In what ways was he actually a Nationalist

Trying to find anyway Milosevic was actually the nationalist dictator the west portrays him as
>advocated for unity
>never outright said anything racist
>wasn't responsible and denounced the Srebrenica Massacre

At most he was just an Opportunist and a Populist, but not a nationalist.
There was Croatia with their Ustase iconography and the Serbian Radicals with their Chetniks, but if anything he was following in Tito's shadow advocating Brotherhood and Unity.

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally who

Wanted a Serb nation state and fought for land with Serbian majority in Croatia and Bosnia, left Slovenia pretty easy because there were no Serbs there but refused to let go off Kosovo because of "sentimental value"

He was offered to convert to islam by Izetbegovic and he refused. Why wouldn't he convert if he wasn't a nationalist? Clearly his Serb Orthodox identity was more dear to him than unity.

Nigger look at his cloak and dagger bullshit and back door politicaling, especially the "anti bureaucratic revolution" where he formally attempted to solidify serbian domination of Yugoslavia, along with his open support of serbian separatists in Croatia and Bosnia. Let's not even get into how many serbian officers and heavy equipment he allowed to "desert" from the JNA to integrate into Bosnian serb units.

Stopped reading there. Rewrite your post if you want to debate like a civilized human, otherwise I'm not interested.

Milosevic wasn't a Nationalist. He rose to power on the backs of nationalistic Serbs in the 1980s but didn't really believe in it. He wasn't really a communist either, despite coming to power through the Party. In the end, he betrayed Serbian Nationalists by giving up on the Krajina serbs and letting the Croats kick the shit out of them, dealing with the West to end the Bosnian conflict in 1995 and backing down in Kosovo in 1999.

He was a fairly decent politician, until his country was too fucked from the sanctions to allow him to rule any longer, mass protests took him down and he was indicted by the Hague for war crimes.


>otherwise i'm not interested
nigger why do you think we care

everyone wanted their own nation state
>Croatia wanted independence
>Slovenia wanted independence
>Kosovo wanted independence
>Bosnia and Herz just wanted to be friends
>Montenegro eventually wanted independence

This isn't necessarily Nationalist though, its just corrupt and opportunist. He definitely did want a federal system with Serbia at the center of politics, but that just means he was an opportunist/power hungry.

:/ this is basically what i was thinking, but i dont get why western media and articles keep portraying him as this Serbian Hitler.

Eh I don't think it's fair to paint Milosevic as a fellow traveller who just so happened to have got mixed in with a wave of Serbian nationalism, most of all of his actions were informed by explicit serbian nationalism in the late 80s, he doesn't have to be a caricature of a chetnik like Seselj to be considered a nationalist.

Krajina Serb here.

Feels bad man.


You missed the part where Milosevic gave the Serb paramilitaries a free hand to murder Bosniaks after the Dayton Accords were signed.

He was a two-faced hypocrite saying what the West wanted to hear on TV while covertly backing ethnic cleansing.

Croats = catholics
Serbs = orthodox
Bosniaks = muslims
That's the only difference
They are genetically almost identical

t. non-yugo

I thought only like 52% of Bosnia was Muslim. Or something close to that, barely enough to have a majority.

Bosnian =/= Bosniak

>Why wouldn't he convert if he wasn't a nationalist
Maybe he didn't believe in Islam?

As a westerner, can't say I have any opinions on the conflict, but must feel bad to have a state for 4 years and then be abandoned by who you thought would save you.

>fought for land

Totally why he abandoned the serbian statelets as soon as his power was at stake due to western sanctions.

Wanting a nation state is literally a nationalistic concept

That doesn't make him a nationalist. Wanting the government to pave roads is a socialistic concept but supporting that doesn't make you a socialist.

>Wanting the government to pave roads is a socialistic concept
No it isn't. Why are there so many fucking retards on the internet that think all government is socialism? Is it an American thing?

The Dutch wrote a goodbye song for him after he died.

start at 17 seconds

It's amazing how Westerners, Americans mostly think they are capable of discussion of recent history when their information is mostly second hand information from news articles or some shit
95% of this thread is absolute fucking horseshit

He was literally an atheist.
He deliberately caused the hyperinflation that destroyed the Serbian economy.

Could you please explain how did he cause the hyperinflation that destroyed the Serbian economy?

Christ you're a brainlet

>He deliberately caused the hyperinflation that destroyed the Serbian economy.
the hyperinflation was the child of the 1990 federal measures and sanctions of 1992

I want to elaborate on my atheist statement. He was an adamant atheist.
And he was a populist. He knew how to exploit public sentiment like no other politician in the communist party.
Through and through, he banned the works of Slobodan Jovanovic, calling him a collaborationist, traitorous, war criminal. Because he headed the Yugoslav government in exile. Slobodan Jovanovic was the sort of intellectual nationalist and thinker who's works any Serbian intellectual should read.
The (propaganda) film "Battle of Kosovo" has specific anti clergy themes.
"Serbia is ruled by priests, not by Lazar, wherever you turn you see black robes"

not really, slobodan jovanović was banned since 1945, slobodan milošević just continued the ban in 1985 as an orthodox yugoslav communist
Imagine working for 10$ per month. For 4 years.

Yes. But he specifically bashed the idea of unbanning them.

i am a serb from belgrade that has been a student during those years, i remember them well enough