Is the Learned Elders of the Protocol of Zion a fake document?
Is the Learned Elders of the Protocol of Zion a fake document?
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I'm pretty sure it is. I tried to read it and it was ridiculous. If there were real Elders of Zion and they were as stupid as the text made them seem, there's no fucking way they would have been capable of running a world-domination conspiracy. It read like bad fanfic.
Do you think that, say, darwinism is a jewish plot?
>select random Jewish contributors, some absolutely irrelevant and ignore every non-jewish contributor and even non-jews in high up positions
Stormfags, everyone.
Yes, but it is true that most Jews in positions of power care about their tribe more than about gentiles and that they use their influence to advance agendas which are beneficial for them but harmful for their host nations.
>t. Hans Müller
"The problem of the authenticity of this document is secondary and has to be replaced by the much more serious and essential problem of its truthfulness"
>p-p-pure coincidence goyim. The goys we hired are proof that it’s fake.
Kikefags, everyone
I wish I was Jewish. Sadly i'm a Goy. I just see right through /pol/ infographs
Ah, a shabbos goy, huh?
>even non-jews in high up positions
you make it sound strange user
What's more cringe is being unemployed spending hours of your days in your parent's basement thinking and talking about Jews. What a life that must be for you guys.
>Sadly i'm a Goy
Let me guess, Evangelical? Goy literally means cattle. You are calling yourself cattle by calling yourself Goyim.
Self projecting, are we shabbos goy?
Go fuck yourself, false flag shil. Where is tthe biggest version?
>Let me guess, Evangelical?
Nope, i'm not even religious.
>Goy literally means cattle
Goy means nation in Biblical Hebrew, actually.
Ah, stormfags. They rarely seem to think along the lines of "hmm, those infographs tricked me into thinking goy means cattle, maybe they're wrong about other things too".
The fact that things discussed in it came true make the question of whether it is true or false irrelevant.
You help the Jew like no other. The Jew feeds off of your hatred. The Jew loves being such a tiny population, yet having so many Goy cattle like you who will talk about them all day. Who will inevitably help the Jews by telling the world of their prowess. You are the ultimate shabbos goy.
>suddenly knows Hebrew
>claims not religious, but wants to follow Judaism
I can’t point my finger on this...
Not him, but... Anyone who argues with stormfags frequently soon learns what "goy" actually means in Hebrew, since it's so often mistranslated by stormfags.
And when you frequent Veeky Forums, you end up frequently arguing with stormfags.
Knowing what the word "Goy" means isn't "knowing Hebrew." I actually saw a video on youtube where it claimed Goy meant cattle. So I looked it up and it turns out it was complete bullshit. Also, I don't want to follow Judaism. I just think Jews are an interesting people from an anthropologic perspective and have a very interesting history, so I appreciate them.
goy: a Jewish name for a non-Jew.
goyim: a Jewish name for many non-Jews.
Satanic plot, yes.
>goy doesn’t mean cattle
>goy means cattle
>no no! Goy means nation!!!!
>lie constantly
>people research your constant lies and learn shit about jews during the research
>A-HA! You must be a jew!
>what is writing ironically
Reading comprehension
Get some
Are you actually retarded?
Notice how none of the stormtards in this thread are actually discussing what's in the PotEoZ.
Why is that, I wonder?
I have a theory: to discuss it would require reading more than an infograph's worth of text, and this is beyond 95% of stormtards.
What are some examples of its truthfulness?
>heh, I was being ironic! XD
Everything in it. The fact that the Protocols predicted every Jew-trick in the past 100 years proves it's authenticity. No matter how much (((wikipedia))) and (((historians))) say that it's a forgery, the fact that everything in it has come true is proof enough that it isn't.
Time to wait several minutes while stormtards who have never actually read the PotEoZ frantically google it...
You must be a stormtard based on what you posted.
Nice examples faggot.
Sort of like how kikefags would frantically google how it’s a forgery?
Not him. This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/. Stop quoting people just to call them jews and to post /pol/ infographs/memes or fuck off.
It's not a document. It's just a pamphlet written to accuse Jews of the changes happening between 19th and 20th century. You should read it. It's clearly written by someone supporting the old aristocratic system. It's pretty much a collection of anti-semitic canards, there is nothing new or unique about the Protocols.
"None of A are also B" does not imply that "All not-B are also A"
Wilson advocated a much more lenient treaty based on his 14 points, you fucking idiot. Don't come in here with no knowledge of history and try to spread your shitty agenda.
>supporting the old aristocratic system
>claims I should read it
>hasn’t read it himself
>Germany takes Alsace-Lorraine in 1871
"Rightful German clay"
>Allied Powers impose reparations on Germany after 1918
"Must be duh Joooooos!"
You know that France wanted to partition Germany? Britain and USA actually saved Germans.
My question is: Why are Jews such lightning rods for discrimination? Why does this same old prejudice seem to keep coming back to life? We are talking for most of history.
Killed muh god
Different religion
>wants to partition Germany
>Goes to Germany and beats up locals, demanding them to pay up for war reparations
SO you haven't read it?
>will see later, this he
lped us to our triumph: it gave us the
possibility, among o
ther things,
of getting
into our hands the
master card - the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very
existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class w
hich was the
only defense peoples and countries
had against u
s. On the
ruins o
f the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM w
e have set up
the aristocracy of our educated class he
aded by the aristocracy of money.
See video
Idk about the rest of history but Hitler viewed them as even lower than the Gypsies because the Jews were a nationless people. He thought they were parasites who attracted to host nations because they didn't have their own.
Unironically read “The Culture of Critique”
Considering it is literal plagiarism of a satirical critique of Napoleon III, yes.
>brainlet who cannot read detected
Are you retarded? They explicitly state how the Jews started the French Revolution to destroy the aristocracy of Goyim which was their only defense against the Jews.
>It's clearly written by someone supporting the old aristocratic system.
>They explicitly state how the Jews started the French Revolution to destroy the aristocracy of Goyim which was their only defense against the Jews.
Pick one
The real author.
You're pretty stupid user, his point is obvious.
Which is?
On the surface level, Jewish people in general get oppressed wherever they go in the long run because some of their members tend to focus on the level of a middle man minority, so other people tend to frown upon them collectively like Americans do to Indians.
If you look at the actual timeline of anti-semetic incidents though, while some of it happens everywhere, the majority of it is centered around Europe. This is because Europe is Christian which is historically even more expansionistic than Islam is (Islam isn't much better but on paper they had a tax which allowed minorities to live in relative peace as long as they paid it.). Christians apart from the evangelical meme look at Jews as not the people who invented the foundation of their religion but either as an enemy or as misguided people. Christianity and Judaism in their purest, conservative forms are incompatible with each other in the long because of the fact Christianity is founded upon and contradicts a lot of Judaism's values, and the Christians in Europe demanded the Jews to convert to their religion even though a lot of their views contradict with each other, especially over time as Christianity assimilated more European Roman influence and went into the Rebirth era where realist art replaced abstract art.
This Christian influence is still seen today in secular people who dislike Judaism as people like Hitler, and Varg Vikerness still grew up in Christian families affecting their worldview even if they didn't believe in Christianity at all in their later years.
On a religious level it might be comparable to what Bethesda did with the original Fallouts and their fanbase, a lot of the old Fallout fans have trouble adopting to the new gameplay style that the new Fallouts use
>muh oppression
>becuz Christianity
Fuck off
It's true though, Europe was and still is a clusterfuck of cultures and additional cultures like the jews didn't help the situation. Concepts like the Code of Laws and limited power to the king were invented by non-Germanic peoples hundreds, sometimes thousands of years before they came into Europe.
Yes. It was forged by Jews to make anti-Semites look bad.