Which philosopher is your favorite, Veeky Forums?
Bonus: Which philosopher are you most like?
Pic definitely unrelated.
Which philosopher is your favorite, Veeky Forums?
Bonus: Which philosopher are you most like?
Pic definitely unrelated.
Parliament is to advise an absolute monarchy
Suffrage stops at middle class land owning males, but it can be removed from specific people due to being foreign but their estates cannot be taken only held temporarily, or criminal behaviour or thought
>tfw I prefer Hobbes over Locke but a more similar to Locke.
jesus man
So man is inherently evil but will uphold their end of the bargain?
Kant, of course.
>t. Jordan Peterson
More like man is inherently evil but any system we build will be tainted by that anyway, so we might as well try to get along cordially.
>or thought
>Which philosopher is your favorite, Veeky Forums?
>Bonus: Which philosopher are you most like?
Probably Diogenes
So you believe you can't know nothing?
Bump for philosophy thread
No particular order.
Difficult to say, it'd have to be one of the more negative ones that I've nevertheless never actually read. Have a Schopy collection but it's far on the back-burner. Mainlander, Schopy, someone like that. Certainly not any believer or faggot striver for purpose, which is what I understand what even Nietzsche was (incorrectly) all about, flailing against the void or something. Just let it wash over you, you'll be done in a few decades on the outside.
I actually live now as Cioran lived (and to my credit I did actually read a short book of his aphos. My vocabulary hasn't gotten such a workout in a very long time, I was forced to look up a few dozen words). I live in a little hovel in the middle of the city where I have a whole wall full of books. Like Cioran, I do go outside and participate in the world to some extent, but minimally so. Cioran is one-up on me in that he actually had a long-term gf that nobody ever talks about, so he's a full normie. I'm also suspicious of Cioran's latent religious culture.