What are your holdings? screenys for proof.
I'm all in on BAT.
What are your holdings? screenys for proof.
I'm all in on BAT.
85% USDT
10% WTC
5% 1ST
you fucked up big time
If he bought above 6k, yes. If he bought around 3-4k where things were at for a while, no.
mercury about to drop.
on the off chance it doesn't, how do i unfuck?
LMAO, volume going down, price goes nowhere, impenetrable ceiling, etc.
Sell that shit dude
I'm not selling unless it gets down to 4800. I'm willing to make no profit on this is the chance it moons
Sorry forgot to attach.
>goes all in
>has no exit strategy
you will never make it
come at me
when is it dropping? i also have bags of this shitcoin
if it doesn't get released tommorrow, 90% the price will drop hard
i was going to sell the other day..
However my GF smashed my monitor about an hour before i would hit my sell price, and i had no cash to replace it until today.
unless you have any ideas how to make 15% in the next few hours i'll wait out the mercury release.
If it's in an exchange, you're not holding anything. The exchange does.
you need to diversify yo coins, nigga
why'd she smash the monitor?
He was too busy smashing the buy button to smash her pussy
thats just what i keep on the exchange bro
btc ltc and eth stay buried in my backyard
Im all in on this shit ico lmao hold me biz
Sell at 0.40?
long story short, she has an intellectual disability.
I'm all in on ADX I'm gonna be rich r-right anons?
Depends on volume and how steep the curve is, if it stays steady I'll sit, if its vertical and volume starts to drop I'll dump it. I'd rather miss out on a few percentage buy selling after peak than miss out on a bigger moon.
you mean she's female
no, i was being serious.
comprehension issues, doesn't understand money etc.
smashed my computer because i had a hash brown from mcdonalds 3 days earlier. not even joking.
Sounds like 90% of females to me
How much you down?
hard to say, a lot though
uh sounds like a great relationship man i hope the best for you
> fuck up
It's one of the few coins with a specific and focused purpose. Not "the next bitcoin!". It also answers a long standing industry problem of funding and advert exposure.
Now i don't think long term it will be the solution but this is one of the very few coins that has it's own position and will rise guaranteed. Not to $2 like some people posit, but easily $0.5-$1.
dude, women are crazy enough without you having to chose one with mental retardation.
For your own sanity get out of there!
Best portfolio
Lost 20%, from 1 BTC :(, Edgeless fucked me hard and quick
I hope I bought recently but I get the feeling it still might get a little worse before it gets better.