When did you realize Peterson is a crypto-fascist?
When did you realize Peterson is a crypto-fascist?
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now wait just a second friend, why don't you...uh...listen here for just one diddly second, if you call me a crypto fascist again i'll... uh.... make a podcast about you and you'll stay blasted
He's pretty reactionary but not a fascist
He's subtle, but he obviously gears his motives toward the aptitude of the individual, given the current highly individualistic state of the West. He knows that he can't force people to clean their room so he says "It's your life" and knows how to say it so to ignite something in them that they might begin to direct their own lives. He likely knows a lot more than he shares, yet he doesn't see reason in speaking of anything more than what he does. He has created a formula that he carefully applies to those who listen to create a desired effect, being society ordered by responsible individuals who can take matters into their own hands. It wouldn't matter if he is a fascist or if there is something underlying, because what matters to him is the concoction he has made, and how many people drink it.
Who is this Peterson?
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
when he said he didn't like nazis very much.
He is not a fascist, he is opposed to all forms of authoritarianism/collectivism.
he literally said that life has meaning, how is he not a fascist?
i love you
Why do people think Stirner is a leftist when his ideology is perfectly compatible with the right wing or literally any kind of ideology?
You can follow Stirner perfectly well while being the guy who administers the ovens in Auschwitz, assuming you don't actually believe in what you're doing and go along with it because it seems the most beneficial outcome.
you're given Peterson too much credit, the guy is a Christian and has videos saying Hitler and other fascists were bad before (which got downvoted) in actuality, peterson is just a pseude exploiting his fanbase for $$$ like every other "right-wing" personality out there like Milo and Sargon without having the awareness of the damage they're doing in the long run.
I have a gay friend who wouldn't shut up about Peterson, and after watching Peterson and seeing other personalities on both the right wing and the left wing, and how several of them have actual college degrees (as in Peterson's case). It makes me question if higher intelligence actually exists or if most of these people are just fakes who want to be superior to other people somehow and they just choose intellectualism. A true intellectual would hear out both sides before making an informed choice, but all of these personalities are just fighting for their own echo chamber.
Bash that fash Stirner
nice meme
200 years together is misunderstood. It's not a Nazi or fascist book. /pol/ and their ilk just like to portray it as such because LE LOLOLOL LE REDBILLED /OURGUY/ LE COMMIE JOO CONSPIRACY LE PRAISE LE KEK XDDD!!!!
When /pol/tards started worshipping him
why can't /pol/tards just shut the fuck up about petey pete? Don't they realize that they damage his reputation by trying to associate him with them?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
He's not at all a fascist, he's a classical libertarian. But because all of his bashing on "rightists" is normal and expected, and his bashing on "leftists" is shocking and different, especially considering his profession, that's what everyone focuses on. When he says something like "Hitler was a bad dude," nobody gives a shit. When he says something like "women's right to work was a mistake," it gets a lot of clicks, which translates into a bunch of alt-right kiddies adopting him as their honorary daddy and a bunch of assravaged SJWs calling him the Antichrist. Add in a bit of pandering to his audience, a bit of further alternating his detractors, and all of a sudden he's become the alt-right figurehead that he is today.
>his ideology is perfectly compatible with the right wing or literally any kind of ideology?
You can't actually. The whole point of Ego and its Own was to shit on Marx for being too similar to right wing ideologies. He shit on his fellow atheist for being as pious as those with faith
Normalfags are all over this guy, my therapist said she enjoys some of his videos and recommended I check them out.
Your (((therapist))) is a crypto-fascist.
his psychology of the bible lectures are great, even if you disagree with pretty much all of his personal beliefs.
Normalfags are crypto-fascists
t. Adorno
he strikes me as some type of moderate classical liberal. in other words, a sane person. unlike the communists on this board
How the hell did you come to that conclusion? Stirner shits on everyone.
that's literally a girl though
>Why do people think Stirner is a leftist
Hes post-leftist, which is the same as anti-left ,however anti-left is not the same as the right. Being on the right is just being on the right.
>Stirner shits on everyone.
Yes, he specifically shit on Marx and Engels for becoming as dogmatic as right wingers in their earlier writings. Which they changed in their latter years. Left wing ideology might be spooky, but right wing ideology is almost always is.
>He's not at all a fascist, he's a classical libertarian
wrong, hes a new kind of fascist, not based on nationalism or race, but raw power.He use's Mythology as justification instead of pseudoscience.
When I realized that he was a pseud
jordan peterson believes in democracy and freedom, and equality user.
you have no idea what fascism even is.
>Veeky Forums has gone from calling him a pseud to a fascist and a pseud.
Explain to me what twisted definition of fascism you are using, and tell me how JBP fits into that.
>democracy equality freedom
Leftypol please go.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Yeah, but that's wrong. Everything he says is encouraging personal responsibility. Peterson = make your bed because you're a fucking adult and that's what adults do. Fascism = make your bed or the GestapBI will bust down your door and shoot your dog.
>be Eastern European
>literally have politicians pushing for involuntary sterilization of gypsies and abolishing democracy
>look at the west
>people who are 99% liberal democrats get labeled "fascists" just because they kinda sorta don't consider trannies to be women
>sargon is right-wing
Bash that commie Stirner
>right wing
You expect the many guilty conscience lefties on here to admit to their utter idiocy and reliance on buzzwords when anything outside of autistic ACHTUALLY's about history come up?
But, like, fascism is like, um, authoritarianism bro, and you not agreeing to my framing of political events is like um, authoritarian and thought controlling man, fuckin' fascist.
Daily reminder, anime is fascists and reactionary
>or the gestapo will bust down your door and shoot your dog
*or the ATF will bust down your door and shoot your dog
What a load of bull
Peterson is not right-wing and has never claimed as such, and never associated as such. He is a liberal, but since everything is so SJW tilted these days, he seems "right". I am from Toronto and listened to his videos and such before they became widely known. I think he has been pushed into the right more, and since they don't blow airhorns in his face,
If he is viewed as 'right', it's because the SJW left has pushed him there. But he still isn't.
And yes, he is Christian, but only insofar as realizing religion has a symbolic function that isn't meant to be taken literally (read Jung).
I find it amusing how children here (average age 18) think because they've caught a peak behind Oz's curtain, they are suddenly omniscient beings themselves.
He's not alt-right.
If you can't read that, it's not because it's too small.
Everyone knows personal responsibility is for ultra-right death nazis only.
>"right" of what I believe, therefore it's fascism.
This will make fine pasta
You literally just made up non-nationalist "Raw-Power" Fascism
I don't know. All his friends and colleagues are Jewish like Bret Weinstein.
Unless you are saying that Jews can be alt-right?
Seriously. Do any of these far leftists on this board have any genuine criticism agains petersons thoughts, and not the shitty "hes just a pseud grabbin monney from loser right wings and hes exploiting the attention he gets that fuckin facist" """""criticism"""""? Like, please. Be the first one, because I have yet to see such a thing on here
that's 30 seconds of your life you'll never get back, but thanks.
there´s nothing fascist about him
coincidentally I´ve been watching Peterson videos all day
his name is petey pete
he's the king of the rumba beat
They don't ever listen to anything he says, they just respond to the dog whistles on huffpo or whatever.
Just last week or so, a bunch of """"friends""""" on normiebook chimped out over a clip where he's talking to Camille Paglia. She's a classic feminist, takes no bullshit, and SJWs hate her (she can be a little raving at times). Peterson is talking about how men don't know how to fairly "compete" with women in the modern age, as men might resort to blows if disagreeing with each other, but (this is where the chimp out occurs) can't do that with women.
Of course he's talking largely figuratively. But wouldn't you know it, those darn oh-so-smart lefties managed to take him completely out of context! People losing their shit, writing headlines like "Peterson says it's too bad he can't beat up women!! Not only transphobic piece of shit, but violent rapist too, durrr!!"
You can watch the whole thing here, Peterson starts at about 46m:
soooo..... liberals are now being definded as fascists?
/pol/ is completely right about you faggots.
you have mad ethat word meaningless
>Why do people think Stirner is a leftist when his ideology is perfectly compatible with the right wing or literally any kind of ideology?
He explicitly tells you to avoid circumstances where you can wind up bound tomorrow by your will today. This pretty much puts the hierarchy of right-wing ideologies out of the room. His whole point on communism, socialism, and liberalism was that they were just as much constraining straight jackets as the ideologies they sought to "liberate" people from.
far leftists are now postmodernists.
they dont believe in making arguments
they only believe in using language as a weapon.
nothing they say is intended to transfer knowledge from reality to someone else.
it is only used to dominate their racial, sexual, and class enemies.
in that respect, they are more fascist than the fascists they denounce
they are evil.
He's unintentionally an alt-right gateway drug for half his listeners and the other half are Chads and normalfags who listen to the Joe Rogan Experience. The "muh self-mastery" thing appeals to the normalfags and the "muh post-Marxist cultural modernism" appeals to the /pol/tard pepemaga brainlets. I think he's wrong about a lot of the things he discusses in terms of philosophy but he's not a bad guy. He made some video about Hitler and almost half of the like/dislike bar is dislikes from anally ravaged stormweenies disappointed that their new meme hero is attacking their old meme hero. All the top comments are Shlomo Shekelstein variants commenting on how Hitler was le good guy and to watch da Greatest Story Never Told and the whole textbook stormwipe diatribe. He's the same level as Milo, Gavin McInnes and Lauren Southern as they aren't really Bell-Curve jerking, race-obsessed retards but they start mentally disturbed, isolated manchildren out on a path that ultimately leads to them becoming Holocaust deniers marching with Kekistan flags at neo-Nazi rallies.
This isn't reddit.
>he's an alt-right gateway drug
>using the term "gateway drug" unironically
stop that.
>langage policing
classic leftist faggots
Correcting someone's errors != language policing
>I don't understand what I'm talking about
>radical individualist
These things aren't compatible in any way.
>be libtard canuckian christian
>get called le "alt right" gateway drug cuz you don't think trannos are actually women
I never implied that he was. What I said was that his audience is mostly alt-right. He is, however, entering a demagogue death spiral where he's increasingly playing up his cultural Marxism and leftist subversion narrative because his audience responds well to it, which further polarizes his audience and makes them less willing to listen to the other side of his beliefs.
Actually, I think I recall listening to something by him about this exact same thing happening to Hitler.
>tfw petey pete will never invite you up to the second floor of his home to the native-american longhouse
>demagogue death spiral
his viewership has been declining for quite a while now user
>his viewership has been declining for quite a while now user
That's how these things work. lesswrong.com
Yes, I'm aware of your contempt for Yudkowsky and no, I'm not calling JBP a cult leader.
>all these butthurt Petefags
>he thinks he can defeat petey pete
that would sure be a feat. Although I think you would much sooner beat a hasty retreat than face the elite Petey Pete.
>religion has a symbolic function that isn't meant to be taken literally (read Jung).
You mean this Jung? Because that's not the conclusion that he comes to.
Doesn't really change anything though. No one is trying to accurately LARP as Jung.
Well I find his bible lectures quiet interesting and profound, although he's constantly saying "not sure", "don't know" and some similar blablas, but even this is not the part of the reason why I don't entirely like him. He constantly promotes psychologic online-services such as "Self authoring program". And now he has invented, with his friends of course, some neuronet to which you can describe the university you're studying in and then receive a positive or negative characteristic: whether the uni is neo-marxist or not. I know that everyone needs food and place to live, also you may say that a general bunch of his income is patreon donation which make up presumably to 100k$ and he says constantly that he puts this giant amount of money in renting the theater or whaterver the place where he lectures is , in addition he spends his dollars on montage work and youtube channel's improvements. To me it sounds rather just, but still I sense a catch here. Not sure...
About those fans... They are pity, just trying to find a father-figure being a singlemother raised children even in this strange political context in which they see rise to some meaning in their lives and a hopeful justifying to their existence: "See mom, I'm into politics and civil discours."
>and that's what adults do
are you God now ?
Hes just really fucking spooked. But not a fascist.
>being so upset about some "two-bit academic" that you write a screed like this
>>literally have politicians pushing for involuntary sterilization of gypsies
thats objectively a good thing though
>disagreeing that you should clean your room
If we went by the spook thing entirely, Stirnir would be closer to anarcho capitalist than leftist. Him shitting on everyone is pretty distinct from the ancap peace ideas, so he's got his own version. It's still closer to ancap than ancom.
I wanted to like this guy because I have increasing alt-right sympathies, but then I heard some of his cold war standard anti-Marxist whines and lost all respect I might have had.
I honestly think he might be CIA or something trying to steer the alt-right into a proper direction of business/elite friendly "reaction".
Anyone who thinks stirner's ideas are ancom are full retard. Egoism is probably the purest form of individualist philosophy there is.
Stirner is and alt-left symbol
>stops at the first sight of disagreement and dismisses him entirely, proclaiming him a CIA shill
>t. Incompetent faggot at the bottom of the hierarchy of competence.
Why does Stirner have such an appeal to edgy teens?
Because his ideas allow them to disregard shit they don't like. They usually stop stirnerposting when other people use Stirner to disregard them.