Are there any surviving tribe that descent from the Suebians in spain? are there any blonde north africans from the vandals?
What happened to the Suebi and Vandals
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Aren't the Suebi the Swabians?
The term 'švab' (schwab) is still used to denote Germans in parts of the Balkans often, but not always, used in a derogatory manner.
Suebi didn't leave Spain with the alans and Vandals. They stayed in Galicia and founded a gentile kingdom there, till they got conquered by the Visigothic kingdom. I think that there are some idioms in the spanish about the suevos.
The sourcesitiuation about their kingdom is Bad, some bishop of braga who sent letters to Rome is the mayor source if I recall corectly
Yes the tribe split up, one part moved to Spain the other became a part of the Allemanni
The Vandals were genocided by Byzantine troops
Pic related basically sums it up
wishful thinking of schawbian bastards. real suevi were proto-slavs.
What's the issue? Did a Swabian shit in your breakfast?
i would fight every szwabian bastard and kill him with my bare suevi hands. szwab means weak in language of muh ancestors
prepare to die szwab swarthy otHoid monkey
Want some reparations with that?
i'll take the reperations from your dead corpse, you beady-eyed szwabian cuck.
Suebi was kind of an umbrella term for certain germanic tribes during roman times.
Wether or not some of them were assimilated into slavic tribes after these moved into the lands left by the germanics is probably impossible to tell. As is the question wether or not the polish term "schwab" derives in any form from it, but I rather doubt it. More likely it comes from swabian settlers immigrating during the middle ages, several hundred years later.
The balkan term certainly comes from the swabian settlers there. Migration-era suebians didn't reach that area.
Better hurry up, achmed is already calling dibs.
>we wuz everythang
Isn't that basically pan-germanic view though? We wuz Europa n shit.
Pan-Germanicism hasn't been a thing for 70 years
And yet the old ideas are still here. I refuse to believe that all of the so-called "Germanic" tribes were in fact Germanic. If so, then Scandinavia would be the whore of Europe, concieving so many people.
Keep in mind that 90% of Germanic tribes claim their homeland to be Scandinavia.
>Goths – see Cassiodorus/Jordanes;
>Lombards – see Paul the Deacon;
>Franks – see Gregory of Tours (this one less certain but talk is of “bursting” into the province of Germany);
>Vandals & Herules – see Gregory of Tours/Cassiodorus/Jordanes and Procopius.
Sure doesn't seem weird at all.
All of the tribes moving west during the migration left sufficient linguistic and genetic evidence to prove they were indeed germanic. As for the scandinavian heritage, it's possible it was merely some warrior-groups originating from there, subjugating or semi-peacefully aggregating germanic tribes until they all considered themselves part of this scandinavian-derived group.
They were obviously just Slavs that adopted a Germanic language during the Migration Period ;^)
>left sufficient linguistic and genetic evidence to prove they were indeed germanic.
Such as? Only Goths left any significant trace.
No, the Lombards left significant traces in the Italian language as well as toponymns in Italy. Enough in fact for their language to been classified as Elbe Germanic (a.k.a. Suebic).
Also the Suebi in Iberia to a lesser extent.
Goths and others (including non-Germanic tribes) were much like the later known roving warrior bands of Vikings – causing a lot of havoc but leaving a very small final footprint. In fact, the same can be said of all of these:
Lombards – no one speaks German in Lombardy;
Vandals – ditto in Spain and Africa;
Franks – ditto in France;
Alans and Suebi – same;
Normans – same for Normandy (though they carried French but not Frankish German into Britain);
Herules – they’re back at Thule…
If you want to go that route you can also find Slavic influence in Eastern part of Italy and Northern part of Spain.
Not true, the real Suebi were west african
I know a blue-eyed blond tunisian. The dude come from a tunisian family, his sisters looks like you could expect but he's good this nordic color set. Pretty funny.
Who cares? There is ample evidence that Suebic tribes spoke Germanic languages, and that's what's being argued here.
>There is ample evidence that Suebic tribes spoke Germanic languages
There isn't any. And they were called Suevi by almost all sources.
There are blonde Berbers but I don't know if that is due to Vandal mixture or if that was already there
Wrong. The Iberian Suebi and Lombards both spoke Germanic languages of the Elbe (Suebic) variety.
WHOA, Centum languages have similiar words. Who would've guessed.
Source? Chronicles would be appreciated.
>>Franks – see Gregory of Tours (this one less certain but talk is of “bursting” into the province of Germany);
>This is the evidence that the historians who have been named have left us about the Franks, and they have not mentioned kings. Many relate that they came from Pannonia and all dwelt at first on the bank of the Rhine, and then crossing the Rhine they passed into Thuringia, and there among the villages and cities appointed longhaired kings over them from their first or, so to speak, noblest family.
>Many relate that they came from Pannonia
The fuck is even your alternate theory, that these peoples spoke some unrelated language that left no trace anywhere whatsoever, but succesfully fooled roman chroniclers and the entirety of western historians that they were germanic?
>WHOA, Centum languages have similiar words.
Funny, why are there then almost no Greek words of Germanic origin - could it be because Germanics didn't go there during the migration period?
Another one:
The sources are at the bottom of the page, by the way.
He believes that the Suebic tribes were Slavic.
That's right - he believes that Slavs were living on the Weser, the Rhine and the Main at the time of Christ. Pic related, Suebic tribe names are in magenta.
Then how does he explain...
ah fuck it. No sense arguing with that.
>The Frankish homeland is located in the former homeland of the Eravisci, a Gallic tribe
>The Early Frankish kings had Celtic names
>The Franks left no texts in Germanic
>The Oldest Frankish texts are all in Latin or Semi-French Latin
>Flavius Merobaudes, a Frankish poet, wrote in Latin
>Somehow the Franks spoke Germanic
The Oldest Frankish texts are btw
>CIL 3576 (251-450 AD) from PANNONIA
In Latin
>Salic Law (450-500 AD)
In Semi-French Latin according to J. H. Hessels
No way is there 40% "other" in Austria
People from Braga love to larp as Suebis
Vid kinda related, a medieval themed band called Sounds of Suebia
>he gets triggered by the fact that French has a significant Germanic influence
>>The Frankish homeland is located in the former homeland of the Eravisci, a Gallic tribe
Not according to the vast majority of historians:
>>The Early Frankish kings had Celtic names
[citation needed]
Childeric, for instance, is a Germanic name:
>>The Franks left no texts in Germanic
except they did:
>>The Oldest Frankish texts are all in Latin or Semi-French Latin
>>Flavius Merobaudes, a Frankish poet, wrote in Latin
except the early runes, yes, because there was an established Latin culture in modern France when the Franks took over
>>Somehow the Franks spoke Germanic
Yes, the Germanic part of French came from somewhere - the Franks.
>>CIL 3576 (251-450 AD) from PANNONIA
>In Latin
Wow, who knew the Romans hired Germanics into their armies?
TL;DR: fuck off and stop LARPing, Orleansnigger
>Not according to the vast majority of historians:
When it comes to Frankish history i'd rather trust Franks rather than some random Germanic historians.
>[citation needed]
Pic related
Merogaisus(a Frankish chieftain) > from the Gaullish Mero-Gaiso ("Crazy-Spear")
Samo > from the Gaulish Samo ("Summer")
Childeric is a later king, when i mentioned the "early kings" i was talking about Frankish chieftains like Merogais, or Ascaric
Hilderik is a RECONSTRUCTED word,
It belong to the Batavians not the Franks :
It was found in 1996 in the Dutch town of Bergakker, near Tiel (in the Betuwe, once the habitat of the Batavi).[1]
>Wow, who knew the Romans hired Germanics into their armies?
The Notitia Dignitatum does not mention ANY Frankish feoderati in Pannonia, furthermore, the feoderati guarded their borders and were not moved around the Empire
>Pic related
Wrong pic
Can't be bothered to look up all the bullshit claims but that aside, explain pic related.
>using an unsourced map to back up your claims
The fact that your map claims there is such a thing as "German Y-DNA" proves that you're a retard, most likely the result of heavy mongrelization
>being this triggered because your LARP fantasy collapses
It didn't say German, it says Germanic, but you probably couldn't read that in your spastic fit, you pure-blooded autist
>These includes Y-DNA haplogroups I1 (except some subclades of Finnish origin), I2-M223, R1a-Z284, R1b-U106, and R1b-L238.
Fuck off, mutt
R1b is Italo-Celtic, R1a is Aryan-Slavic, and I is Pre IE
This dude again
>There is and never was a thing like Germanics
Go see a shrink
Too much effort for such a bullshit claim:
If Suebi were indeed Slavic and not Germanic, how come the regions were the Suebi migrated to (France, Spain, Portugal, Galicia) for example have tons of Germanic words in their languages but no Slavic influences?
That claim is obviously bullshit, but Nemtsi originally referred to all foreigners, only much later it got applied to Germans specifically.
>Too much effort for such a bullshit claim
True, but I really wanted to put every point to rest because the proponents of the theory seem to disregard linguistic evidence. And I have a feeling this will become one of those meme theories that gets posted everywhere (like the "East Germans are genetically Slavic" theory) so I want to nip it in the bud before retards think it's a good idea to spread it.
>East Germans are genetically Slavic
Either that or Slavs are genetically German. There is virtually no difference between East Germans and West Slavs (specifically Czechs - Poles have been Ivan'd too much) genetically. The Slavic element starts blending into the Germano-Celtic one only in Thüringen.
You are Celto-Slavs