TFW you realize the only true way to get rich these days is either fraud or having excellent social skills and building...

>TFW you realize the only true way to get rich these days is either fraud or having excellent social skills and building connections

>inb4 shitcoins
Doesn't work unless you're a real player in the crypto market

Define rich. 1 billion $? 1 million $? 100k $?


Nothing wrong with frauding

Yes there is you evil Jew

Jesus, how hard is it for you fucks to interact with others like normal human beings. Building connections and making good impressions is really fucking easy.

Teach us then please normie

It really is easy but half the time I dont care about dancing around people's filters and expectations, I got shit to do.

Fraud normies with better social skills


Teach us how to get to know people and build relationships beyond work and how to keep up a good conversation etc.

I have no friends and I dont know how to make them. Im not autistic I look and talk normally I just dont know how to go from "person I've talked to a few times" to friend

observe people's manerisms and act accordingly. its very autistic but works like a charm

People like people related to themseleves, just mirrior them and pretend you're intrested in the same thing.

Mirroring is just baseline shit, if you want anything out of the relationship you'll have to be a little more expressive and forward.

its not mirroring ... if you meet a nervous person you shouldn't act nervously around them

The middle class is systematically being destroyed by politics. That's why you can't get rich anymore, unless you have a brilliant new idea for a business. Hard work will barely make your survive but can't improve your wealth.

>tfw frauding

just b urself bro

First of all, my goal isn't to make people my friends. You do not need many friends, nor do you need to like your connections. Make it seem as if you are interested in them. Talk to them regularily. Honestly, isn't this all automatic to you? Smalltalk etc should come to you naturally, and if it doesn't, then something is severely wrong with you. Building relationships is purely for personal gain.

What the

You wont act nervous if you chill the fuck out. A recipe list of "how to swagger" wont change anything if your internal thinking is fucked up.

Really just ask yourself, whats there to be afraid of? And if this persons good graces is just so important then do your best and ride it out, don't worry about flubbing and just have a good time.

And protip: people who are privy to these type of "fake it" games pick up on it immediately, especially women.

You shouldn't be posting this at all, idiot. The bank name alone is already TMI

No it's not automatic to me fucking normie that's why im asking!


>U.S Bank

you realize how many customers they have you pleb.

>Friendly reminder if you start with 1k and make just 2% gains a day, you'll have over a million after a year
>Friendly reminder most of Veeky Forums is retarded at math and that's really what will keep you poor

Explain the image please what did you do


You have no social skills and I imagine your brain isn't wired that way.

Look into nootropics and start there. You need to change the way your brain works or you'll never learn any social skills because you won't be able to apply them

It's not fair!

I don't like talking to people it's a waste of time. Kys normie

1. how would you "realize" that unless you intimately knew every rich guy (which would make you rich by proxy)?
2. why are you such a boring, negative cunt?

Just go to the ivy league famalam. Chemical engineers and mathematicians have 100k starting salaries

Probably the only reasonable answers so far.

If you don't develop your social skills early on in your childhood before 21, then I'm sorry but there is no hope for you. The brain just stops adapting and learning new mannerism after that.

Thats bullshit excuses lol, its really a matter of being willing to learn and dealing with failures. Socializing is a skill like any other. Blaming it on your "brain chemistry" is just nonsense.

What does this mean?

60$ strive for 3% a day and you will have over 7 million in 2 years.

>Blaming it on your "brain chemistry" is just nonsense.

If you want to be ignorant of genes and biology then go ahead.

Doesn't change the fact a person can never change if they haven't developed social skills by the time they are an adult, unless they get proper medical help and just not meme self-help advice.

Friendly reminder stable gains are basically impossible or everyone could do it

Are you retard? There is enough info here for the bank to find out exactly who you are.

Its called actually just doing things if you want them - something every adult has to come to terms with.

This is a fucking weird generation where everyone wants to explain shit away with cute conceptual boxes. Fucking hell own your life dudes.

I've come to realize this recently. My father bought into a franchise with scam financials, and while he is trying his best to make peanuts the sleazy ceo of the company is enjoying timeshares and traveling.

I also see all these pump and dump groups making huge money, and I'm really starting to think why not? Why not just go hard as fuck being a dishonest fuck while crypto is still wild west status, and come up hundreds of thousands from a tiny starting capital? literally pump and dump 1,000$ 5 or 6 times with 4x gainz and you've literally made it.

>thinking its my bank account
>thinking i live in the US


if your brain stopped adapting at 21, doctors would diagnose you with mental retardation

Friendly reminder that getting 1-2% per micro trade is easy as tits and you can easily gain 10-20% a day that way.

What did you do you dirty cunt

It's definitely not automatic to everyone. No way you didn't know that's not just a meme. Are you sure you aren't just LARPing?

If you made 10% returns a day you would be the greatest investor of all time

>f you want to be ignorant of genes and biology then go ahead.

Uh oh... then we're getting into cranium sizes, brain sizes, and overactive Hypothalimus in blacks leading to increased aggression and violence.

Lets not go there...

It's not some mythical thing in crypto poorfag. 10-20 trades a day all yielding 2%. As long as your not stupid and accidentally wipe out a weeks worth of compounded gains your golden.

ever heard of transferwise?, bank drops?, theres a little clue.

If someone has learnt how to swim in their life they're not going to magically know how to swim the first time round on the faith of "just doing it", you fucking idiot.

How can we do the same thing

>what is taking the time out to practice swimming with qualified instruction if avaiable

Wow I must be a fucking wizard coming up with that

>download tor
>register on traderoute forum

Except there aren't any qualified instructors who teach you how to socialize. Its just learnt naturally, or you simply don't

How risky is this shit though

>having excellent social skills
Since 10 years I'm trying to find some programmers to make a project, anything, I don't care, I just don't want to be a wageslave.

I studied comp sci because of that... I just wanted to find people man... I was already working as a programmer making games before studying...
I'm literally am a game engine expert in unreal and unity getting booked by companies like fucking Volkswagen but still no one wants to work with me in their free time.

I must be an absolute social retard and op is right

>1 USD = 0.7228 GBP
good boy points?

most people learn in their late 20s to be honest, and the "qualified" instructors are the people around you to give you feedback.

the only legitimate barrier here might be if you "simply don't" know how to learn anything. but that would exclude anyone who has learned english or how to use a computer. nerds who think their poor social skills are immutable just don't care enough to figure it out. you can have the same attitude about being a fat fuck - "i can't lose weight XD XD XD"

It means he's either larping as a degenerate piece of shit or he is actually a piece of shit.

How the fuck do they cash out without getting caught

depends where you live, wouldnt try it if i lived in US though
kek, the shitter the pound gets the more i get from sending usd, win win for me.
US banks arent going to send the fucking FBI over to the UK for a 4k pop, also UK police wont get off there arse if its any less than 10k .

Still senpai seems risky. If you do this numerous times isn't it easy to get caught? How do people cash this shit out

Nah, as long as you dont hit banks in the same country that you live in your good, unless your hitting like 40-50k in a month police wont move a muscle, theres much bigger fish to fry, fake bank accounts are easy as shit to open in Europe, when transfer is done just go to atm or buy btc, easy peasy.

Well fuck why do people (myself included) wagecuck then. I need to get in on this I live in Canada

its harder than it might seem though, you still need to acquire the bank login, get fake passport/dl scans (can be bought on darkweb) and a bank to receive it in, then you need to find good currency transfer sites (the less used the better), then need to get a decent socks5 proxy provider, its worth it though

only people who get fucked are the banks, targets are insured from fraud and fuck banks anyway.

How often do people get caught for this shit though

Is it only the big ballers who make millions? How do I get started

never heard of anyone outside the US getting caught, just dont be greedy.

the big ballers are the ones that get caught, the ones doing mass bank fraud in the same country they live in etc

lurk on traderoute forums, dont buy shit until you fully understand what you need to do, kinda like Veeky Forums lol

Thanks senpai maybe I can quit wagecuck job thanks to this

It will get you a one way ticket to prison.

Yeah okay wagecuck

You'll eventually get caught, unless you commit petty frauds. In that case, you won't earn more than your average wagecuck.

bullshit, been doing this for a year and a half and not been caught, made around 70k GBP, average wagecuck makes 25k

How often do u do it

around 2-3 transfers a month, anywhere from 3-8k combined

And how the fuck does the bank not notice. Do they just go "huh wow money was stolen from a few fags accounts oh well"?

how would the bank know if a transfer is legit or not?, thats why they have provisions like usernames and passwords, pins etc.

by the time the person alerts the bank the moneys already left the country, they get reimbursed by the banks though if reported within i think 30 days.

Yeah but after I mean. Since the bank is losing money. Why the fuck isn't everyone doing this?

Are you a Nigerian prince?

Theres not much they can do apart from reimburse, i only hit US banks as the security is terrible, only usually only need a username and password, banks hold a rificulous amouint of money, a few grand every month wont phase them, also theres literally tens of thousands of credit unions/banks in the US

why isnt everyone doing it?, most people cant think outside the box, scared to do it and it takes alot of practice, trial and error, also this

What are your expenses for everything? Do you ever lose money? Is credit card fraud more or less profitable?

well if my own specific methods of getting bank logins so save money there
>$25 for passport or dl scan
>$3 a month for socks5 proxies
>$50 for this guy who phones the payment processors for me (american accent)

success rate is 75%, only thing that fucks it up is if the victim clocks before the transfer has cleared there bank (pending)

CC fraud is more profitable, ive never tried it and desu too many people are doing it, its alot more technical then what i do.

Wow that's cheap af

What do you mean by passport or DL scan. Is that for opening the bank drop

nah pretty much every currency trading/forex/payment processor (the sites that convert and transfer the money) needs a passport or driving license scans (from printer) for verification, you also need the persons dob and ssn, which can be bought from or for $3, forgot to mention that.

if you do plan on doing it just remember to read up all you can about it, its all trial and error at first and never go more than 7k usd in one transaction, that amount seems to flag banks.

Where do I read more. That tor site you mentioned? Thanks user we should have threads about this on biz seems better money than what most of us are doing

I know that feel.

>tfw all the markets are down and I need to liquidate for just for rent

Listen to the user ITT he has found a way for us

the only relevant place atm is the traderoute forum even though its fairly shit and theres a fuckton of scammers about, Alphabay forum was good but obviously gone now.

For your scans look up a guy on traderoute called DarkS0urce, his scans always pass.

also ive tried making threads on here but most think im either larping or that paypal and amazon refunds are all fraud is about

What about tax guys though? Won't they bat an eye if they notice you recieving 3k-7k payments all the time while not having a job?

Damn I missed out on alphabay :(
We need to get on this if I see a thread I will bump it

I think that's why you have a job and do it inconspicuously

If you do that it's probably safe. I remember reading case law about steroid busts in Canada for example. Basically ALMOST EVERY SINGLE CASE had the people involved in other crime, as in they were gang members, investigated for murder, dealing meth or heroin as well, etc. If they were just working professionals also selling steroids online theyd be ok

>literally robbing banks.

Sorry, but my booty hole isn't ready.

I hide my money under market investments in CFD, and/or crypto. Here in Europe they don't look much into your account, but better safe than sorry. Also I pay full taxes from said investment returns, even if i can take few % off taxes legally i would not risk with how much i earn. I actually get around 40k from my shitty wagecuck job, and around 150+ from my investments or if you like "businesses".

surprisingly not, dont really have an answer for that, though things might be different here, i dont have any substantial cash in any one account, all my fiat is in cash and it btc, anyways need to go, if this threads still up ill post some more info.

Damn it why am I still not frauding

>If they were just working professionals also selling steroids online theyd be ok

they'd also be making barely any money from it.

I am speaking from experience. A steroid business is a full time business for anyone who is serious about it (ESPECIALLY if you are a small operation, e.g solo or 2-5 people) and not just some dumb kid LARPing (you be'd surprise how many dumb kids are trying to be involved in the drug trade these days, not for any sensible reason - like money or because shit employment opportunities - but simply because they have a narcissistic fantasy about being a "drug dealer". These are the kind of dumb kids who also buy firearms illegally, and carry them, despite not being in any kind of danger and advertise their ill-gotten money on facebook)

The only people who sell steroids "on the side" are resellers who do it to take a bit of pressure off the bills. They arent really making good profits.

Look into Napoleon Hill if you want to change your life. NH was the Satoshi Nakamoto of the real depression. Change your paradigm, change yourself, and quit being a drifter.
>easier said then done when our lives have been programmed by very sophisticated minds and true demons.
>watch semantics destroy this post and I just want you to feel better, not sell anything.
>Look how semantics has made America unrecognizable from 60 years ago.

Just pretend to be a family man who wears a cross outside his shirt, has a beautiful wife and two adorable daughters. Shop exclusively from Dillards and always tuck in your shirt. Also, shave your head so it looks like you're balding.

Talking points? God, wine, your neighborhood get together, high-school stories, and always insert some self depreciation into everything