know what bags mean

You know I normally do the opposite of what Veeky Forums days but both the fomo and the fud are strong as fuck. what do I do?

Forget 10x, LINK can’t even stay above ico price right now on ED

Veeky Forums is now my favourite board because of all the salty nolinkers. It's obvious they were too slow to get on board and are now fudding as hard as they can. Their anguish sustains me.

If they are so great how come they don't know how to set up a simple ICO contract?

Both sell and buy at the same time.

This is obviously a PnD. There are 2 devs who can't even organise an ICO without getting into legal trouble.

Sold at 1.3x ico price on ED. This thing will be below ico price very soon. 10x is a fuckin daydream you idiots, 100x is just plain obvious bs and even OP knows it. Have fun bagholding in the future guys

It is above ICO price, you idiot. ICO price was 0.000384.

Only because all the useless fucks that weren't quick enough to get in are crying foul so much it is pushing the price down. If I hadn't dumped the 7 eth spare I had into it I would be buying more while it is still low.

>I didn't get in, that means they did it bad

Man all this FUD makes me feel so /comfy/. If you know what Chainlink actually does, you would understand that this will be a top 15 coin within a year. Can't wait to become a whale and 50x my investment in a year.

tfw eth was 400 when you bought in so you are in the negative big time

Their retard devs cant even make a simple ICO contract how are they going to make a product anyone is going to pay for?

No way user, that sucks man

good job trying to prevnd all those newcoiners from selling so you can stay above ico user. 50x in a year, oh my god. I'll post a screencap of this every couple of months user and you'll feel more and more miserable

T H I S.
It's that simple

Literally every ICO has dropped below ICO price recently.
The euphoria from a few months ago is gone. That's a good thing.

Look at what's ahead for chainlink though, starting with

You do realise that they sent individual addresses to stop scammers yeah? So retards like you wouldn't give your money to pajeet, don't reply to this man I'm on easy street, your the people denying yourselves the next ripple right now

What was wrong with the ICO? The pre-sale doing so well that there was fuck all left over for the crowdsale doesn't make it bad. I thought the way they did it with unique codes so you didn't have to use crazy gas prices to get in was actually good.

I honestly don't know how people missed out if they really wanted it. I have 3rd world internet speeds and still got in on block 74. I'm glad you guys are retarded because it meant I got my 18k LINK, but I can't see why you blame them and not yourselves.

The addresses were supposed to be used by 1 person.
1 person should be able to stay below the cap without needing a fucking contract.

It hasn't even dropped below ico price, people are just fudding that it isn't up 10x yet

You'd think people who own the domain would actually use a smart contract lmao

could still sell my 0x at a good profit even tho it dropped so heavily.. Also can't fucking wait to see what my Kyber will be worth soon.

But you say it, most icos will drop below ico price. Just like this one. Whats the point of holding right now when we know it'll drop way more

I know.
Just saying it wouldn't phase me in the least if it did.
I'm pretty sure every single crypto I ever bought dropped below my buy point at some time. Panic selling is what gets you.


>needing a smart contract to keep 1 person from overfilling a cap
wew laddo

Seriously, this thing will drop slightly more. Ethereumwill fucking moon again due to metropolis. Why not sell this for eth, keep eth till its 380ish again and then buy back some link for under ico price. Life can be that simple. Good luck with whatever stupid move you guys make


Because the argument could be made the other way, if Ethereum moons so will most ICOs that have hype or money behind them in a faster rate.

If Ethereum went 400 dollars for a 40% gain any ICO worth dick would gain twice that and much more.

>doesn't know what bags mean

Ok another Veeky Forums normie who thinks in $$$$$$

Already tried to explain you the thing

if the ETH / xxx Token ratio will stay the same, you will get the full Dollar value too, and on top of that you will get the increasing ETH / xxx Token ratio, when it is increasing

>Sounds good to me. ALL IN ETH

Some kind user explained it clearly a while ago.

forgot pic

I can see the oposite, a Token gains 1b in market cap so does ethereum. But how do the tokens gain any value from ethereum increase?
From the hype and people/bots buying?

Because 1 billion in Ethereum gains is not proportional to how much of that 1 billion would be cut up into the other ICOs and ICOs have a tiny fraction of Ethereums market cap.


Why are Link Larpers so fucking annoying? I hope you crash and burn faggots.

What are you in for if not for the $?

I am in for the Tech revolution

>nobody ever said

But his $ argument makes no sense to go in into ETH, because reason, see above.

LINK isn't even on coinmarketcap or any exchanges like liqui/hitBTC.
Be patient, also there will be SIBOS hype.
Don't be stupid and just hold at least until then.

Can i get a quick rundown on SIBOS please? I googled it but got unrelated shit

Major finance conference from 16-19 October.

Cheers senpai

Spread the word, kohai.

Going to watch this live and shoot heroin as my LINK hundredexes in front of my eyes.

Might also jack of and climax at the 100x line just to make it even better. Do you think that's redundant?

>Do you think that's redundant?
Superfluous maybe.