What war would you least want to have fought in?
What war would you least want to have fought in?
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Eastern Front WW2 seems pretty close to hell on Earth
"the 2016 meme war"
harharhar, kekkekkek
That or WW1 trench.
The Russian civil war, if that doesn't count then ww1 on the western front
Vietnam or in the Pacific during WW2
Basically anything having to do with jungles
Anything in Eastern Europe aka where the real fights took place.
hell on earth
The Catalaunian fields
>retards: I want to fight in war
>war veterans: I don't want to fight in war
What did they mean by this?
There's literally nothing wrong with being male and wanting to go to war, since it's natural to want to do so.
Ah yes, it's natural to want to not just kill someone else, but to want many others to kill each other.
>Glory glory hallelujah
What is they mean by this?
WW1 trench warfare
A lot of Chinese wars, that's for sure.
The Russo Japanese War or pretty much any war in ancient times
You ever shoot anyone you fucking pussy?
a jungle would be spooky due to fear of ambushes, but the trenches of WWI would have been a lotto of death when you had to charge
Sword combat would have been fucking brutal, that shit would have been downright disgusting
>tfw think ww1, eastern front ww2 and 'nam would unironically be extremely fun experiences despite that they're hellish as fuck
goddamn what's wrong with me?
anything before the advent of modern medicine, lingering for days with fever and a rotting wound scares me way more than just dying in action
There's literally nothing fun at all about WW1 trench warfare.
Crimean war*
*I would love killing some Turks though
imo shooting will always be fun no matter where you are.
Shooting is fun, getting shot isn't.
Idk if fun is the right word for it, but there is an allure.
You're not shooting.
>Normally we sit in a cramped room, so small that we lay to sleep almost shoulder to shoulder. It is for this reason that none of us freeze in the night. Rats gnaw at our ears and noses, the sizes of which rival that of a small dog. The smell overpowers the most iron fortitudes, reducing most new recruits to fountains of bile, spewing their insides over the walls and floors of the thin, muck ridden trenches. The smell rises from the urine in the soil, the rats and their feces, and the bodies on which they so ravenously feast upon. Bullet wounds the size of quarters apear in the skulls of the unfortunately curious fools who dare peek over the edge of the trenches. Those who do and do not get shot see the endless stretches of No Man's Land, barbed wire coated in dirt, or blood, and the craters from mortars. Sometimes he can catch the dust jumping from a bullet that, more often then not, was aimed between his eyes. We cannot bathe, because the water is better for drinking. Bathing becomes unimportant. But what really drives us mad is the impending doom, the boredom of sitting in the small room, nothing to do, no chance of escaping alive... It's maddening.
Every fucking day for years.
As a side note:
>Every fucking day for years
Keep in mind the major powers hadn't gotten a handle on troop rotations when the war actually broke out and it took them a while to figure it out.
Napoleon's Russia campaign - worse casualty rate than WW2 ostfront
Iran-Iraq war.
All the awfulness of WWI and then some.
An equivalent number of troops fell on the western front of WW1 in the first few weeks of the conflict as did during the entirety of Napoleon's campaign in Russia.
Probably some medieval war, getting hacked to bits with a showed or spear seems really grim, seems much worse than getting shot or blowing up by artillery In ww1-2
>war is shooting
such a video game opinion. USA needs mandatory conscription to cool your asses down.
War vets were usually those same "retards" before going into it
Armor has a decent chance of saving your life, though.
Holy fuck that sounds terrible.
1. WWI, period
2. Pacific Front, WWII. You had no idea where your enemy was, they could pop up from the ground at any time. Days of bombing did nothing to dislodge them. They're a bunch of suicidals with a fondness for booby traps and extreme torture. Then there's the rainforest, which has damp, disease, mosquitoes, and centipedes as long as your forearm.
The same probably applies to Vietnam, although you have the added component of you being the bad guy
Medieval was pretty quickly over though, only battle day would be dangerous most of the time.
I'd say WW1 - sitting in a wet, cold, damp trench for weeks, my toes rotting off from getting trench foot, waking up to rats biting your fingertips and earlobes, never knowing if the morning mist is just that, or maybe some fucking gas the germans are releasing. Fuck all that.
>death and destruction on an industrial scale
>millions of men charging at you
>savage close quarters combat
>fight in battles big enough to be their own wars
Fuck that man, only other war I would hate to fight in is the Pacific War
The 30 year war
Veitnam tunnel rat
My great grandfather was gased by the Germans, he survived but apparently was never the same
Any of them, I'm a pacifist.
>What is a ratio
WW1 was worst, faggot.
I never said I wanted to go to war you fucking faggot. I am well aware that war is terrible.
All I said is that men who want to go to war aren't "retards" since men are naturally inclined to want to go to war.
There's a part in this where Junger talks about he and his men holding a bombed-out farmhouse in the lashing rain at night, waiting for a British counterattack.
>[Paraphrasing here] "It was pitch black and you could hardly see anything, but every now and then there was a flash of lightning, and I saw my comrades' steel helmets flash in the light. In that moment, I felt invincible."
>Every fucking day for years.
Nope. You would be rotated to the rear a lot.
>War veterans: I don't want to fght in a war.
My next door neighbor is a Vietnam vet who served as a combat medic in the Green Berets. He enjoyed the war and told me for a fact he would love to do it again. I don't know what you are talking about.
The veterans you're talking to sound like pussies.
Unless your neighbor served in Vietcong, his opinion is not really that relevant. America&co. had it comfy af compared to soldiers in a normal symmetric war.
Your neighbor sounds like a faggot.
WWI trench. Everything else is wrong answer
jesus christ americans are retards
can you talk more about this please?
In what way did he change? Did the gas did have an effect on him or was it the war experience that changed him?
Ernst Junger disagrees with you, friendo
WW1 trench warfare was the worst. Lots of loud explosions, and then I had to climb up some muddy hill and run forward until someone shot me. Terrible experience, 1/10, would not fight again.
Any war from the mousket era to mid-XIXth century.
Calmly marching in front of the ennemy while he's shooting you with artillery seems dreadful.
19th century*
That's because you are a cuck that needs a safe space. I'm sorry millennials that wars don't have safety pins or pacifiers or playdoh for you to play with when you are triggered.
Iran-Iraq war. Basically WWI, but even worse.
t. cannon fodder
If you even know the first thing about fencing you're at an amazing advantage.
Same. Then again I'm an underachieving, suicidal neet. So many died that wanted to be something, whereas I just want to die.unfair
go back /pol/
Any war before modern medicine and proper logistics. More than half of all casualties in every conflict will basically be disease rather than enemy action.
Not only painful and potentially long, but that's gotta be the exact definition of going out like a punk.
I don't think there's any battlefield where I wouldn't come out on top. I'm super cute, like 99% sure noone would wanna shoot me
Basically any war fought in -30C conditions and colder. Pre- and duringWWII
2nd Sino-Jap war on the chink side
>tfw indiscriminate artillery barrages dont care about how kawaii u r
Quality bait
Soviets entering berlin.
SO MUCH FREE PUSSY, 3 days of celebration!
At least it's a relatively fast death compared to vegetating for weeks in the mud under artillery bombardement.
The battle in medieval time is bloody and scary but at least it doesn't last more than a day
I have no idea but i imagine that dying getting hacked to pieces isn't worse than the WWI experience since you prolly are in a state of shock or fury, You don't get time to think about your situations since you're in a animalistic state
ITT: children rushing off to play paintball
Toyota War
>muh vidyagaymes
Fuck off
Vietnam was the most pussy faggot war before the end of the cold war. Barely anything happened there, so unless sweating and getting pestered by mosquitos is your idea of hell, you'd be pretty good.
Maybe not the most brutal from physical pain experience, but U-Boot warare is in my opinion undoublty the champion of pschycholgical war suffering
Say what you want about getting shrered in trenches or getting hacked on a medieval battle field. At least you were out in the natural human habitat. If you felt you were dying you could just look at the sky try and at least try to find your inner piece in the last moments of your life
In a submarine you're locked on a tiny space with other man deep under the sea hundreds of miles from the coast literally stuck in a steel coffin
Not to forget that you were aware that a german uboot in WWII had a life expactancy of 44 days
No idea how the men back then found the force to ever enter one of these death traps
Why, you could be a literal chad, in a chad tier truck.
I cant imagine what it must have been like to fightin the Napoleonic wars or really any early modern war.
I understand why they stood in the lines like gentlemen and all that, but I imagine it takes nerves of steel to do that again and again until the battle is over. Especially if you were in the front. I certainly couldnt do it
fuckin' windmills.
You ok man?
WWI is generally known for being very unpleasant, the conditions that the men on the western front had to endure are almost iconic.
But I'd like to mention the WWI italian front too:
>WWI trench warfare
>On the fucking mountains
>Fighting peak after peak
>The freezing cold
>In any moment you could be shot by an enemy sniper or the whole mountaintop could come down vecause of artillery fire or enemy sappers
>Luigi "tryitagain" Cadorna
>t. virgin
at least they had an epic scenery. Better than to die in no man's land
Without a doubt the recent Iraq-ISIL conflict with the Peshmerga seeing as they've literally lost all of their profitable gains from the war.
>implying that cuteness has no effect on natural forces
you just don't observe it cause your cuteness isn't extreme
I'm reading this right now
Tribal mentality is something engrained deep in our psyche. Relatively speaking, it hasn't been that long since we were essentially smart apes who killed each other in groups to get food.
Picking out a group of people and saying "this is us, everyone else is just in our way" is completely natural, and the only things that have changed are who we define as being in that group.
Eastern Front Soviet side
WW1 trench warfare
US civil war.
Any American war after 2000
Aside from the fact it's nothing but one military disaster after another for the past 20 years, we can't even get basic shit like uniforms or weapons right. There's no fucking point.
t. Hans "I got shot in the spine and had to crawl back to my own lines in the dead of winter only to get run over by a fleeing Panzer" Grubenshaff
Toppest goy, always ready to die for Israel
WW1 would be awful. But I have to say Iran Iraq war should be higher on most folks lists. It's militarily (not politically/geographically) the most similar modern war.
> getting gassed
> not even getting to fight for glorious Europe, it's for shitty spits of dust between Iran n Iraq
> trench warfare
> child soldiers
> get electrocuted in a marsh
WW1 trenches.
> Trenches smell like shit
> It's cold, wet, and cramped.
> Everyone in your sight is fucking dying.
The Chechen Wars seem to have been pretty fucking horrific on all sides
The most pointless and ineptly fought war in human history