>US invades and occupies Germany and Japan
>transforms them into stable prosperous democracies
>US invades and occupies Iraq
>insurgency/multi-sided civil war with no end in sight 15 years later
What's the difference?
>US invades and occupies Germany and Japan
>transforms them into stable prosperous democracies
>US invades and occupies Iraq
>insurgency/multi-sided civil war with no end in sight 15 years later
What's the difference?
Two modernized nationalistic nation states with no secretarian issues versus a meme state with no unifying identity that didn't modernize or industrialize
The US occupations of Germany and Japan lasted a while and actually did dedicate itself to helping rebuild the country and putting in democratic (but subservient) leadership. They did care and also the US needed to build up Germany because of East Germany, so they pumped it full of money and helped it less the whole country possible go communist. The US also wanted Japan to possibly act as a bulwark against communism and be economically prosperous.
The US occupation of Iraq was not thoughtful and cobbled together, it seemingly is just about snatching oil.
Iraq needed to be placed under brutal military governorship and it could have been much better, too bad the neo cons drank their koolaid demanding elections while giving bath party members the boot.
Also, within the internal logic of the neo cons, Tehran should have been cruise missled the moment they started mucking around with the Shiites.
Iraq is a non-nation.
The above two are wealthy, developed societies that are largely homogenous with high levels of public trust and human capital that in turn contributes to a sufficiently strong civil society conducive to the maintenance of a stable democracy.
People in the US gave a shit about Germany and Japan.
Not to mention that both had established democratic traditions. It was a return to democracy, rather than building one from scratch.
Also, Truman was pretty smart, Bush was a retard.
Iraq was invented by the British. It was only held together by people like Saddam who ruled over the nation with a bloody fist. Without a despot in control the tribal warfare that existed before the British has resumed.
Japan never had a democratic tradition.
>What's the difference?
The U.S. wanted to transform Germany and Japan into stable prosperous democracies.
With Iraq and the entire MidEast, Israel want’s instability and continual warfare, as it guarantees their security and as their puppet, the U.S. carries out their wishes.
>Democratic traditions
Iraq is multicultural, Germany and Japan are not
The more I look at this map the less I'm surprised that Iraq has sectarian issues. It's literally on the border between the Arab cultural center, the Persian cultural center, the Levant, Turkey, and the Kurdish cultural center.
>that filename
wow its almost like when dictators violently suppress popular demands for democratic reform countries devolve into civil war, who woulda thought?
I notice there's no pic there for Tunisia, the birthplace of Arab Spring, because it actually democratized instead of shooting their own citizens until they started to shoot back.
Step on a dog's tail and the dog is still a dog. Step in shit and the shit is still shit.
Japans democratic tradition started in 1889 with the Meiji Constitutions promulgation.
Because the former were carried out by early an atomic-era US while the latter was carried out by a post-9/11 US. It’s like comparing Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship if Jefferson Starship was a steaming pile of shit.
> wow its almost like when Mossad creates, supports and funds “opposition movements” to violently overthrow stable and peaceful governments and pitch the countries into perpetual civil war, to insure their own security.
As a half Iraqi person I don't blame America for the mess Iraq is in right now I was in Iraq when the war started and I know and saw everything
They had a Diet.
There are a few reasons
Germany and Japan were ethnically homogeneous, so you aren't likely to see the kind of sectarian violence in Iraq. As says, Iraq was a crazy fucking country with regions that have huge dissonance with each other, so you needed an equally crazy fucker to keep it from blowing up (Saddam)
Germany and Japan's neighbors had a vested interest in seeing their old enemy go back to being a sane, chilled out country. In the case of Iraq, their neighbors were being incredible dickheads. Syria and Iran took various measures to strengthen anti-U.S. forces inside Iraq, in order to bog US troops down and make recovery as difficult as possible. Al Qaeda and their Arab sponsors also tried to exploit the post-invasion power-vacuum to go after U.S. forces and advance its own agenda. If no bordering countries are willing to help stabilize Iraq, that would be one thing, but they were actively trying to inflame sectarian conflict for their own short-minded goals.
The actual invasion plan was pretty well-done all things considered, but consider this: there wasn't a bad plan for the occupation, there was literally not a plan at all! Compare this to FDR setting up plans for how Germany and Japan would be functioning in the post-Nazi and post-Imperial eras all he way back in 1942. I am not shitting you when I say Bush's NSC started the plans for how the country would be occupied after Baghdad fell. This did not bode well for the Coalition Provisional Authority, and they did fucking retarded shit like fire all the old Saddam soldiers and get rid of the only existing institution in the fucking country.
Biggest of all was the lack of numbers in the occupation. I think when shit really hit the fan and the sectarian violence reached a point of no return, there were 150k American soldiers. That is fucking pathetic, there were more troops keeping the peace in Bosnia in the 90s, which was a fraction of the size of Iraq
Tunisia is a shitty country ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood, don't act like just because it's there no insurgency or civil war, it's a great success
And this is stupid, if NATO didn't step in and let a civil war play out, you would have seen even worse things. Libya is right now doing way better than Syria where there wasn't any Western intervention
>Religious minorities (non-muslims) in Syria still exist and are protected by the violent but legitimate government
>Religious minorities in Libya saw mass killings, jailing, and theft of property as the populist Islamic government replaced the dictator
Get off John Kerry's cock you blithering neocon imbecile.
As a nation Libya is (relatively) united, there's free travel between the Haftar and Serraj governments, and the only difference between the two is politics. They have diplomatic relations with each other and fights between the two are only accidental skirmishes here and there.
And about 7000 people died in the civil war
Meanwhile in Syria, you've got a fucking al-Qaeda stronghold in the Northwest, two Kurdish governments, remnants of ISIS littered along the Euphrates, and the government that most the world sees as responsible for chemical massacres.
Oh and about 500 000 dead and half the country running the fuck away. Great situation!
Get enough of Muhammad's children in one place and this will happen invariably. When your prophet is a two-bit warlord and your entire religion is built on conquering, statecraft and subversion it is no surprise that there will always be a couple million young cum filled Mohammads to gather into state seeking groups and destroy or subjugate anyone near Sunni population centers.
Now that there are so few Libyan non-Muslims that they will never hold any political clout or power, there is little reason to bother murdering them additionally. But of course we can't have a secular government in Damascus for any length of time, gotta behead em all.
>Libya is right now doing way better than Syria where there wasn't any Western intervention
NATO backed Secretarian warfare is totally better than NATO backed secretarian warfare
The U.S. actually had a plan worked out for the occupation and reconstruction of Japan and Germany and was prepared to invest an unprecedented amount of time, energy, and resources to see it through. The plans invasion and occupation of Iraq on the other hand were drawn up and executed in less than six months. Support for the Iraq War, which had already had a shaky legal basis to begin with, rapidly plummeted after 2004, which meant the U.S. lacked the willpower to commit to building a stable Iraq. To make matters worse, the Coalition Provisional Authority was full of Bush Administration cronies rather than people (the one remotely qualified person was Jay Garner, and he didn't last a month) who bungled everything from disbanding Iraq's Army to restoring basic services. The result, a whole lot of unemployed soldiers with no running water who were very receptive to Mr. bin Laden's calls for a war against America.
TL;DR planning is everything.
Time for some War on Terror Redpills to force down OP's throat like a bag of dicks:
Taxi to the Dark Side
Severe Clear
Soundtrack to War
Imperial Life in the Emerald City by Rajiv Chandrasekaran
Al Qaeda's Great Escape by Philip Smucker
Fiasco by Thomas E. Ricks
Corporate Warriors by P.W. Singer
Generation Kill by Evan Wright
>it seemingly is just about snatching oil.
We didn't even snatch any fucking oil. Most of it is still in the ground.
>Syrian Civil War happened because of Islam
Fantastic analysis, my friend :)
>if NATO didn't step in
The entire conflict was concocted by the West at the behest of Israel, specifically so NATO could "step in".
>Tunisia is ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood
That's a blatant lie and you know it! The Islamist-light party suffered severe setbacks in the recent elections and now the Liberals rule. You can even go over there and get yourself a Tunisian waifu without having to convert.
i know it didnt seem possible but Iraq is a bigger meme country than Germany. Some old british guy made it by arbitrarily drawing lines in the desert with literally 0 (ZERO) consideration of ethnic boundaries. It is a literal clusterfuck.
The explanation and premise is simplified but he's not completely wrong. The uprising in Syria was due disenfranchised and unemployed Sunni Muslims protesting against living conditions. Assad answered like an autocratic ruler does and repressed the revolt. He did later on realize his mistake in letting Shia Shabiha militia go all out on Sunni protesters and later offered political concessions. By this point shit had gone overboard already and Sunni troops and officers defected. First it started as a revolt to remove Assad but as the years dragged on the causes for every group grew more difusse the civil war turned into a war against radical Islamist groups.
>You can even go over there and get yourself a Tunisian waifu without having to convert
Carthago delenda fug
The US sort of had to rebuild Germany and Japan because it was necessary for the post-war global economic system. There were no favorable coincidences for Iraq.
>Libya is right now doing way better than Syria where there wasn't any Western intervention
> right now doing way better
>where there wasn't any Western intervention
double tribs confirms this by the way
Iraq was the second largest industry in the entire region at the time and extremely modernized.
Though I'll give you the meme state and that the only unifying factor was fear of Saddam (well, and each other).
Syria was in the middle in a government reform that allowed more personal and economic liberty
Why would anyone make a claim like these without sources and be a namefag? Did this person want to out himself as a recognizable retard?
Why is this some hard thing to understand?
Libya: 6000 dead. Country on path to reconciliation
Syria: 500 000 dead. Country essentially split into 4 different sectarian states. War might be declared over in a couple years, but there will be a powerful Sunni insurgency for decades.
Well... Since you asked.
>US invades and occupies Iraq
>insurgency/multi-sided civil war with no end in sight 15 years later
>implying the intent was to win the war and not drag it on for as long as possible
Cheney and his boys in Haliburton sure made a buck off of that war