is it beacuse they have no history?
Why are northern Europeans so hated on this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey look, it's Albanian diaspora in Sweden from over at /int/
One people who think they have no history are the people who think Rome was where history fucking ended
Because they are wewuzzing arrogant cucks.
Yeah they have no culture of their own so they have to steal from others, they are by far the most pathetic people on earth.
>germany,austira,switzerland, and england ,the dutch, and the flanders are northern european
Shit map
Shit thread
Kill yourself
>hurr durr but it's not northern europe!111
I see more people making strawmen about Scandis wewuzzing than them actually wewuzzing
You should watch some Varg Vikernes videos then...
too many shitskins and leftists here so they hate the real whites
>northern Europe
You what faggot? They literally border Italy.
>make thread about northern europeans
>usesmap of germanic people
>imllying scandinavians are germanic
>implying franks aren't germanic
If you include anglos you include franks you dip shit
Yea, one nutjob in France means every Scandi wewuzzes
>le only Scandinavia is northern European meme
most people besides autist NEET's on Veeky Forums divide Europe into three parts Northern (Germanic speaking) Southern (Latin speaking) and Eastern (Slavic speaking).
While there are a few countries that do not fall perfectly into this (Hungary, Finland and baltic countries for example) it is the best way to divide Europe. France is a bit tricky since it falls in between the northern euroepan and southern european world.
it is a response to endless wewuzzing and arrogance from northern euros. They used to be far more common all over the internet and the only reason you see less of them now is beacuse they have been bullycided of most sites.
His attitude is common among Scandi nationalists, I live in Sweden and have access to Swedish speaking sites. While the ones claiming Romans and greeks as nordics are in the minority it isnt uncommon and most people have somewhat nordisistic attitudes and are completely ignorant of European history.
true, Scandinavians have too much East Asian in them to be considered true whites.
>imllying scandinavians are germanic
What are they, if not Germanic?
>Not Germanic
So germanics?
Literally just a single google search
Why are you retards continuing to bump a thread created by an Albanian immigrant in Sweden?
>dividing Europe based on language
Retard tier
That's only true for Finns, Sapmi and Estonians...
Because a lot of Veeky Forums users are butthurt m*diterrenean "whites" or mutts jelous of the glorious Aryan Nordid race.
American wewuz thread? Post the dumbest shit you've heard Americans say on this board in reference to their European heritage.
>scandinavian-americans are basically the true scandinavians now that scandinavia has been destroyed by niggers
Wikipedia is wrong on this, most people I encounter outside of Veeky Forums use Northern europe far more broadly. Scandinavians, Dutch and Germans have more in common with each other than Scandies and balts do.
>Greece is in the same group as portugal while Sweden is not in the same group as Germany and Netherlands
You are so fucking retarded
>I'm 1/4 Polish, so I know better than the real Poles
>I do look Scandinavian since I have those Scandinavian genes. I am also French, English and High German. The Scandinavian I inherited is of the Nobility, my maternal Grandfather came from Freisland and his parents are what you would call Kaisers which is like a minor Emperor. I also have French Nobility.
>The Scandinavian I inherited is of the Nobility
Americans are the most ignorant people of all, there is nothing noble about Scandinavia it is a nation of peasants.
Finno-Ugric peoples aren't Mongols.
Originally they were, Finns are Nordicized because the original Finnic tribes slaughtered original Corded Ware Nordid males and raped their women.
Pic rel: Khanty people, the unmixed Finno-Ugrians.
>Regards, the AMWF interracial cuckold fetishist Finn
forgot pic
The only mongoloid is the older man, the rest look relatively normal.
The pitch-black hair makes them look a bit Russian though.
>pitch black hair
>the rest look relatively normal.
Maybe in Turkey or the USA. Lol.
Russians in the Baltics are generally from Southern Ukraine/The Caucasus region, so the image of "Russian" that I have is straight pitch-black hair, tan skin, dark brown eyes.
The average Russian has brown hair and blue/grey eyes. Actual black hair doesn't exist in ethnic Russians.
Scandis are fine
I only hate the Germans and slightly dislike the Anglos pesonally
This makes sense for the Finns and the Estonians, but what about the Sami? I thought they were relatively isolated for millenia and became a distinct phylogenetic group, neither caucasoid nor mongoloid.
>This makes sense for the Finns and the Estonians, but what about the Sami?
They settled in a barely even inhabited territory, and didn't mix with Corded Ware Indo-Europeans, because they have never settled in Lappland. This is why they look more Mongoloid than (Baltic) Finns and Estonians
Only cause of Russia.
Estonia and Latvia were and are Nordic! desu
Latvia is more Slavic than West Slavs.
Saami have the highest rate of haplogroup U5 mitochondrial DNA in the world. It's from Paleo-European hunter gatherers.
>It's from Paleo-European hunter gatherers.
Only U5b, U5a is Eastern HG/ANE.
U4 is ANE. It's actually found in Siberia(especially heavily ANE Kets and Mansi) and Kalash tribe.
U5a was found in Yamna, Andronovo, Corded Ware, so it's probably either EHG or CHG, definitely not Old European.
EHG = 50-50 mix of WHG and ANE
This thread confirms the fear southern europeans harbour of the NORDIC man
We have never found U5a in WHG, but we have found it in EHG-descended Indo-Europeans.
>fear the pasty weaklings
Come holiday my friend, come my friend very nice holiday resort 6 star i giv yu nice sun and sand for you to dry skin and turn red tanned, dont forget bring byutiful Tanja daughter so I can show her veri nice time
>Germans and English
>No history
Not exactly
>Iron Gates Serbia 9500-6200 BCE U5a1c
>Germany Blätterhöhle 8652 ± 58 BC U5a2c3
>France Les Closeaux 10240-9560 BP U5a2
Just a few examples. It seems like U5a radiated from the Balkan WHG refuge while U5b from the Iberia WHG refuge and these populations mixed in many places.
OK, so I was wrong...
But what is the U5 mutations of the Lapps actually?
Predominantly the one shared with Berbers(U5b1b)
t.pekka khan, descended from a finnish autistic man and his asian mail order bride
OK, that's a bit strange...
I've never took mtDNA seriously, because I think y-DNA gives the better view of migration waves, so I don't even know how could this happen.
There's mesolithic U5b1b from Poland listed on the site. First settlers of NE Europe were Swiderians from Poland.
Saami mtDNA is bottlenecked though because they never could attract non-Saami women to their lifestyle and and in small, closed groups a few lines always take over.
pic rel: what actually happened
what went wrong bros? finns have came up with some of the worst memes.
I agree with more of your claim , but austrian have an history
>germany, austria, switzerland, england and the netherlands
>all under roman rule
>villas, theatres, amphitheatres everywhere
>call them we-wuzzers
>along with their scottish neighbours, amassed the greatest empire in history and spread their culture, language and religion in an unparalleled manner, as well as sparking a technological and scientific advance that dragged mankind fully out of the mediaeval period and into the modern age
>tell them they've done nothing
>orkney islands
>some (i.e. dozens) of the oldest man-made structures in the world (5,000 years old)
>tell orcadians they've got no history
pretty sure it is just scandinavians you should be laughing it pal
heres a haplomeme map to compare
>Colonise the world
>Create the most successful and industrous nations on Earth
>Contribute greatly to modern and 18th/19th century arts
>Create nearly all the mainstream strands of political thought in use today (Communism, Market Liberalism, Conservatism, Fascism etc.)
>Produced vital modern inventions and engineering feats
>Still does so
Why would the Northern European peoples not be arrogant?
>Northern Europeans created Fascism
> >Greece is in the same group as portugal while Sweden is not in the same group as Germany and Netherlands
Sweden is distinct from countries of former HRE though. Their histories intersect only momentarily. Even Denmark is scantly important in German history, its population center being far from the nearest German one.
Fair enough, I should have said National Socialism.
Britain is not Northern Europe and Germany is typically classed as Central Europe
Scandinavians have never really done anything, though the Swedes did admittedly discover a few elements
Northern Europe = Scandinavia
Germany is Central Europe. England is Western.
Take the Anglos out of the equation, and half my off-the-head achievement list falls apart. Take the Germans and the other half goes. If you're just including Scandinavia as Northern Europe then I concede.
>Sweden is distinct from countries of former HRE though.
So are Greece and Portugal, they situated on oposite ends of Europe and doesn't even share the same sea, yet no one disputes that they are both in southern Europe.
As you can see here the only reason people here are so adamant on separating Scandinavians from their Germanic brethren is so they can troll them more.
Except Britons and Germans are culturally and ethnically more like the French than they are Scandinavians, with the possible exception of Danes who are admittedly pretty based (though totally irrelevant as a culture)
Because we are superior
Germans on average are closer to Norwegians and Swedes as well. The same goes for the Dutch. The Brits is a bit more distant but still cluster close to the rest of the Germanic speaking countries.
in fact on both Haplogroup maps and autosomal dna maps you tend to see that Germanic speaking are more closely related to each other than the Latin speaking and slavic speaking countries are
this haplomeme map do not show the various subclades
you are shit
>Germans on average are closer to Norwegians and Swedes as well.
>those shitty disproportionate sample sizes
Into the trash
Stay mad, slavshit
Swede actualy, so I guess I should have written "we are shit" but that isn't as insulting.
Sluta cuckbreva
Men det är kul
Nej det är det inte
Even on that map Norway is just as close to Brittain and Germany as France is. Sweden is a bit further off but not much and Denmark would have been even closer of it had been included.
Honestly not sure what you want to prove. It clearly shows that Scandinavia is very close to both Germany and England.
Vi är bara värdelösa snönegrer mannen
>France is a bit tricky
I have no words for how retarded this statement is.
FUCK sw*Doids
It is kinda hard to categorize France since they do not fall entirerly withing either the Germanic or the Latin sphere. I see people struggling with it alot on autist forums like this where people are obsessed with this stuff.
Most people on Veeky Forums got taught a Marxist analysis of history and then also decided Foucault was someone to look up to, and now you have deconstructivist fags who hate everything that whites stand for - order, progress, science, philosophy, etc, and want to destroy it all out of hatred, envy and jealousy.
no one is envious of Germanics, /his is just shitting on them beacuse they are the lolcows of history
>moving the goalposts because you're wrong
Ethnically, Saxons, Germans and Scandinavians are extremely similar. Kill yourself.
He said writing in English on the internet
This needs those two pictures, one of all the ethnic groups claiming to be white but displaying admixture and the other of all the ethnic groups claiming to be mixed while all being white
> ancestors were 53% savages who only knew how to kill and nothing else
>Germans, English and Scandis achieved nothing in history
All other cultures achieved less in comparison, so nobody achieved anything then?
So being savages well into the middle ages while the rest of the world where civilized is a grand accomplishment now? If it wasn't for the middle east and southern europe they would still be living in mud huts.
I can't tell if you're being ironic or not. Fuck I hate this board sometimes.