>be millionaire
>missed out on underage sex
there's some things money can't buy.
>be millionaire
>missed out on underage sex
there's some things money can't buy.
Other urls found in this thread:
the fuck is this pedophile bait shit
While your chance to have sex underage is long gone you can still have sex with someone underage.
Is that why most millionaires are pedophiles?
16 is legal in many places, so you at least have that...
You can still have sex with underaged girls, but I believe that's illegal.
From 14 onwards is legal in my country. I banged a 16yo a week ago.
There is still hope for you anons
It's no different from masturbating.
People overestimate sex too much.
Literally wrong virgin
Sex prob feels better but meh. Learning how to get sex or paying for seems a lot of effort. And taking Care of a kid seems like a pain in the ass.
I don't really understand the hate towards virgins either. You should be glad other people are a virgin, more opportunities for the rest right?
Perhaps it's not fun for people if others are not really interested or you have no competition/ can not compare yourself to others.
I really wonder if humanity will end like the mouse utopia experiment. Its quite fascinating to think about.
virgin confirmed
OP for as little as 100k you can buy a 3 year old and do whatever.
I cannot understand, if you are so obsessed with sex, why don't you have sex then ?
Why fill the best board on Veeky Forums with /b/ idiocy ?
Why are you talking to me about sex, do you want ME to blow you ? It is insulting.
Japan is already facing a Universe 25 sort of scenario
Its not just about physical feels. A lot of it is mental. Also it does feel 1000x better than jerking off
Virgin or doing it wrong.
>learning how to get sex or paying for seems a lot of effort.
I thought the same, until i got lucky and found a gf
yeah, sex is pretty tedious the first dozen or so times,
while you still get used to everything / get comfortable with the person
but after that it's miles better than jerking off
went through a breakup in January this year,
was another 7 months till I had sex again
it was remarkable how much better it was
no, they're completely right
once you've had good, or even decent sex, you'll understand
That's because you're trying to plug a roastie, that's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.
14 is legal where I live but lol @ thinking that sex with a girl who doesn't move (or does so awkwardly) while also being in pain in virtually every position is fun. Even for the keyboard sick fucks it won't be.
Not missing any of it. Sex between people who know what they're doing is way more fun
>sex with used goods is way more fun
t. virgin
>there's some things money can't buy
I'm not claiming sex is not better. Nor am I claiming jerking of is superior.
But having sex is a very draining activity. And other things that accompany also seems like a hassle.
Of course most people love it since they are preprogrammed with dopamine to get addicted to it. There's nothing good or bad about that, it just means you're a human with human tendencies.
Still, having seems to be quite a pain desu.
used goods wants to fuck you back
that's having sex
with a tiny lil girl who don't want to be there that ain't sex
sure the thought is much hotter but truth is she won't be enjoying it whatsoever and that'll throw you off too
she'll just go for the blank-eyed starfish pose
and don't even think about any fetish stuff, unless this is a rape scenario it just isn't gonna happen
How many bitcoins for a cheese pizza?
lol what country pls
>lol what country pls
this asking for a friend
No asking for myself
geh weg FBI
I'd like to know as well. I mean my friend.
this is why aoc is bullshit senpaitachi (within reason).
chad got underage poon because he was chad. i was smarter but looked like vitalik as a teen.
now that im rich as fuck and jacked as fuck i want that poon that i couldnt get back then.
i am now equal with chad in the sexual market place, it just took me a little more time.
Ask the Clintons to take you on their next trip to Hawaii.
10000 for 2
How sad must your sexual life is for you to think any underage girl is a chaste nun from the 50s
This isn't even the 90s anymore. Your average 16 years old has flicked herself to lesbian porn before her teens, and she's dabbled in online sex, sending nudes, even selling them for gifts.
Lost my virginity at 29 to a 16 years old virgin, we were in love and the experience was intense, both romantically and sexually. Normalfags can't help but project their own shitty first time as an awkward acne-ridden 19 years old. Sex is objectively better when it's between a somewhat older man, capable of empathy and strength, and a young woman in her prime, still mature enough and biologically inclined to feel safer with a man over a boy.
Sucks bud I just hit 22 and and sexed out with a sweet collection of home sex tapes with lots of sluts
i like going to prison, tell me more
Don't try to rationalize that you fucked a child as a grown man. That makes it way more creepier than it already is.
>16 year old
Come on, faggot.
Women never really grow up but a 16 year old girl is most definitely a girl and not a young woman
Sick fucks like you are the reason AoC laws exist
>self-righteous nursery bandit
you guys are a cliche at this point, let me guess, she's "mature for her age" too.
underage girls won't even know how to take a dick. probably just lay there and cringe in pain the whole time. why would anyone want that
16 year olds know what they're fucking doing. They are old enough to consent and shouldn't be treated like babies. End of fucking story.
Actual, forced rape is one thing, consensual relationships are another. I get how a parent may get pissed that their daughter is doing something they don't approve of, but that's a whole different discussion that shouldn't affect the legal side of things.
Did you guys miss the "iz" in Veeky Forums ?
Eventually you find out that the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.
tinder opened up a world where with 31 I cab fuck 18 year olds that wants to get manhandled, tied up and face fucked. Literally hat this two times already. Didn't live up to the fantasy, though, because fucking fucked up people is not rewarding, and I never found that in a girl with high self esteem. On the flipside, if you find a gf who's totally into you and is looking forward to suck your dick, that's the jackpot. At least that's my experience. Dwelling on forbidden sexual fantasies is a coping machanism and will not be as satisfying if obtained. At least that's the conclusion I consider realistic and feel comfortable with
Reddit is on /pol/. You clicked the wrong board
The age of consent should be drastically reduced. Any sentient being is able to consent, period.
>and will not be as satisfying if obtained
That's also what I read a long time ago in an article
Could very well be true
shut up faggot 16 is underaged
not sure why anyone would intereact with someone under the age of 20
Not true in my case
Finally fucked this girl I was after for a while and she turned out to be absolute filth (every hole,ATM,facefuck the works) was bliss!
Legal in many areas, including my state.
You wouldn't interact with those age groups... so what? This isn't about you.
You're in denial because you don't think you could have sex with the girls that you want so you lie to yourself to make it seem more acceptable that you're not even trying. This shit about how sex is a drug is entirely true, but how come you really only hear virgins spouting off about it? Because they need to convince themselves that somehow there is merit to abstinence. Your subconscious mind knows you are falling short of it's second most important goal, and it's trying to protect you from that truth.
Some of the most acomplished men in the world were abstinent so theres really nothing bad about it. The problem arises when people pretend to be superior for it, and vice versa.
Similarly, some of the biggest idiots I've known have had lots of sex; it hasnt done much for them. I'm sure its the same for many others.
>formerly chucksville
save it for someone who cares.
This is reddit lol
Even snacks would've b& you pedofags. Stfu newfag.
It's different if you knew her and had feeling for her (at least a crush)...
Buy seeing ass-to-mouth in porn and being turned on by it is different than a girl telling you she does atm and dp-s and she wants you to participate. It's actually disgusting in real life.
Yes, we didn't bang
there were plenty of wide hipped teenagers back in my day who could have passed for 18 plus
>older man
you mean loser who couldnt compete in their age group?
i fucked majorily virgins i aint old tho i started with 15 because i have what you lacked at that age
So when they turn 18 they magically know what to do?
This is retarded and we're better off without it.
A human being doesn't have its personality properly formed at least until a while after the puberty hormones have settled. Introducing a complex element such as sex so early can completely fuck up development and is why so many prostitutes and sexual deviants have been abused as children. And we call it abuse, but it might have been no different from this "marriage" in your picture, in the sense that one or more adults were constantly reassuring the child that sex was natural and that they would learn to enjoy it.
God, I love Millennial aged liberal whores who grew up watching porn.
Older women are useless. Did you know that there are 40 year old women out there who still don't suck cock? WTF is that shit?
God bless millenial girls who grew up watching porn and will let you fuck her asshole on the 2nd date. The type of liberal that will maintain eye contact as she swallows your load.
God bless all you whores.
sexuality is pretty fascinating in that what arouses/satisfies people often defies what is logical
Banged a 15yo (I was underage too) and a 17yo (legal) so I'm pretty content.
Is this related with crypto?
>25 year old virgin
>2 beta to ask escort
>put up ad on bp for someone to help with virginity
>17 year old blonde 5'2 100 pounds responds
>lets me creampie for 250 dollars
Feels good
Backpage. Had to filter lots of spam honestly got really lucky. Have seen her maybe 100 times now
how did you even word the post? asking for a friend
sex has only gotten better for me as I aged.
I banged a 14 year-old and she just lied there doing nothing and it was awkward as hell.
My current gf is 25 and I get to tie her up and fucker her ass and cum in her whenever i want
maybe it starts to get shitty again once you start getting to middle-aged women
Straightforward that youre looking to lose virginity. Make sure to describe the kind of girl u want i didnt want niggresses so i said white only. Also imply ur willing to pay without saying the word pay ie donation. Also im chinkanon so im less threatening
Took mea long time to find but just keep posting its free and youll find someone. Also make sure to do your research the girl gave me her real name so i was able to do facebook background check
I'll go to Russia as soon as i get rich.
Russian boys here i come.
Of course, crypto will produce the highest amount of socially retarded milkionair virgins in history
Jokes aside, Juliet is 13 in Shalespears play and this was also the age where marriage is possible only a few hundret years ago. Mary in the bible isn't older either. It's pretty much a cultural thing.
Here the legal age is 14 (Brazil)
Yes but if youre a foreigner you will most likely get robbed and or die
>tfw 28 kissless virgin
Anyone else just given up and look forward for the waifu age?
Only in Hell de Janniger.
Go to south (Parana/Santa Catarina/Rio grande do Sul) and enjoy first world cute kids in a third world country.
The only reason I have motivation in life is when I get rich off Cryptos next year, I will buy a 11 year old I met online from Siberia and take her to Disneyland and wife her. My god the most adorable girl I met in my life.
Go out every weekend. I don't care if you'd rather kill yourself. Just go out. If you don't you'll be a kissless virgin forever. A girl isn't just magically going to fall into your lap.
Sorry mate, i am Brazilian, i lost my virginity at the age of 11 (with a 15yo girl)
you're talking to a cop m8
Good luck mate.
I want to do the same as you (but with a siberian boy)
This is the feds breaking into his house.
Not realizing Cryptos economy when it was first surfaced was to buy drugs, guns, cp. American women are just a lost cause here and this is someone born in 1990's.
I wish i know Veeky Forums back in 2009-2011 so i could buy hundreds or even thousands of bitcoins with a hundred bucks.
I wish i knew*
biz wasn't even a board in 2009, rebecca.
>A girl isn't just magically going to fall into your lap.
Soon, brothers. We'll have amazon drones deliver our waifus to our doorsteps. Let's make this a reality.
Nigga, Veeky Forums was created to stop the crypto spam in /g/ way after crypto become popular. Then it stopped when crypto died so it actually became a business board for a couple of months then crypto rose from the ashes and it's now shilling bags all day long
Also you're all fags. Teenagers have the most soul of all people, 20yr+ girls are boring as fuck. I mean all girls are boring but the teens still have some spark left, both physically and mentally, and they will fucking adore you.
if you want to be adored get a dog.
Everyone in this thread confirmed for inept faggot.
>14 is legal where I live
What third world shithole is this? That's sick.
>that's sick
>he wouldn't bang pic related