How much of your gains will you donate to charity ?
How much of your gains will you donate to charity ?
Really depends on the extent of the gains.
i dont believe in charity. I like the jewish method of things, instead of handing out money and creating a welfare state, you give out opportunities.
50% to government
>free market
Something funny going on here.
1200 usd, only if they let me cum inside that little orphan rectum
+Tip for sucking balls
Why are there commies in Veeky Forums?
>thinking giving the government more power is free market
>US Healthcare is free market
my country already taxes 50% of my income and gives it to afghans, arabs, albanians, nigerians, moroccans etc.
they wont get a single extra euro from me for "charity" (charity=importing even more third worlders)
The definition of liberal is someone who gives to charity. Todays definition is someone that steals from from the worker to give it to a layabout.
Charity isn't the same as welfare state dumbass
You don't get to choose if you want to pay taxes, how much you want to pay, and to which minority the taxes go to.
All of them!
I must do charity to myself.
It's nothing, just a girl from the year 2017 with a penis.
I think his point was the government already robs him for half his income and he doesnt have any left for charity.
>I like the jewish method of things
Taking money from Germany by force?
daily reminder that you're not helping anyone by giving money to starving niglets
>just let nature take it's course
That guy's not Asian.
Well, probably Charity's usual rate, which is $100 for a blowie, $150 for pussie, and $200 for poopie.
You're basically just giving your money to the charity board and their cocaine addictions.
How fucked of a person do you have to be to have kids when you know you can't afford to even feed them and have to rely on government assistance?
If third worlders were smart, they would not be third worlders.
>Giving your money to rent seeking Jews
You could give to charity that tries to build refugee camps outside the EU.
>Wlefare State
>Not Jewish
hearty chuckle
I give food and water to homeless people in my community. Better than spending money on some fucking company
you make your own foundation, get others to donate for you
damn the "malherbe autobuses" are the best.
>Donating btc so that Africans that already hate you and want to rape your women can get more gibs