Will capitalism lay Nationalism to ruins in the same way it disintegrated Feudalism and Imperialism?
Will capitalism lay Nationalism to ruins in the same way it disintegrated Feudalism and Imperialism?
yes. see, Catalonia and Kurdistan. Catalonia just got cucked out of independence because globalist firms threatened to close shop if they tried it.
Capitalists will dig out the core of the earth and make the world collapse on its own weight.
>implying we don't live in hollow earth.
sorry to break it to you senpai...
Maybe, don't forget that nationalism and liberalism were natural allies in the beginning against feudalism and imperialism.
It's not even that. Why would a country ever say "ok yeah you can leave and take a big chunk of the country with you"
What do you mean by nationalism
to be fair, this was a culmination of perceived slights by certain catalonian politicians and people that they were being snubbed by Madrid. They originally were willing to settle for more autonomy (most still are), but after Madrid granted them this in the early 2000s they subsequently took away most of the freedoms granted to them. I think catalonians would be willing to settle for more autonomy but the Spanish constitution and spanish conservatives and nationalists are too caught up in the meme that spain is indivisible and there is only one nation, the spanish, within the country.
>globalist firms threatened to close shop if they tried it.
Let's put that statement into perspective.
You can't join the EU unless every member state approves.
Spain will let them join when pigs fly.
Not being in the EU, Catalonia would lose the freedom of movement of goods, people, services and capital that exists within it.
Most of Catalan products go to other countries within the EU single market.
Most of tourists are EU citizens who can get in without getting checked.
No company that's situated in Catalonia can survive should Catalonia be denied EU membership.
nope. capitalism's daddy is the state, it only pretends to hate it because it's a stupid teenager.
The EU is the handmaiden of capitalism and globalism. problem solved t.b.h. EU enforces free trade and free movement of peoples, which is the foundation stone of liberal capitalism. To go against the EU consensus, then, is to go against capitalism. The problem is Catalonia, much like Greece, aren't willing to sacrifice the material gains for the sake of national self-determination. I don't blame them for that really. But this only serves to reinforce OP's statement: capitalism smothers "genuine" nationalism in favor of a milquetoast nationalism riddled with compromises and tolerance for international and transnational economic and political forces.
>tfw nationalism will die in your lifetime because of capitalism
Feels good, mang.
Why would capitalism break imperialism? Do you even world systems theory, senpai?
But it did. At least overt racial forms of Imperialism and replaced it with a 'soft' form that nominally respects sovereignty of the former colony, one where multi-national corporations free from the direction of any crown's jurisdiction hold a much greater breadth of freedom to operate on their own terms.
hol up. the eu is essentially a twentieth century socialist commie bloc. threatening a nation-state who doesnt want to comply is 100% soviet union tactic. wtf are you on about?
>>capitalism smothers "genuine" nationalism in favor of a milquetoast nationalism riddled with compromises and tolerance for international and transnational economic and political forces.
let me ftfy
>socialism leaning towards communism smothers "genuine" nationalism in favor of a milquetoast nationalism riddled with compromises and tolerance for international and transnational economic and political forces.
>>>capitalism smothers "genuine" nationalism in favor of a milquetoast nationalism riddled with compromises and tolerance for international and transnational economic and political forces.
>let me ftfy
>>socialism leaning towards communism smothers "genuine" nationalism in favor of a milquetoast nationalism riddled with compromises and tolerance for international and transnational economic and political forces.
Couldn't those both be true, and the actual result is just globalism spawned by game theory across nations?
Spaniards are autistic and self-defeating. Every nation they have founded is equally autistic and self-defeating. Riddled with muh elite caste roman-inherited LARPing and uneven land distribution policies, the whole culture is nothing more than a feudal remnant that struggles when faced with a modern world.
Socialism has nothing to do with threat tactics retard, it is purely an economic theory
An economoy cannot be capitalistic(total free will in the market economy) and socialist(the exact opposite)
One day nationalist will have to justify the existence of a nation when a non-nation implies more benefits to the people.
Such is the outcome of this timeline
I don't see how that's relate to what I said.
capitalism =/= corporatism.
capitalism is a social and economic system which recognizes individual rights, including the right to own properties and the possession of goods for the individual’s personal consumption. corporatism, on the other hand, is a form of economy that was created as an option to socialism and intends to achieve social justice and equality without the need to take away private property from individual members of society. it stresses the positive role that government has in ensuring social justice while restraining social unrest as people look after their self-interests. the key player in a capitalist economy is the individual or a groups of individuals. they are given equal opportunity in competing as buyers or sellers of property or goods in a free market without the intervention of the government except for rules and regulations that maintain a level playing field. the trading of goods and services are independent actions of the individuals.
This... Is a surprisingly accurate way of putting it
Capitalism is simply neo-feudalism, with capital replacing land and a corporate-government class as the new nobility.
And the West is absolutely imperialist, to the point of flat-out invading countries and imposing collaborationist governments on them.
Where have you been?
wat. how the fuck is the EU socialist? I think you have the misconception that regulations=socialism or that transnational unaccountable bureaucratic bodies= socialism. Both aren't true. Capitalism as much as socialism is capable of producing bureaucratic nightmares. Bureaucracy is essential to any complex modern society. Weber knew this. EU is literally an "elite" project, that is to say a project involving the collaboration of the Economic and Political leaders of respective European nations to create stronger ties to one another to facilitate commerce. They wanted to, and succeeded in creating, an interconnected continent-wide market that all of them benefitted from. But the very means by which it tied nations together to bring national prosperity to each constituent state is now showing itself to be antagonistic national self-determination and sovereignty in the lesser states, notably, the Southern European periphery which is now beholden to the financial clout of the richer Northern European countries. A capitalist project is now slowly transforming into an economic imperialist project led by the Eternal Kraut.
That isn't my point. Why would any country just let itself lose territory like that?
You're right, but I'm saying Madrid's bad choices is forcing a situation where it might lose a valuable territory. That is retarded error on their part. But then again I admire the government for not giving a fuck using police violence because it exposed how the catalonians are cucks and how little they're willing to sacrifice or fight for their cause.
>a project involving the collaboration of [insert government bodies] to create stronger ties to one another to facilitate commerce.
>to facilitate commerce
its fucking communism. just bc unelected appointees were smarter than their elected officials and were able to "capitalize" their positions to pass mandates that benefit their ideological agenda officially, does not identify them with capitalism.
>Suddenly, history , culture , language, and ethnicity will no longer matter
>Because magic
>its fucking communism.
again, you're throwing out epithets without defining them or resembling the thing your cursing. this time, you're conflating socialism and communism.
>just bc unelected appointees were smarter than their elected officials
Elected and unelected officials were equally responsible for expanding the EU, the reason being that the elected officials thought European economic unity would prevent anudda shoa and strengthen western europe against..... communism.
>does not identify them with capitalism.
Why not? You're again implying that bureaucracies and unaccountable hierarchies are incompatible with "true" capitalism, which cannot be further from the truth. Corporations that dominate global capitalism after WWII are the definition of unaccountable hierarchies
>Suddenly, history , culture , language, and ethnicity will no longer matter
Not suddenly, but over the course of 200 years modernism and by extension capitalism has literally eroded all of those things into superficialities. 300 years ago every region and many singular towns had their own unique dialects, almost all of which have been ground into oblivion by the forceful assimilation into the singular 'nation-state'. History in market societies have ceased to have any concrete connection to the individual's life as it was in local communities who could tell you about every bridge or grove in their area and have become expedient ever-shifting narratives whose primary purpose in public schools is to promote agendas like for example the deification of the founding fathers and the constitutions. "Culture" between market societies has already congealed into slightly different flavors of the same commercial monoculture. They have the same TV, Movies, Music, Clothes, Books, webpages etc... in Germany as in America and around the world. Ethnicity matters less than in market cultures than it ever has in any point of history.
Maybe? Tribalism and discrimination will always exist, but people will ignore it when they can make a profit. Thing is, capitalism also runs on a lot of different things that could potentially stop working at some point, and given how much of our QoL is from capitalism, a bad enough collapse would make Nationalism a MUCH stronger force, and tribalism in general would drastically rise up in prominence.
What about soviet imperialism? Stalin was pretty nationalist
>Kuwait gets annexed by Iraq illegally
>Other countries go to free Kuwait
>The west is imperialist and invading countries.
Really made me.
I'm of the opinion that globalist neoliberalism led and heralded by the ultra rich only makes things worse for the common citizen. For example, why would a EU commissar give a fuck if his immigration policies cause lowering social cohesion and -trust, riminality, terrorism, cause distrust between natives and immigrants and makes welfare burden greater for EU nations because he stands to gain from it? What is the benefit for a common EU citizen? His wages drop, his rent goes up because immigrants on housing welfare cause price inflation, his neighbourhood becomes far more dangerous and derelict and he reads about another terror strike from the news every month. Is it that he gets another iPhone and gets to watch recycled capeshit garbage or reality tv about bimbos in bikinis?
>Kuwait gets annexed by Iraq illegally
>American pretends it didn't see this coming
>uses it as an excuse to go full-Patton on Iraq
>Iraq destabilized
>Israel rubs its hands
>t. /leftypol/
socialism is a stepping stone to communism. both attempt to create a social less class achieving this with big government. where then the bourgeois take control and benefit there from, in this case your beauracratic and elected officials. the only conflation here is in your last remark. see take your mental gymnastics elsewhere plsnty
I mean capitalism came way before nationalism and its what drove European Imperialism
How is that even possible? Nationalism is imposed by ideology and public fervor for a state. Capitalism is a system of economics that is not even comparable to the original system of European Imperialism which hosted feudalism and mercantilism. Those drove the nations to colonize because one state cannot produce all of the desires of a nation there must be free trade in order to do that.
>mfw the globalist will replace all culture around the world with USA hedonistic and materialist culture in my life time
I would honestly would have prefer world Communism or anarchism.
Now in 30 years my country is literraly a hood full of mistery meat people who will be not only poor but to stupid and as long as they have little money for food and pleasure they will be cattle for ever selling what little dignity they have like those niggers you see fighting naked on videos while the 20% of the country keeps in power like today selling bullshit
>Capitalism is simply neo-feudalism
Which country?
>Capitalism is simply neo-feudalism
I can see how you'd think this if you had no idea what feudalism was, or capitalism for that matter.
Argentina. Happens I live already in what I describe. Theres literraly nothing we can do but to watch everything burn as this country turns into Zimbabwe 2.
At least with commies you get to stop thinking about it
Was Israel behind this too?
That's because you guys have shit economic policies. I'm from Chile and poverty has only decreased for the last decades. The future looks bright over here.
>logic and rational thinking is now “mental gymnastics”
>imprecise vocabulary and definitions and ad hominems are now considered reason
> the eu is essentially a twentieth century socialist commie bloc
Do you know that /pol/ memes are just memes, right?
But feudalism is both anticapitalist and anticommunist
>Capitalism is simply neo-feudalism
But this isn't true. The fact that almost all states on the planet exemplify a clear boundary between private and public property proves it isn't feudalistic.