How accurate are the designs for cleopatra and Caeser in the new assass's creed game?
How accurate are the designs for cleopatra and Caeser in the new assass's creed game?
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well they probably would have been ~8 inches shorter in real life
Giv brown Greco-Egyptian queen gf
Seems pretty accurate
I wanna fuck that Cleo
SHe is cute, like a chocolate elf.
I dunno why he’s blonde and he could stand to be a bit more olived up but I mean
It’s mainstream af and for that it’s pretty commendable in effort
That Caesar looks way too old, to be honest, he was relatively young when he died, and he died during Cleopatra's reign.
cleopatra was fucking white, a literal greek person ruling a hellenistic dynasty
there are more black people in egypt per capita today than there were in ancient times. How many blacks do you see walking around egypt compared to the arabs? Not very many, now take that already tiny number of blacks and make it even smaller, and you have the ancient world. So ubisoft decides a greek person should be black and that the protagonist should also be black even though there were barely any black people in egypt and the actual blacks they did have were specified as such so you should never ever assume that anyone from egyptian history outside the nubian dynasty was black, it is far more likely that theyre brown, or in the case of the romam era, white. There were DEFINITELY more whites in egypt than blacks, this is absolutely undeniable and yet there probably wont be many whites in this game despite it being a roman province and a greek province for hundreds of years before that.
Why isn't Caesar black?
Shut up you whiny faggot lol
Ceasar is described as "blonde" or "fair" by some Roman sources (or just one, i dont remember).
They probably made Cleopatra (a Greek Noble) too dark even if she was Egyptian (even Egyptian nobles weren't necessarily that dark because their lineage and lack of being an outdoor laborer) but Im not complaining because I know some SJWs would take offense and its pretty believable as is.
>not making Cleopatra the right skin color because of SJW bullshit
Thank God! What a horrible world historical accuracy would make. All those hurt feelings. It would be a terrible shame.
assassins creed died with revelations
im complaining, some blacks decide to rewrite history and take credit for another race's civilization and then they start replacing egyptian/greek characters with blacks in virtually all media about that civilization? Its offensive to those people, but obviously jews dont care about offending egyptians or greeks so theyre happy to take a huge dump on historical accuracy for those precious sjw good boy points.
I enjoyed these games because they actually attempted some semblence of historical accuracy and back when the first game came out that was unheard of in a video game, so to see them sell out and start making fake pop history to appeal to millenials is very depressing.
thats the problem, most don't know that Cleopatra is Greek so it wouldn't just be hurt feelings, most people would literally think that depicting he as white was wrong and I doubt the company wants to put out an add campaign to clarify "Cleopatra was totally a white Greek guys c'mon"
She doesn't look black, she looks like a dark Egyptian woman or Arab. She's a little darker than most Egyptians but she doesn't have negroid features or anything. And honestly? what did you expect???
so lying about history to appeal to modern sensibilities, seems totally ok and totally wont erode western civilization or anything...
*turns into kangz thread*
You're better than this, Veeky Forums
I enjoyed reading about the real Assassins' feud with Saladin during the Crusades. Apparently, they reached a peace agreement after Saladin surrounded their mountain fortress and besieged them, before mysteriously withdrawing and then never trying to fuck with them ever again. There are several contradicting stories about exactly what occurred to explain Saladin's mysterious withdraw, but they all revolve around the idea that the Assassins did some so spooky that Saladin simply decided it was better to leave them alone. In one version, the leader of the Assassins sneaks into Saladin's tent and leaves a poisoned dagger next to his head. In another, the Assassins send out an envoy, who says that Saladin's entire extended family will be hunted by the Assassins if he doesn't withdraw. In one final version, the Assassin's suddenly reveal that they have dozens of agents in Saladin's own bodyguard, who will kill him in an instant if he doesn't withdraw.
she should be far lighter than most egyptians because she never went in the sun, even outside she was always protected from direct sunlight, she would have been paler than most whites in europe, all nobility throughout the world was pale as fuck, it makes no sense to EVER depict royalty or nobility with dark skin because it just didnt fucking happen, even if theyre egyptian theyd be the palest egyptians in the country, so even if youre gonna change her race dont pointlessly make her dark it clashes heavily with history but who cares about that lol gotta get those black bux
>most don't know cleopatra is greek
isn't that the fucking point of having a historical setting? To educate the masses?
>so lying about history
This isn't wewuzzism and the damage was done long ago without any actual revisionism in the first place. People just assume Cleopatra=Egyptian=Brown.
>seems totally ok and totally wont erode western civilization or anything...
lol thats quite a jump dude
She's a little dark for an inbred Greek but other than that, good depictions.
I already know this if you followed the thread
Noone expects movies to show nobles as lighter skinned in general and it takes too much effort to make a white cleopatra without getting jumped.
jesus christ
>it takes too much effort to make a greek cleopatra without getting jumped
then why choose egypt in the first place?
Pirramids, Sfinks ,other cool strucshures to climb on..
Maybe she just tans a lot [spoiler]in the nude.[/spoiler]
the whole point of a historical setting is to show how different it was from today, to express the various cultural distinctions that were normal to them but stick out to us. Why would you make your historical media follow fake pop history instead of real history? You literally cannot know anything about her without first learning she is greek, probably the first sentence on wikipedia or somewhere in the first paragraph, her being a foreign queen is the single biggest factoid there is about her, and it brings all sorts of depth to the setting because theres so many different layers on culture on top of each other (egyptian then greek then roman etc) brings the area alive, gives you a global sense of the politics, allows us modern descendents to make connections with how our empires treated their natives, and really brings history full circle by showing how societies are a mish mash of what comes before and after them, how each area has its own history that is usually a combination of others. This is intellectual cowardess and laziness.
>pyramids, sphinx
Only the sphinx would actually be cool to climb up. The pyramids would just be "hold up to climb", which is the main thing that's wrong with the new assassins creed games. Why not choose the aztecs or incas? They had tall shit to climb on too, its an underexplored setting, and you could do it without having to WEWUZ just to sell copies.
It's probably culturally insensitive to use Inca ruins as a playground. Who would be the antagonists? Incas? Colonization all over again
>wanting a pink wrinkly white Cleopatra instead of a smooth-skinned perfect brown Cleopatra
also having a darker skin tone would give the audience the impression that she is exotic and foreign, which fits the setting of a mysterious and ancient egypt
I don't see how using an event that happened almost half a millenia ago can be construed as "insensitive"
A Greek living in Egypt could probably get that brown
Now, royalty probably didn't stay in the sun much, so she probably wasn't
But still, I don't think this is too bad. At least she looks Egyptian.
i agree with everything you said
m8 having pale skin when your subjects have much darker skin is the literal definition of foreign and exotic
cleopatra was an ugly old pale hag with a huge greek nose that used political cunning-not her looks-to win over caesar and antony, but i guess "generic seductive foreign queen generically lusts after powerful man and wins his heart via generic flirting" but i guess that makes better hollywood even though the former depiction is a far more feminist depiction than your generic seductress.
There has to be a fallacy for what you just said
Caesar looks old and he would never have worn these badass leather bracelets.
Cleopatra was ugly and pale.
I assume historical accuracy is not the point of this game.
while that is true, you must remember that most gamers that play ass's creed are Europeans and Americans, and to them the image of a tanned north african woman is exotic
>Its offensive to those people because I've decided it is
Literally SJW logic
no matter how you slice it, I will always prefer historical accuracy over hollywood pomp and circumstance, I enjoyed this series BECAUSE it allowed historical accuracy to be the star of the show, you really felt immersed in the first and second games, then it went to shit. I would have MUCH preferred an ugly greek cleopatra, the sheer historical boner I would get seeing her depicted properly would probably make me buy this game, but they went the pleb rout and tingled your boner instead. Just the conversations would be perfect, go online see some thread like "WTF CLEO WAS UGLY???" and then I get a fun conversation explaining common misconceptions, get to walk around the game and actually give a historical lesson to the person watching me, get to enjoy my hobby and get hobby bonerd every time a writer decides to squeesh something in there for us history buffs to gawk at, but instead they wanted big titties and a fat-assed brown chick because "its exotic."
But most non-whites in US are Hispanics and blacks, so to them a middle eastern looking brown woman wont be as generic as a typical white woman with fair complexion
oops wrong webm
it literally fucking is, imagine a game that replaces the british army with black people, because thats what this is. Whites historically conquered qnd enslaved egyptians, so whem you make the conquerers black you are taking away the racial aspect of history and it doesnt even make sense anymore, imagine black british soldiers slaughtering white zulus, fucking race matters in a historical context you cant just change shit around or it doesnt fit with the politics of the era.
Not very. Considering how closely modern designs can get to reality, there's really no reason not to just copy the actual busts.
user, you've got some fucking patrician tastes
I suppose with Cleo's eyeliner she could be shown to be Middle Eastern
But they didn't do any of those things, we aren't talking about the new COD with black empowered Nazi women. It's a fucking series with ancient aliens, the Hasashin being good guys, a machine that lets you relive the past, and you're getting the shits over Cleopatra being too black. I'm just wondering where you even got the idea it was historically accurate in the first place
> Todd pressures the wrong NMAposter
>i'm just wondering where you get the idea it was historically accurate in the first place
historical liberties that arise due to science fiction ≠ wewuzzing
yeah, Cleopatra was completely Greek. Not a single KANG feature on her.
Caesar was black not a fucking cumskin.
>Caucasoid with a dark tan is wuzzing
Not even WUZZERS would agree with that sentiment
that supposed url just redirects to this:
I can't tell whether I should be annoyed at your blatant dishonesty or impressed at how much work you put into it.
obviously it has sci fi elements but it was originally based in a historical, grounded setting. The developers sold the original assassin's creed as a history buff's wet dream. They got real people to go out to these historical sights and actualy recreated structures and cities to the best of their abilities. The game was littered with collectables that told you all about the famous sites and such, you could read about all the buildings you climbed and get a little history lesson out of it, the game very good in that regard and unmatched at that point. Now they seem to care more about pushing agendas and labeling the "wrong side of history" as templars and appealing to sjws by making cleopatra not greek and the mc of a semetic civilization black.
They're both way too light skinned. They should both be black, with Cleo looking like a Nubian.
the main character is literally black for no reason, he doesnt even look "african" black he looks like a mixed american black
He was 66 user.
Assassin Creeds plot has a lot more problems than SJWs. Ever since they killed off whats his face in three its gone off the rails.
Quit being a whiny faggot. All the characters in the game look like modern Egyptians.
Why does he have gray hair?
Why germanics cant accept that latins were light haired people?
I have seen Greeks get that dark in the summer. Long as she doesn't talk like a hood thot, or call herself black I think we can let this go.
Desmond. Four somehow managed to still be great overall, though. Then it really went downhill.
Cleo's probably a bit too dark. She was pure Macedonian/Greek. But still, passable.
You do know that the game is more than the picture right? With the length of a standard Assassin's Creed-game I'm sure that they would have the time to mention Alexander the Great and the Diadochi atleast ones.
why didn't they just copy the busts?
AC3 was actually the most SJW of them all.
>Indian mudblood hates his father just because he's white
>Charles Lee who married an Indian woman IRL is presented as 18th century Hitler who wants to genocide all natives
>natives are the sacred keepers of some ancient alium temple
>random wise nigger sensei teaching you the Assassin secrets while bitching about white people and slavery (despite being free)
>Brits and patriots are both bad because they're white lmao
So do you consider ancient greeks to be white?
Whiter than modern Americans at least.
>natives are the sacred keepers of some ancient alium temple
But that's racist too
Latins weren't light haried as a rule, some were but not all or even most.
And Caesar was pretty old by this point so grey hair makes sense.
Good points.
>natives are the sacred keepers of some ancient alium temple
but thats true tho
>Ancient Greeks were whiter than Anglos and Germans
>so lying about history to appeal to modern sensibilities, seems totally ok and totally wont erode western civilization or anything...
This isn't about PC or wewuzzism.
Plebs LITERALLY DO NOT KNOW that the Ptolemaic Dynasty was Greek, and Game Designers - who DO KNOW AFTER BASIC FUCKING RESEARCH- that they are, are forced to Ancient-Egyptize the Ptolemies because normies would just be confused.
Look at Rome Total War AND Rome Total War II. Despite a ton of nerds in the TWC forums REEEEing about Ancient-Egypt style Ptolemaics, CA/SEGA repeated it Again because normies really can't wrap their heads around a bunch of Greeks ruling Egyptians.
>Americans are Anglo and Germans
More like niggers and mexicans
>Not bald
Lol, didn't know they had hair transplants in the Late Republic.
>WE WUZ KANGZ until them greek ptolemaic homos turned on us and enslaved us in are own country das rite
I bet the plot of the new AC will be this
>Niggers and mexicans are American
America would be empty if not for them.
No, there would only be Americans left without them
So was Weimar Germany, wasn't it?
Cleopatra ought to be a little lighter, but Caesar is spot on, I think, especially since this is him in his somewhat earlier years.
>cleopatra was fucking white, a literal greek person ruling a hellenistic dynasty
Yes, Greek white
i mean werent* fuck phone
they were all dark haired people
>The state is the authority on ethnicity
Let's also not forget another key detail here; Cesar was balding.
>racist Anime poster
Literal untermenschen
came here to post this
Untermenschen is plural. You meant untermensch.
Caesar has too much hair, and Cleo's nose is too small.
Wasn't white and inbred?
She looks like a day laborer.
They know Egyptians were pretty dark skinned people, (they were African after all) so they just made her on the darker side to represent the darkness of the typical Egyptians