Where do you position yourself in the conflict between Israel and the former French and British mandate states? Is Israels policy reasonable?
Bonus: Post pics of Six Day War, Yom-Kippur War and the likes plox
Where do you position yourself in the conflict between Israel and the former French and British mandate states? Is Israels policy reasonable?
Bonus: Post pics of Six Day War, Yom-Kippur War and the likes plox
I think any reasonable person would be against everyone involved.
Yeh. Never really bothered about Israel until I had to explain the conflict at school while Trump quit Unesco.
It's just a diplomatic clusterfuck.
I would just love to see a debate about different chapters and actions from, say, the 20s to today.
Also Anwar Al-Sadat was a cool president
just let Israel annex Palestine already
I think it's one of the few clear good guy bad guy wars in history, with the Israelis simply not trying to get genocided and showing far more patience than "enlightened" countries like the UK ever would. As for the modern situation, I view the whole affair as Jordan's fault. Palestinians shouldn't be a thing that exists. They should just be Jordanian citizens and always should have been since the 40s.
kikes are too much of meanies and some things they do is detestable,and of course without westerners aid they will fall
arabs are also shitheads,theyre too shitty to wipe out all the kikes and cant share their stupid desert shithole
would feel great happiness if the whole region just sank into the sea one day desu
>Israel answers to somebody
Ghaddafi was right.
The solution is Isratine. Merge Palestine and Israel into a single state.
Not a "Jewish" state. Not an Islamic state. A secular republic where both have equal rights. No more settlements and encroaching, no more scud missiles being fired, no checkpoints, no more bullshit.
And if anybody does not like it they can go eat a dick.
that would end up in a civil war within the week of it's establishment
Not if it comes from mutual agreement, which will never happen.
But it would be the most fair and humane solution, if both sides backed down from their extremism, Israel stopped voting Likud and Palestine stopped voting Hamas.
Regarding their neighbors, Israel is sort of reasonable. Both sides could offer peace, instead both sides offer armed neutrality.
Regarding their non-citizen population of Palestinians and the diaspora they created, Israel is not reasonable at all. Palestinians have nothing but their homes to bargain WITH, and they're bargaining FOR their homes.
>And if anybody does not like it they can go eat a dick.
Rabbis DON'T like it.
>Not a "Jewish" state. Not an Islamic state. A secular republic where both have equal rights.
You can't have this with Palestinians.
I think /pol/ should be banned from this website completely, but this is probably the one example where their narrative is right. If this union happened, nearly half the population would be Palestinian right away (with Jordanian and Lebanese refugees), and the majority would be Arabs (Israeli Arabs are mostly cool, vut still, the Muslim ones can be radicalized). They would get Israeli government gibs because they're literally poorer than Nigerians. Then, since the Palestinian territories have a birth rate over twice that of Israeli Jews, they can obtain a very strong majority within one generation. Then all they have to do, with their entire nation raised on propaganda and hatred to the point where even other Arabs consider them to be shitters that no one wants to deal with, is "democratically" vote to get rid of all the Jews.
Considering there is, literally, not a single Arab country where the Jewish minority thrived in the modern age despite those countries people being far better than Palestinians, I don't blame them for this. If tomorrow you were asked to make your country majority-Palestinian, what would be your response? And I presume your country has not been hit with hundreds of terror attacks from Palestine.
Not even Jordan wants to make Palestinians citizens of their country, why would the Israelis?
>Not even Jordan wants to make Palestinians citizens of their country, why would the Israelis?
Palestinians are from Israel.
>If tomorrow you were asked to make your country majority-Palestinian, what would be your response?
Then you think Palestinians have a legitimate grievance? Since they don't do well under Israeli rule, and they never voted for Israel to annex their homes?
No they're not. Most of them were from what is now Jordan. Including all the "refugees" living there today. It's just that nowhere else in the world can you inherit refugee status, so there's a lot of "Palestinians" today, near ten million, when in 1950 there were only a few hundred thousand; the Jordanians did that purely to be shitters.
I've got a couple for ya, Mr. Bernstein.
When is this picture dated, and where is it?
>An Israeli soldier guarding Egyptian prisoners at El Arish during the 1967 Six-Day War.
All I got for that one. I'm sure reverse image searches will serve you well because I don't know shit.
V nice