Is it the fate of all free societies to eventually succumb to authoritarianism?
Is it the fate of all free societies to eventually succumb to authoritarianism?
Plato said Democracy leads to Tyranny
Freedom of the press doesn't exist. The journalists are as free as are their editors and employers, who are often on the payroll of certain political or business groups.
imagine being such a brainlet that you think those two statements are contradictory.
The Founding Fathers did warn against cults of personality. There’s no way they would have tolerated populists like Bernie or Trump trying to subvert the people.
Why didnt you listen?
I'm sure the media constantly blaming white people and shilling for the Neocon/Liberal establishment is working for our interests.
freedom is a spook
The media is literally cheering on the deaths of white people, why on earth shouldn't we fight back?
The press is the enemy of the American people because the press doesn't have freedom anymore.
>press hasnt changed over time
Has much as i dislike Trump, he's dead right
This is literally “corporations are people” logic
Link to 7 mainstream media outlets (Mainstream media, not purple haired radicals just doing what stormcucks like Sargon or le not an argument man do for the other side) celebrating white people's deaths please
my sides
the press includes Veeky Forums and any other medium used to tell people your ideas. Media just refers to MSM, which Trump is proving to be subversive.
They're both completely right. The media is dominated by seven corporations that own 95% of every channel and medium. This heptopoly shuts down or drowns out any dissent from what benefits their shareholders.
Jefferson is right, because the press isn't free. It's been strangled to death by Liberalism and Left wing politics, the cudgel of Corporate Greed.
Trump is right, because that cudgel is used to beat the American people to extract money from them.
Freedom of the press made sense when newspapers were local things, lobbying and organized parties didn't exist, and there were no such things as social engineering and global corporations
could someone post the smuggy with the lisping numale saying something like
>heh okay fine give me an example that doesn't disagree with my narrative that has been carefully crafted to prevent me from having to face reality in any way woops can't do it guess i win again lol
>It's been strangled to death by Liberalism
Oh yeah, because Liberal revolutionary Thomas Jefferson would fucking despise liberalism.
Read a fucking book already, and look at where the fuck you are, the internet has reduced the cost of running apublication ot near fucking zero, and as a result, bullshit and yellow journalism rules the waves.
>liberalism today is the same as liberalism then
No, it is the fate of all societies that are ruled by networks of bureaucrats, nobles and politicians that are inefficient at fufilling the needs and wants of the average person; and are simply out to fill their own personal ambitions.
The Roman Republic gave way to the Roman Empire
The Feudal Kingdoms of Europe gave way to Absolutism
Modern day "democracies" are giving way to right wing authoritarianism.
If the EU doesn't collapse it will become very rigth wing. Or breakaway right wing factions will emerge.
The people eventually get tired of minor nobles/politicians who hide in obscurity and only pursue their own goals. Eventually they demand one man, just one man, who sits at the very top and has control over everything.
>If the EU doesn't collapse it will become very rigth wing.
caliphates typically are very right wing, yes.
>hurr fucking durrrrr
If you mean the modern left then just say "left", you fucking retard.
>Muh Populism screw cults of personality
>Founding fathers had cult of personalities themselves
This. Freedom of the Press needs to be reeinstated, these fake journalists need to be sued to hell.
Trump has said time and time again, that he doesn't mind the media; he just hates the jews that constantly try to spin the truth to make him look bad.
>he just hates the jews
American style democracy is a meme
Since the AP is basically a propaganda wing at this point, both of those statements are congruent.
Considering trumpcare just got completely cockblocked, I wouldn't use trump as an example of authoritarianism
He warned us but we didn't listen. And so down we go on the road to serfdom
>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere.
Basically this. The level of centralization is unprecedented. That said, the press has always had low quality journalism.
>wanting you to back up your retarded as claims is nu male faggotry
What are you doing on a history board faggot?
>people I disagree with aren't free
>people who agree with me are free