Why has capitalism never worked?

Why has capitalism never worked?


>why have & humanities threads never worked

>dead peasants
show me lining them up against a wall and ill give a fuck

>drought and bad winters are capitalisms fault

karl marx's ghost send a hurricane

It "works" (has imploded but is kept alive on life support) but when it fails, TRULY fails, that will be the end of humanity. No doubt we are 200 years or so away (probably much sooner)

The famines are capitalists fault. The people who make the decisions about the economy that make it capitalist also make decisions that result in famines. The whole process is about sequestering wealthy, not distributing it.

Even Soviet Russia sold food during their famine. Same in Bengal 43, the British decided that the British needed that food more than the Bengals.

You can say this isn't capitalism, but then surely capitalism never existed. If the things referenced by capitalists as the successes of capitalism aren't examples of capitalism then I don't even so far as to.

sounds like an act of God. Maybe it's beyond the scope of terry-gibs-med-dat and user the cuck to prevent

It is not an act of god to decide to continue food exports despite the presence of a famine.

ideologies don't cause famines, governments do. Since the development of reliable agriculture, every famine has been caused or massively exacerbated by a government fucking with the food supply

Ah yes, the old commie tactic of "everything that isn't communism is capitalism". And apparently now capitalists control the weather and can create famines on a whim. Truly they are as gods.

SOMETHING must be capitalism. It's not the things capitalists say it is, since their successes all take place in an environment of strong state control. So when and where?

people being tortured to death via natural disasters and not having the power to buy food is an act of God. A divine punishment, probably for their envy.

>not having the power to buy food is an act of God

So god is the evil one here? Not humans? Okay.

they were envious, and death was there punishment

>their successes all take place in an environment of strong state control

Sure. Like I said, god is evil.

Care to name the time capitalism actually took place, then?

Capitalism has never wor-

the evil was in their hearts, he expunged it and carried their souls into the afterlife
>god is evil
whiny man-child

renaissance venice

No taxes or poverty there?

I'm only going by how I'd judge a parent who created children, starved them, then punished them with death for mentioning it.

I don't hold god to a lower standard than I do myself. I hold us to the same standard and god can do better.

I'm talking about capitalism, not anarcho-capitalism
mostly due to outbreaks of plague and crop failures due to shitty weather

Ah. So a strong and powerful state that limits competition so the upper class can remain wealthy is also capitalism.

Then that's fine. I have no argument.

the cloud face god of moses WAS evil. that fucker is dead

>limits competition
I don't know what you're talking about, the venetian government is literally famous for implementing policies that increased competition and allowed poorer merchants to get in on the action.

Quite different from the places usually called capitalist then. People usually tell me that the modern world is the result of capitalism.

>i hold God to a standard
then do their theological trials for them user lets see how well you do
>starves millions and enslaves the rest
welp there goes communism

Im not christian, nor am i talking about any "dead gods"

>welp there goes communism

If you define it as 'one person owns everything and gets to command the economy' then yes that's a terrible idea.

Privately owned states are awful places if you don't own them.

Can it with the snarky attitude, faggot. Government intervention in the economy does not preclude capitalism.

It only precludes the idea that it's a free market. The idea that we can decide who deserves something by who already has it, regardless of how they personally got it.

I define it as
>a person who in the name of worker's revolution begins the revolutionary process of seizing the means of production and removing the bougiouse which leads to the temporary state of socialism and then communism
the last part -the heaven of communism- hasn't been reaches yet. But what God (worker's revolution) gives out heaven so easily?

Sounds like god is an angry nigger

> Ah yes, the old capigtalist tactic of "everything that isn't capitalism is communism".

What a feminine response

>Every piece of bad weather and anything that occurred, where everyone didn't instantly start giving shit out to everyone and it led to deaths is capitalism's fault.

... for a feminine statement

Daily reminder that /leftypol/ will always fail to convert even a single person.

Here you can't ban people whose nations suffered because of socialism retard.

I want both you /pol/shits and /leftypol/tards off, if possible.

Having to chose between diarrhea and solid excrement doesn't really makes a difference

Anyone talked about /po/ in this thread? Have they showed up?

Indeed :^)

>Then hold a theological trial for an entity that is beyond accountability and doesn't actually exist

Sure. I'll let him testify on his own behalf too.

WHOOPS looks like the case goes to the prosecution, Yaweh is getting the electric chair.

C'mon down here, Jesus, ride the lightning.

Communism is a person?

Are communists really those people who want the system of the Soviet Union or North Korea, the one where a single person or small elite owns an entire country and commands an entire economy?

Stalin GOT paid by selling grain to the west. Then he bought factories from the west.

/po/ is welcome.
We could use some origami in this board.

dies anyone have the screencaps of that time that people accidentally raided /po/ instead of /pol/?

You're using that word very liberally

>commies are so desperate that they'll blame the eruption of Mount Tambora on capitalism


stretching it a bit

You can't discount the despotism.

Also 'aid' is not aid when it's a loan. Niger is a country that owes money that no Niger-ic countryman ever saw ever.

So if a capitalist buys coffee from a dictatorship they are to blame for all their atrocities? Nah, that is "DAH JOOOOOZZ" tier confirmation bias.

uhhhh there's no ethical consumption under capitalism???????

If they're in the same economy they're in it together. Both are capitalist in that transaction unless some third party is forcing them. If the party that is in some way forcing the deal is also part of it, it's just a deal between capitalists.

The person who owns that dictatorship is themself a capitalist, they are engaged in the global economy by way of free trade. Denying other people free trade is just normal for capitalists, so we can't discount places that do that from capitalism.

There absolutely is. You can buy something from someone who isn't being forced to sell it to you and who didn't force people to make it for them.

Perhaps if products were labeled we could use our dollar vote to make this come true, but capitalists do not like labels.

Capitalism has never been tried :^)

>what the hell is capitalism
Almost every one in blue says how some kind of government intervention or act of god caused it

you'd lose bruh. Doubt it'd ever even make it to court, don't care much for the son god tho. Might wanna start off slow and prove hes evil when the law must be followed before abominations infest every nook and cranny of this earth like the nazis and japs.

they want to sin, and the reap what they sow. Strong-men stealing from them and killing them. Its only fair.
>communism is a person
its a revolution

declare that then, its completely legal and was used by bolsheviks and jacobites

A revolution of people who want the country to be owned by a single arch-capitalist new monarch who is named general secretary or president?

read my post user, none of those people who revolted in the 'masses' ever read or understood Marx, and they don't to this day. All they heard was "you get to be rich! just loot and pillage and kill and rape!" Just a bunch of forshadowing for atrocties, what do you think
>there is no god
means? that he had disproven theology? no! It mean't that no one will save communists from their death-sentence.

>>there is no god

There is no god.

>read my post user, none of those people who revolted in the 'masses' ever read or understood Marx, and they don't to this day. All they heard was "you get to be rich! just loot and pillage and kill and rape!" Just a bunch of forshadowing for atrocties, what do you think

Then communism was another faction of elites trying to gain control of more capital.

look at a picture of a gulag and tell me that
>there is no god
is decrying religion

and you think you've stopped drinking tanki cool-aid, but you're just gulping it down in a paper-bag

The vast majority of economic activity between capitalists and oppressive regimes is beneficial to the people regardless of whether the aim was to be ethical or not. A coffee grower has more economic power than a subsistence yam farmer.
>Denying other people free trade is just normal for capitalists
Not true, historically capitalists have tripped over themselves to open up new markets in isolationist countries. They worked hard to allow the people access to free trade.

Okay. Post one.

>and you think you've stopped drinking tanki cool-aid, but you're just gulping it down in a paper-bag

You'll have to explain then. If most 'communists' are just peasants being manipulated by educated, non-working members of an existing upper class for the benefit of these manipulators... how is that not a sort of odd looking coup?

>droughts and mini-ice ages are capitalism
Yeah no, your image is anti-intellectual.

>educated, non-working members of an existing upper class
stalin and lenin were second-class citizens of little education. MAo and Pol Pot had no education and were serfs before revolting or recently freed.
>post one

>barbed wirse strings across where beams of oak should go. Across the siberian wastes were only forests can be seen, and beyond that, and roadless path to the Arctic seas. Within, men are starved with administrators taking all of the food from the government and family, leaving the workers only 400g of bread. and killed in their sleep with knives while being worked to death by other prisoners for not working hard enough.

>The vast majority of economic activity between capitalists and oppressive regimes is beneficial to the people regardless of whether the aim was to be ethical or not. A coffee grower has more economic power than a subsistence yam farmer.

It's beneficial to all those who can choose to engage in it, certainly. Then the people who don't get a say do less well, or have their efforts actually traded without their permission. The slaves who work in North Korea to sell cheap materials, they're benefiting pretty much like the owner of North Korea, are they?

>Not true, historically capitalists have tripped over themselves to open up new markets in isolationist countries. They worked hard to allow the people access to free trade.

While working at home to get government to impose regulations that they themselves drafted.

While lobbying the government to invade or attack countries that refused to trade on their terms.

>stalin and lenin were second-class citizens of little education. MAo and Pol Pot had no education and were serfs before revolting or recently freed.

You still say that the peasants did not know anything about what they were doing?

>>barbed wirse strings across where beams of oak should go. Across the siberian wastes were only forests can be seen, and beyond that, and roadless path to the Arctic seas. Within, men are starved with administrators taking all of the food from the government and family, leaving the workers only 400g of bread. and killed in their sleep with knives while being worked to death by other prisoners for not working hard enough.

Amazingly I cannot see where god fits in there. They planned it, did they?

Technically that is because China used a system that wasn't either capitalism nor communist. I suppose Statist Capitalism similar to 1933 Germany's economy.

They made a lot of people rich, but trust me... Its not capitalism. The shit you have to go through just to invest in a company over there is a nightmare and if you want to sell your Chinese stocks (which you have to be Chinese to own) you have to get approval to sell and you can't sell on market price (I only found this out through a Chinese colleague after trying to invest myself which made me go... That's a terrible idea). But so far like 1936 Germany it has helped them get hundreds of millions out of poverty (but don't call it capitalism cause there is no free flow of capital without government approval in China except for say Bit Coin which they hate).

Also India is a bit more socialist than capitalist as well depending on what area you are in.

if you're uneducated how would you understand the world? Anyway, those people were designations to bring destruction upon communists.

>was it planned?
God makes plans for the earth and all men's lives yes. That place is their ironic-fate that befalls those who forsake God, just like all the tragic greek heroes before them.

Yeah. Like pushing drugs on addicts and going to war over it when the legitimate government wants to stop your drug dealing.

it's literally just bribes user, as for chinese laws its don't go to court.

"If you don't let me sell drugs to children in exchange for their labor, it violates my NAP!" -McNuke

>if you're uneducated how would you understand the world? Anyway, those people were designations to bring destruction upon communists.

We agree that in those places where communism took power by force, the peasantry was manipulated into supporting policies that would empower a new upper class. So at which point did the leaders WANT to have communism, rather than own a country for themselves?

>God makes plans for the earth and all men's lives yes. That place is their ironic-fate that befalls those who forsake God, just like all the tragic greek heroes before them.

Sounds like a nice guy.

>Sounds like a nice guy.
nice guys are cucks user. He is JUSTICE.
>when did they want communism?
when those humans became socratic kings and ascended to Godhood or became unbound age, They would then carve out some petty-kingdom to live in without much worry.

Yeah. My Chinese friend alluded to that... That if you were a large business, you could your trades for the market price at any given point, but if you are the average citizen or a small time trader, your sell requests had to be approved.

So if a stock is tanking on the China Exchange, you can't get out unless you have the right wheels greased with the government.

Again, what I am saying is, China is not technically what we could consider to be Free Market Capitalism as such regulations inhibit the free flow of... well capital.

>don't true capitalism

>at which point did the leaders WANT to have communism, rather than own a country for themselves
maybe to begin with, not when they had power and learned about power, the things you need to do to keep it (and the consequences of losing it)