Hey guys. I'm really trying to get started in crypto. After researching a lot i decided on Pinkcoin. I set up a wallet

Hey guys. I'm really trying to get started in crypto. After researching a lot i decided on Pinkcoin. I set up a wallet.


i'm just trying to get started. Can someone help me start my crypto currency trading? I'm just looking for a few bucks to get started. Thanks :)

Use your own money, you degenerate beggar.
> begging

I don't have a bank account yet. So i'm just looking to get started.

Give 5 good reasons why anyone would see advantage from giving you money

>inb4 helping your "fellow man"
Much better return on investment from giving it to starving africans or saving animals.

Well i'm just really excited about this coin. I'm currently working on a marketing website in PHP/javascript with some really exciting ways to boost this coin's profile and really help out with it's overall popularity. A couple hundred bucks would really help motivate me to work on getting this coin to truely moon

>I don't have a bank account yet.
underage b&

Still not a fan of the begging. Good luck with the project though mate, hope it goes well.

come on help a fellow user out if you can spare a few coins. Each coin is only 2 cents!

Dont panic sell at the first dip. You may have to hold onto some bags at some point.

Its obviously a normie woman.
Here's your time to shine r9k!


can someone donate some pink coin please? i'm really looking forward to starting my own cyrpto investment ! :)

I just refreshed my wallet and TFW no pinkcoiners have supported one of their own...

please tell me this is bait

First donate your 'pink' to biz via way of photos

no it's not bait.

donate some PINK COINS now you stupid fucking shitheads


well that turned violent quick. lol sent :)

because I want to start living the life of a crypto trader and I can't do that without coins

Sharpie in the pooper with timestamp and I'll send you 200 bucks worth of pink

why should we give you anything though

what you just said, only explains why YOU are ASKING for coins

because you feel bad and can relate to my position as a new trader that want's to start a new fun activity

You fucking morons, sage

I can't relate at all, I haven't started trading yet

but when I do start, why would feeling bad for you compel me to help?

I swear this is b8, but its more entertaining than anything else im doing so whatever

why do you deserve help more than the millions of other people who do

if you havn't started trading why the fuck are u messaging me? because you clearly are not in a position to give me fucking PINK COINs

read the sticky. no begging.

well i hate beggars,

so pissing you off enough to make you reveal what kind of person you are,
will likely make everyone who is a trader unwilling to give you anything

thats why x



Sent some :)

top zazzle

razzle dazzle

Announcing the fact you reported someone is actually a banable offence :^)

ill stop bumping this therad if you donate 400 USD in pink coin

thank you finally someone with some class.

come on guys lets get the donations going. loosen those purse strings

Geez OP this is 10/10 bait, gotta give you credz for sacrificing yourself to get b&ed for the sake of our humor

lel feggit

>op replying to thread on his phone to make it seem like anyone would give him anything
