I never got this meme? If the Incas were better than the Eurangutans, how come they couldn't tame moose and buffalo? The answer can only be that that the white man has a genetic predisposition to conquering and taming nature to bring about the material progress of humanity. This racial genius is lacking among the African or the Amerindian savage.
The Americas has no domesticable anim-
Other urls found in this thread:
Look at the Catalog you faggot
> Incas
> Buffalo and Moose
Low quality bait.
Are bison really less domesticable than water buffalo?
OP keeps making this thread over and over again out of Euroshit/stormfagger triggered autism. Expect many samefagged "replies".
They ate all their wild horses.
This. I mean even domestic cows descended from one of the most dangerous animals lithic era people could hunt yet somehow it was domesticated.
I did. I made this thread to complement that fine user's thought provoking OP
>shows a tame animal
How is this relevant to domestication, fucktard?
Bison have been domesticated and are raised on farms/ranches for meat.
Jared Diamond also claimed that the New Guineans have genetically superior mental ability to Europeans. He might just be an idiot.
Yes they are less domesticable. You think because they look alike they're the same? Cattle lived in small hierarchical herds, with a dominant male, they are social animals and humans used this against them. Bison live in herds, they're NOT social animals and they don't have a hierarchy that humans can co-opt.
Diamond is a white supremacist who thinks European domination of the world was inevitable, fuck that racist pos.
Godamn, I wonder if OP is also the one starting all of those 'the greatest victim of oppression in 2017 has been straight white males' type of threads too.
And he's who originated the pop history meme that the OP refers to, which was regurgitated in these popular YouTube videos:
Fuck you, stop imposing your socialist agenda. Collectivist bison societies are degenerate bastardization of nature. Cattle hierarchy is sacred which is why we worship cattle and have cattle gods.
I never recall bison and moose living in the Andes.
Bison are mixed with cow. It doesn't count.
It's not a meme and he didn't originate it, Jesus Christ read a book. There is NOTHING original in GG&S, its just the same old tired white supremacist shit they've been pushing since the Victorian era.
The Inca didn't even have the wheel. They were literal stone age niggers living in straw huts, lmao
You do realize moose exist across northern Eurasia, right? No? Well even the pure white aryan scandies never domesticated moose.
6.5 foot tall 1500 pound murder machines that can jump a 7 foot fence and run 35 mph.
Sami domesticated the reindeer.
Name some books, then.
>tfw I tried to convince my younger brother when we were kids that horses were from the americas and the romans rode camels into battle
>he wasn't retarded enough to believe it
>go ahead and make fun of him for believing it anyway for years
he used to get so mad
No they didn't you retard, they TAME one reindeer and use it to lure in other wild reindeer.
Santa isn't sami
Moose and buffalo are assholes that kill or seriously injure people all the time.
He never said that. He said that he's known too many intelligent New Guineans for him to believe them to be an intellectually less capable people.
>If the Incas were better than the Eurangutans, how come they couldn't tame moose and buffalo?
There were no moose or buffalo in Incan territories you literal retard. And they did domesticate animals. The had llamas, which they used for both food/wool and transport. But llamas are nowhere near as good as horses for certain tasks.
>jump a 7 foot
long jump maybe, not high jump