Will btc ever reach $5000 again?
Will btc ever reach $5000 again?
Better question: will it reach $80,000 after blasting past $40,000 in 2 months?
Definitely, but probably not this year anymore..
because of the holidays.
dude 1 satoshi will equal 1 penny in 10 years.
>because of the holidays
Fuck thats stock market tier bs, kek dont need a special day if he lives within you
>Will btc ever reach $5000 again?
Not until June. BTC is being heavily manipulated by institutions right now and the sandpapering of all the regular people like us has only just begun.
my body is ready
Holiday's will only help.
All my family is getting paper wallets with BTC on it. Everyone should do this. By the time they figure out what to do with it BTC will have 100x. . .
People will want to spend their money.
Same shit happened in summer.
the fuck are you talking about? the summer crash happened because no one knew what will happen with the fork, did yo uhonestly think that everyone suddenly deciced to cash in their crypto to spend some money on the last 2 weeks of summer?
>tfw didn't know about bitcoin back when it was insanely cheap
2 weeks
this. every american in their 20s will be/should be buying crypto with whatever christmas money/giftcards/work bonus they get imo
yes why not? btc is able to make $1000 swing in one day
by this time next month it will be around $5600
nope, sorry pajeet
my grandpa died and I got 2 grand, that's how I got started
>2 grand
all I got was a computer monitor
>not a bad one though, I could finally play xbox in my room
make him proud user