>he doesn't know that Hitler was a democrat
He doesn't know that Hitler was a democrat
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What happened to the conservative intellectual tradition in America? Other than maybe Rod Dreher it's just a bunch of conspiracy theorist hacks and red-faced boomer pundits.
That's what happens when you are trying to rally your base in democratic battle. Spewing out bullshit will be best.
Come to frogtwitter user.
The whole "Wilson was a democrat" always felt like a non-argument because the Democrats and Republicans were built on opposite bases before the Civil Rights Act.
Twittertards should be permabanned from Veeky Forums. Normie, reddit tier cancer.
Better than the "Lincoln was Republican"
>What happened to the conservative intellectual tradition in America?
Died with William Buckley.
And on its deathbed ever since Reagan bent over for the religious right. No need to attract intellectuals when the so-called "base" of your target audience of your policies thinks the Earth is 5,000 years old and evolution is equatable to intelligent design. Not saying the right is devoid of intellectualism, just that it has become diluted by lack of necessity.
I know this sounds patronizing and condescending, but understand that Democrats have done the same thing, except instead of dumbing down they've sold out by becoming affluent arrogant hypocrites who at best don't understand and at worst actively despise the working class men and women who votes they covet. To me, that's actually worse, because they've become a lot of what they hate. We don't have foaming-at-the-mouth, take-no-prisoners liberal lions anymore because they've become wealthy like the Republicans they caricature. They can't even bullshit the rhetoric because they're two or more generations removed from anything resembling poverty or struggle.
>t. leftard with conservative leanings on many issues
should be
>of THE target audience***
>WHOSE votes they covet***
Well I mean technically it's true but like with Wilson it ignores a lot of context.
>We don't have foaming-at-the-mouth, take-no-prisoners liberal lions anymore
Ralph Nader?
>Ralph Nader?
He's too old to get too angry, he used to get a lot angrier.
Their teatchers were democrats
only if LBJ can be a republican
>Earth is 5,000 years old
That is patronizing as shit. Were is data that most republicans believe that?
0 mention of political party
The majority of Americans believe this. I would be extremely surprised if very religious people were under represented in the GOP relative to the general population
Is this pic supposed to encourage me to join frogtwitter? Because it's had the complete opposite effect.
Twitter as a whole is cancerous and the sooner it dies, the better.
Dinesh is so fucking stupid it's painful.
Survey method should have more information such as how many of the amswers were republican/democrat, the state of the interwied person and so on
>It also shows many democrats believe in God making everything as it is 10 000
years ago
Wtf, why are you paying for these schools?
He has one, and only one, argument.
>Good things happened under Christian nations.
>This means the good things happened because they were Christians.
He doesn't even argue it's truth, just its utility.
The only ones displayed in the propaganda arm of the media are the idiots or the sensationalist idiots who make a name for themselves (a la Alex Jones).
For national figures, I could name Sowell and Krauthammer off the top of my head. I have many "literally whos" of local fame. The slant is so biased, it's actually working, where people think whoever doesn't have a lefitst point of view is a fucking retard or conspiracy theorist.
Which is what kind of spawned the Alt-Right. Special interest have always played a point in politics, but for modern you could probably trace it back to the Clinton-Carver triangulation technique. It kept evolving so that now politics is synonymous with identity politics, as so politicians can predate on the dumb and disjointed electorate. The Alt Right just takes the liberal narrative of blaming the CIS white male, and then goes full retard in the other direction.
Anyway, this probably doesn't belong on Veeky Forums.
Conservative intellectuals don't exist because they always just end up arguing yesterday's left-liberalism.
>American "conservatism"
America is much more right-wing today than it was in the 1960s/70s. Since then we've seen deregulation, the return of trusts, the decline of organized labor, and rising inequality.
there were earth-shttering changes in the previous decades that were predominantly leftist like women's sufferage.
So, because the changing definition of [political side] is ever-evolving, there is no such thing as an [opposing political side] intellectual?
I mean, if your definition is by the time someone can make an accurate assertion based on statistical analysis on the subject no longer exists because we're on to the next thing that's tangentially related to the original, then at that rate there is no such thing as an intellectual on any possible side.
Or all that jazz.
The messiah of boomer leftists, JFK ,would be considered a right winger because of war mongering, wanting to crush public unions, etc.
Hell, what Bill Clinton said about stemming illegal immigration during his tenure as president would today be called far-right radical xenophobic hate speech, because anything less than open borders is bigotry.
The only thing conservatives care about is tax cuts. Everything else is just nostalgia.
Hi ben shapiro, make a distinction between left-liberals and socialists and people will actually take u seriously.
lol dude Rod Dreher at this point just prints greentext stories about his fans being mugged or harassed by transsexual antifa muslims
The conservative intellectual tradition was never anything than other than well-spoken Ivy League dipshits pointing out the specious hypocrisy of liberalism without offering any alternative beyond "tradition good, hierarchy good"
not all people who vote for Republicans are conservatives
libertarians dont exist
traditionalists do
expand what u mean by traditionalists. anyways they are also barely existent and forced to bandwagon of the stupid conservative parties.
Even if you disingenuously say that conservatism is purely about smaller federal government,then taxes would be just a small portion of everything that huge concept would even entail.
The American current political left. Are you being obtuse on purpose, or just retarded?
Not in politics, no.
And that chart is insane.
>that chart is insane.
how so?
>unironically using this shitty chart
Here, have a targeted rebuttal
>CATO institute
stopped reading there
u just showed a picture where some people are in the lolbert zone
>if i just ignore all the studies they cite, maybe they'll go away
ah thanks my autistic friends
Political compasses are a leftist sham to shift the overton window and always have been.
Hitler was a authoritarian centrist. why can't you guys get it right?
They embraced aggressive ignorance in lieu of rugged individualism
What a fucking idiot. And my dad was so proud when the neighbor kid's christian band played at that idiot's last wedding.
it doesn't matter how many there are. I want to reinstate a Roman-empire esque system based off of meritocracies where you swear to honor a noble and then rule lands you conquer.
Feels good. I never have any doubt that we are the smartest Republican state in the Union.
>OK is not even worth a comment.
>Roman empire esque system based off of meritocracies
So you want a system of nepotism where one capable person purges all the other capable people in a bid to hold onto power?
The American population got stupider due to advertising, PR, and wealth inequality meaning that corporations and the wealthy shill whatever they want through media while academia fills people's heads with garbage that challenges nothing and is in fact capitalist ideology for the most part. Then there's halved testosterone reducing people's dogged determination to get at truth, due to the environment being so soaked in plastic that it's in tap water (not a conspiracy) (the body reacts to plastic like estrogen). They're also stupider due to material abundance, because they haven't had to correct their understanding of the world to match reality in order to get things done. Democracy's pernicious effects have also convinced people that a large number of people feeling something makes it true and it's actually immoral to contradict this.
I mean, the progressive and radical traditions also got worse.
Depends on how one defines right wing. There's certainly been a triumph of the capitalist class (more accurately, of corporations, the rich, and those who shill for them, but that's the common parlance). At the same time, traces of pre-capitalist attachment to land, religious mores, non-state community/relationships, cultural and ethnic homogeneity have all declined.
Some time ago a pundit on Fox & Friends implied the nazi's were democrats because, "just look at the name; National Socialism, people are stunned when I tell them that"
I wish I had the clip.
>American population got stupider due to advertising, PR,
These guys. Well partially them. Most of the conservative platform over the last near 40 years comes from the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, two of the most repugnant think tanks in existence who managed to gain ascendancy with Reagan's election and who solidified their hold on the American conservative movement the culmination of their ideals: the Contract With America in 1994.
So average Trump voter is a national socialist while the average Clinton voter is a Marxist. Nice.
Why do companies pay for it if it doesn't work mr big brain?
>Advertising and PR made americans more stupid.
No. Destroying governing bodies and reducing focus on education made the american populace stupider.
>education makes people smarter
>conservative intellectual tradition
>the bell curve
really pulling out all the stops aren't you dylan. read burke or something you unwashed burgerstani
The user that said it died with Bill Buckley was right. We'll never get that kind of quality discourse again.
>education doesn't make people smarter.
It makes you more educated not smarter
Dsouza is not representative of legitimate conservative intellectuals in america. There are retards and pseuds on both sides and those who are actually intellectuals.
list 5 legitimate ones
Pew lad
>Dude are you ok?