This thread is about discussing the Opium War and other events involving western imperialism in east Asia.
Could the Chinese have won the Opium wars?
What if the British had tried to pursue the first Opium war?
What individuals were most responsible for the opium wars?
Opium Wars
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The British were in the wrong here.
t. Brit
The Brits were in the wrong but the Qing Dynasty was so decrepit at that point, that there is no way they could have won short of some massive British blunder (like trying to make China India 2.0).
How would that be a blunder? Weren't British expeditionary forces capable of humiliating Chinese armies?
Yes but it is one thing to defeat the standing army of a nation and calling it a day, it's completely another to hold the territory and occupy it. Britain probably would have stretched itself to the limit and beyond if it had attempted to truly topple the Qing Dynasty and occupy/govern all of its territory. They could maybe have carved out some more coastal enclaves, but trying to advance and subjugate inland territories would have been disastrous. They got the best deal out of the Opium Wars. win some victories, humiliate the powers that be, and force them to do whatever they wanted.
Yeah, but India didn't have the history of a unified (mostly) monoethnic state like the Indian princes did. It would've been far easier for the Chinese to gain support for a mass uprising against the British.
>the british were in the wrong
>it's all the british
>eternal anglo
>free cornwall
>blah blah blah
>opium wars thread #2583985
When you decide to smuggle drugs into a country in order to solve your trade deficit, and then start a war when said country destroys your illegal drugs, you have officially out-Jewed the Jews. Eternal Anglo isn't a meme, even British members of parliament at the time thought the war was wrong.
>"[The Chinese government] gave you notice to abandon your contraband trade. When they found you would not do so they had the right to drive you from their coasts on account of your obstinacy in persisting with this infamous and atrocious traffic.…justice, in my opinion, is with them [the Chinese]; and whilst they, the Pagans, the semi-civilized barbarians have it on their side, we, the enlightened and civilized Christians, are pursuing objects at variance both with justice and with religion…a war more unjust in its origin, a war calculated in its progress to cover this country with a permanent disgrace, I do not know and have not read of. Now, under the auspices of the noble Lord [Macaulay], that flag is become a pirate flag, to protect an infamous traffic.
>drug addicted cannibal ants are willing to pay top dollar for their fix
>bloody brits
>Sykes Picot
>Rohingya Genocide
Eternal fucking Anglo
I suppose you also think the drug companies which have made money on getting white people addicted to oxy have done nothing wrong
what about it?
>sykes picot
eternal gaul more like
nothing to do with us
>Deny deny deny
Can't blame the greatest civilising force in history for everything, old chap
What we can't blame on the Brits we simply blame the Germans for. That way you can cover 99.99% of all the evil in the world.
When will you hang yourself for being part of the most vile and evil people that have ever walked on the planet?
Help me out
On the one hand I want to call you a Quebecois
On the other I want to call you a Plastic Paddy
Which of the two is it?
I recently wrote a five-page paper on this for my 400-level history class. Mostly focusing on how horribly outdated the Qing Empire's forces were and how incompetent their governors and generals were.
When you light yourself on fire after your realisation of British superiority sends you into spiralling depression.
The Opium War is the geo-political scale equivalent of a crack dealer beating up an addict for trying to quit smack.
I could be anything, the whole world hates you
But the Qing and Mongols did it before.
Not really, most people respect Britain because its achievements and contributions are unparalleled in human history, and its wonderful culture has touched every society from the Amazon basin to the Australian outback and Japan
Relying on Twitter propaganda and half-assed history from butthurt Yankee 'Irish' faggots, angry that they got mocked on holiday in Dublin by people who didn't support the IRA, so as to confirm your bias is not the same as proving the validity of your 'Eternal Anglo' mentality
So? Crack addict should've had more diverse interests besides crack
The smuggling of the opium was pcalssic perfidious anglos but the actual opium wars solved a lot of problems for Britain and Europe, they're the reason that china didn't receive the entire national revenue of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, and Prussia over the 19th century.
>Not really, most people respect Britain because its achievements and contributions are unparalleled in human history
Whatever makes you sleep better at night. The fact is that you commited countless atrocities all over the world (except for mainland Europe beacuse you where not strong enough to do so) and people are still remembering that.
>The fact is that you commited countless atrocities all over the world
whatever makes you sleep better at night
eternal g*rman detected
>so much denial
It makes me very happy that the Pakis are cucking your country so hard right now.
Imagine that, you once ruled the entire world and now you are defenseless against a few thousand Pakis raping your daughters
What a strange gentleman
The British do something to offend you, but apparently nothing so severe that you can tell us what it is
What's bothering you user?
that there are still Anglos alive in this world. But that will correct itself soon so I wouldnt worry too much about that.
>those anglo teeth
And why is it that the Anglo-Saxon offends you, user?
Making silly claims about doing mean things isn't a reason
Come now, tell us a tale
Yes, rather unbelievably, I selected him precisely because he resembles a British caricature
Apologies for having a sense of humour, I shall endeavour to be more dour in future
Enjoy your inbreeding and shitty teeth
Inbreeding? What the devil makes you think I know anything about that, my man?
Could it be a reference to the stereotype that, being an island, British people are 'inbred'?
Because I can assure you that Britain has always had a sizeable population (estimated to be 2mn by the time of the Roman conquest)
No, someone like the Irish or Icelanders would be a better bet if you're looking for evidence of such disgusting behaviours
>shitty teeth
The problem with the Opjum Wars is that brainlets and pseuds operate under the misapprehension that the Anglo got China hooked on dope to buy tea. In reality China was always hooked on dope and what the Brits were actually guilty of is turning opium from a luxury good only consumed by decadent courtiers and corrupt bureaucrats who were lying around all day anyway, to the equivalent of a cheap cup of tea enjoyed by all levels of society.
As usual the Eternal Anglo is only guilty of playing the same game as everyone else, but playing it better. Nobody gives a shit that the Eternal Celestials gave the Anglo the squeeze using tea, but thanks to "muh War on Drugs, Just Say No!" people somehow think Brits are bad guys for doing essentially the same thing using opium.
Opium was regulated in Qing China beforehand. The government could prevent it's own people from growing Opium on a large scale, and keep a potential epidemic under control.
The Opium Wars also destroyed the Qing equivalent of the DEA, so the government lost it's ability to control drugs at all. It wasn't until over 100 years later that the Communists stamped out Opium with the policy of "behead all addicts who don't quit smoking Opium", a policy which is still largely in place today.
They just stole that policy from the Heavenly Kingdom
post it then. I'd read it for interest
These were asian land powers. Britain was a sea power. They would own the coasts but not much besides.
They were literally about to take Nanjing before the Chinese sued for peace
It's only 300km away from Shanghai
>300km inland
If China had supremacy on land there is no way that the British troops could've taken such an important inland city like nanjing. China's only defence was being far away enough to prevent Britsin from deploying even more troops.
His point still stands.
The Qing could be toppled and China could be invaded, but unlike India, it wouldnt be such a disunified mess and if Brits ruled like assholes they'd face massive uprisings on their end.
A motivated Chink uprising could do a lot of real damage. Just look at the tally of western officers and troops Taipings have BTFO.
Man the Taiping Rebellion is such a ridiculous shitshow. I'm sad there is very limited English sutff on it currently, it sounds like a fascinating topic if you can figure out wtf is going on.
The way Britcucks acquired India was pretty much like this: the Indians allowed them to.
India following the demise of teh Mughal Empire and the looseness of the Maratha Confederacy was a land of warring/competing princess. To one up each other, said princess signed ever increasing number of deals with Europenises. French, British, Dutch, whatever. Britain won out largely because they eventually got so much local support that they managed to invade Bengal, the richest land in India at the time, and used its resources to get at most of India, relying on local rivalries and deals with princes along the way.
It wasnt the case in China. Even if the dynasty was starting to decline, the Chinese do have a notion of being a unified empire to revolt at what is seen as a barbarian incursion.
>But the Qing and Mongols did it before.
Because they localized.
I doubt Queen Vicky would throw British culture under the rug and call herself Chinese Emperor afterwards of the Ying Dynasty or some shit, while telling the Brits to read Confucian classics or something.
Under the Britidh raj, the indians lived under a single colony. The same situation would be applied to China. The British were experts in complicating independence movements, and the boxers rebellion clearly showed that with a little effort, it was very easy for European forces to exert power. Now imagine if Britain controlled forts and had standing armies all over East China.
> U rant Tee?
> Too bad, u get sword, fuck u!
>Under the Britidh raj, the indians lived under a single colony
You have a total misunderstanding of how the Raj was managed
The autonomy of individual states and royal domains only hampened the workings of the Raj.
It guaranteed all the Maharajas were too busy worrying about their own little domains than assisting any independence movement that might ruin their privileges
I suppose you know so much better than the experts you praise, to contradict them so. Could the British sustain the large troop numbers without destablizing the rest of the empire or enticing other powers, such as Russia, to expand the Great Game farther east. I suppose you think the British Empire existed in a vacuum.
And the Chinese were experts at urpisings.
>Citing the Boxer Rebellion.
You do realize that
1) It took an 8 nation coalition.
2) It was done by a crazed peasant cult with none of the discipline (nor even popularity) of the Taipings (read up on how the Taiping fought, they weren't screeching fanatics).
3) The Westernized Chinese Army of the Qing Dynasty didn't participate. Largely because Yuan Shikai read the situation well and told the Empress Dowager to fuck off least China gets into a Balkan Wars situation vs 8 Colonial powers.
4) And this is the best argument against you: other European powers wouldn't allow it. One of the great nightmares of every policy planner in the 1900s was the Qing Dynasty actually collapsing and China disintegrates, leading to a "Scramble for China" amongst the colonial powers of the world and possibly heralding WWI earlier than 1914.
Fortunately (and unfortunately) for China, when the Qing collapsed, it was in the face a unified Nationalist revolution. When the ROC collapsed to the Warlord Period, Europeans were fortunately too busy murdering each other in WWI.
A British Raj couldn't be set up in China. Best they could really do was peripheral statelets like Hong Kong.
No European power was going to invade the British Empire at the time of the opium wars.
I'm curious about how regular old traders in steam and sail ships with cannons and rifles handled themselves, and the crossover between the navy, whaling, commerce, and 'creative' commerce.
There is literally nothing online about it.
Are you daft? The interpretation is literally ripped straight from the history books. The British didn't want to spark another scramble for a continent that would destroy China's value as a market. The fact that you think the empire must be invaded to be competed with shows why you don't run a country, you're an imbecile.
The Opium war literally put Britain in a position to take far more out of China if a chinese collapse occurred. Assuming things carried on from Nanjing, the other European powers werent actually in position to stop British imperialism at this time.
>boxer rebellion
It is a good example, because we were talking about Chinese insurrection, not a regular army. When comparing to the Britidh Raj, we're assuming that the first opium war lead to large territorial annexation.
Also the 8 nation alliance wasn't actually necessary in the sense that Britain or Japan were physically incapable of putting down the boxer rebellion themselves.
Nice post that literally fails to refute anything i said
Man old political cartoons like this are the best. That fucking Austria man.
Two can play at this game: "No nuclear bomb will be dropped on london in the 19th century."
You cannot refute this and have therefore lost.
Your original point was garbage.
Ok so Britain demands massive annexation of territory after the Opium wars but they are brough to a full stop because Russia and France were going to easily overtake the British gains in China? That Britain wouldn't still come out on top?
There was a scramble in Africa, don't know if you know about that, and Britsin still ended out an top, and they hadn't won a war with a pan-african state to give them the advantage.
Opium was legal in every country in the world at the time, why it affected China so much is a mystery.
Before Lin Zexu arrived the local authorities basically ignored central government's attempts to ban opium, trade had also grown substantially, it seems to me more like they felt their Canton system monopoly was under threat. If more ports were opened it would be more difficult to control thus tax trade. Opium was just the flashpoint.
Because they banned it. That's the one difference.
>literally the British Empire was drugs and thugs
eh, it's pretty mediocre. Even though I got an A on it the content itself is pretty basic, only useful if you knew little about the conflict in the first place.
>they're the reason that china didn't receive the entire national revenue of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, and Prussia over the 19th century.
So basically, they're the reason China remained poor as fuck for over a hundred years
>Could the Chinese have won the Opium wars?
No way outside of enlisting the French and Russians and even then i'd be a gamble.
>What if the British had tried to pursue the first Opium war?
They didn't want to rule over millions of Chinese they wanted their tea and silk
>What individuals were most responsible for the opium wars?
The folks in parliament with a share in the Opium trade, the military and the Chinese diplomats who were fucking around not knowing what diplomacy meant.
> EUROS: we’ll trade you literally anything for tea!
> CHINKS: no, we’ll only take silver!
> EUROS: well, ok I guess…
> later
> EUROS: dude, we’re running out of silver!
> CHINKS: lol, too bad.
> EUROS: then we’re going to smuggle in opium!
> CHINKS: no fucking way!
> EUROS: then how about we’ll trade you literally anything for tea?
> CHINKS: no, we’ll only take silver!
> EUROS: fuck those gooks, Hong Kong is mine!
> CHINKS: racism!
>Chinese insurrection.
A solely Northern movement. Gansu Braves notwithstanding.
Now try a general insurrection like the Red Turban Uprising.
Directly administering territory is a huge pain in the ass. The British didn't WANT to take huge chunks of China for good reason.
might makes right and no amount of salty chink tears can change that
The basic problem Britain had was that China was rich as fuck (35% of World GDP) with tons of goods they wanted (silk, tea, etc.), while Britain had nothing China wanted. The solution: opium.
If the Chinese had wanted an all-out war with the British over the opium problem might it have been possible they could have forced a settlement after a period of years by simple attrition and guerilla warfare, since the British only wanted to trade and not rule? Or would the British have been happy to just hold the South of China where all the ports are and make it into India 2.0?
>while Britain had nothing China wanted.
Because the Qing administration was a bunch of morons. They could easily have traded silk and tea and porcelain for the products of the Industrial Revolution, but they didn't think they needed any of the magic ingredient that turned Britain from merely a great power onto into the world's greatest power.
Drugs win
Drugs always win
This is why the wall won't work
You're not going against ratty illegal workers
You're going against drugs
And drugs always win
How are you going to get the drugs over the wall, Juan?
Just go through the wall
How are you going to beat giant Chinese fleet and army, Johnny English?
>answer: lots of drug money
>Britain had nothing China wanted.
Nonsense, the retarded and ignorant Chinese Qing dynasty didn’t allow Europe (not just Britain) to trade with China, except for taking Euro silver for Chinese tea, silks and ceramics.
Chinese merchants would have happily traded for guns, clocks, tools and whatever else but their government forbade them, so inevitably a system developed where Euros would trade silver for tea, then the Chinese would turn around and trade back that silver to the Euros for opium, whereupon the Euros would then trade back the silver for tea and so on.
All of which only undermined the Qing dynasty, that stupidly remained mired in the past while the rest of the world moved on without them and would eventually force the Chinese to open up to all trade, except now at a serious disadvantage.
t;dr the Chinese fucked themselves.
The current conquest of Britain by it's former colonies is unironically one of the greatest forms of Karmic justice in history.
You're retarded. The fact that Taiping rebels were quick to adapt outdated muskets and btfo two western mercenary expeditions and Qing's own bannermen plus how during the Boxer rebellion the only Imperial army that fought the Eight Alliance was the Semi-Westernized brave army actually won and were a great obsticle for the Alliance shows that Britain had no way to control large territories of China.
Qing had a rebellion every 50 years and barely managed to keep and project imperial authority.
Even if Britain did that means other Han warlords would quickly import and even get assistance from other Great Powers. Just like how Germany assisted Qing a great deal during Bismarck
don't think that's quite how it is old chap
plus it could be worse
I seriously doubt the Chinese could beat any western power seeing their rampant corruption, Qing weakened grip on power and how many high ranking officials were on opium.
>India had a history of a unified monoethnic state
Explain how the British we're not in the wrong.
And what about the burning of the summer palace, that somehow justified too?
>It took an 8 nation coalition.
Actually it was 11, Belgium Spain and the Netherlands joined the coalition after it was already named.
>Opium was legal in every country in the world at the time
It was not legal in Britain.
A fun book, but it's not history.