What if the Sahara were green?
Negroes would have been completely genocided by invaders
Romans would have conquered and civilized whole Africa.
Other way around. Blacks would've wiped out the whites
Yeah as if, they couldn't to hold on to a third of Europe and they would somehow be able to conquer Africa?
the Sahara was green once
like around 10000 years ago
Negroes would have been genocided and enslaved by Ethiopians. Rome would have went to war against the Ethiopians.
>Italians vs Ethiopians would have still happened in this timeline
There were united civilisations in Europe, Africa would have been as simple as America to conquer.
What happened to it?
societal and technological developement in subsaharan african would probably be alot more up to date like that of asia due to the ease of trade and movement of ideas
tilt of the earth's axis and desertification happened
Who knows. But I guess that this Africa would have given an easier time for the natives to master Agriculture and as we all know, with it comes a sendentary lifestyle, villages, towns and civilizations.
So Africa should have more history behind it and maybe being also able to rival Europe (assuming that in this timeline Europe isn't frozen).
The Jews
It was actually much older than that. It should have happened before or as the Australopithecus genus mastered bipedy.
The other way around
Communism has been tried there
Just fyi, it's thought that much of the flora of socotra island south of Yemen are living fossils from the pre-sahara Savannah of northern Africa. So if that's true then they might have looked like this
you need to go back
Suharah pump thoery should point you in the right direction. It has other links to explanations, but you need to read this to get the full understanding in my opinion.
How did Indians form a relatively advanced society in the jungle, while subsaharan Africans and Amazon natives failed?
One could make the argument that the reason civilization happened at all was because climate change forced our savannah-walking ancestors to seek new means of survival as their old biome desertified away, particularly forcing them into river valleys like the Nile and creating the high population density areas which gave birth to the first civilizations.
If the Sahara stayed green, we'd likely still be stalking prey and not thinking twice about the lifestyle we choose to live
For the same reason China did:
Run off water from the Himalayan glacier created incredibly fertile soil capable of supporting massive numbers of people.
The eastern hemisphere would be a lot colder.
Indus Valley isn't a jungle if you mean that, it's more similar to Iran in climate.
weren't rome and axum trading partners though, i doubt rome would want to conquer them
Only southern india is jungle, and that part civilized MUCH later than the rest.
what about the climate change this would represent?
Cody, please stop shilling the Great Courses and your channels here.
Blacks and Muslims would find a way to ruin it. Guaranteed.
would cause extinction level event. en.wikipedia.org
sands from the sahara feed the amazon rainforest with the minerals it needs and if you take that away you kill the amazon rainforest.
False...Sri Lanka had cities in 1000-800 BC before North eastern India the oldest Alphabet iDisk writing also comes from There
>India's a jungle
India got agriculture around 7000 BC from the Middle East. Africa didn't becasue Middle Eastern crops can't grow there.
Egypt is gone now
New giant trade route
Europe is now the richest place in the world
Ethiopians fuck up the sub saharan africans
Rome fucks up ethiopians
Most of africa now belings to rome
Rest is too hard to tell
how? you can't walk over the Mediterranean
The amazon is fucked
How Green exactly user? Savannah? Prairie? Shrubland? Jungle?
My first though is that things like egypt, Nubia and carthage couldnt exist as we know them because, intead of having a huge natural barrier to the south and/or west, now they also have to fend off invaders from those side (or inave themselves). This would change all of history as we know it.
lamaeo rekt
It was, once upon a time.
Glassed by Finnish nukes during the Hyperwar.
No he's right, the problem with the empire is they were stretched too thin and running low on tribute resources to send home to Rome
You mistake modern white cucked people for old fashioned europeans who loved to conquer and enslave, and were the best in the world at it. No...africa would be easily taken. In fact I would go so far as to say that the entire green sahara would be full of european-ish people in this timeline
Just so you know at that latitude there are no forest only savannaand woodlands.
Africans would of dominated the Mediterranean, other tan fertile crops south of the Sahara is so resource rich. only problem would be navigable rivers which i assume it now has due to the new abundance of water.
seriously instead of being sparsely populated, like it was, it would be packed.
There'd be a lot less starving people in the region.
North Africans you mean
Niggers are subhuman shit no matter what biome the exist in. The retards in the more temperate South Africa still couldnt make anything above the mesolithic.
Niggers starve in Africa due to not enough resources. Even in Nigeria thousands of negros starve to death. Hell in America most blacks would starving to death without welfare. Niggers starving to death us just an aspect of negro existence.
Tropical diseases would have spread out of Africa.
Don't ask those kinds of questions around here, goy.
>most blacks would starve without them
>most blacks aren't even on food stamps
>thousands out of a hundred million starve
what's going on here? Why are anons so fixated on pushing this "most" meme for every other topic?
>Why are people like this
>because they adapted in this kind of environment
>what if this particular group adapted in another other kind of
I'm pretty sure they were using iron tools and farming by the time they reached South Africa, which actually appears to be less temperate than Nigeria. unless you're referring to the Bushmen, who aren't actually black.
Nigeria is an equatorial climate not temperate retard.
If you think blacks would amount to anything you are delusional even if negros were warped into an empty Europe they would still be in the mesolithic era because they are fucking stupid. No not stupid retarded the black african is more braindead than the dumbest amazon amerindians truely inferior to all Eurasian humanity.
I didn't say it was temperate, just that it appears to be MORE temperate compared to south africa. Look at any climate map of South Africa, it has more extremely hot areas than Nigeria, but that wasn't even my point. Africans themselves actually developed past hunter gatherers so I'm not sure why you keep claiming otherwise if not for the bushmen. if you actually believe a group of people can change based on environmental pressures then you wouldn't be so against this idea. You clearly don't since you acknowledged the differences in the first place. You can't have it both ways and I'm not sure how you can't see the double think.
The Yellow River valley is not a jungle. China is not a jungle. The southern border of China is jungle, but the historic power of China on that frontier has varied greatly.
t. Varg
I wonder if Africa had inland seas...
Would that lead to more trade?
Also captcha: ANATO NEXUS
Could use more rivers.
Blacks would've gotten shit on even harder by everyone else. And for the record, the Sahara was somewhat green briefly in the recent past.
Actually it was during the Neolithic Subpluvial.
>Blacks would've gotten shit on even harder by everyone else
>applying todays concepts to a complete what if.
>unless you're referring to the Bushmen, who aren't actually black.
They are though. If they aren't Black then so are a lot of other Africans south and in the Sahara.
It WAS green, advanced ebonoid irrigation methods were able to irrigate the entire area of the Sahara and the Middle East before whitebois came and fucked it all up.
>Being the best at slavery
Pick one.
The little sissyfucks gave it up after just a couple centuries whereas some of the based Arabs still practice it to this day.
The Nubians wouldn't have gotten thoroughly fucked by climate change and they'd still exist till Rome payed them a visit
>All of Arabia and the Horn of Africa is just plain green as well
What a shit map
Man probably wouldn't have left Africa, at least not in the same way and all of history would be changed.
This is what you sound like I'm imploring you to reconsider that post
Egypt is gone but carthage is still their
They would probably focused on african expansion rather than med control
This would lead to carthage with more military tradition and a large silk road like trade route from the golden coast to the english straight making europe super rich,most notably iberia, resulting in HYPER ROMA
North Africans would not exist as the do now, without the barrier that was the Sahara, and lack of any other real barrier, Africa would be more homogeneous than Asia.
The largest and most powerful centres were always southern. This was the case right up until the Tang.
The world would be Greek.
There would be no niggers or arabs.
atleast we know who posted this
>how to tell someone's fresh off of YouTube: a case study
Nubian in real life beat back a Roman invasion once. So why would a better Nubia lose?
No more hurricanes for the muricans. Also I once saw a documentary about how sand from the sahara actually makes it to the amazon and helps it grow or something. So maybe south america would be more barren?
I am not completely sure about this, but I think there were Axumite migrations towards the west of their kingdom. Axum had a large population during its height; and if the Sahara was green, the Axumites would have mostly likely expanded westward towards Lake Chad. Perhaps annexing territories along the way.
It would have been cool to see a monolithic African empire spanning sea to sea.
>when youre so stupid in trying to make a stupid point, you use Nigeria (174 million) as an example for starvation
Ladies and Gentlemen, marvel your eyes at. . . Low Iq: The Post!
Yes they are dumb, even negros in the desert are as retarded as the jungle savages showing even a mentally challenging biome like a desert cant make them smarter.
fucking Deathwing
Think about how disease-ridden modern Africa is today compared to Europe. If these fuckers would have crossed the Sahara, the sissies in Europe would have caught some disease for which they have no natural immunity and died off in droves (similarly to what happened to the Native americans upon European contact).
Green like how, arable & fertile land or just rainforest? Because if it's the latter, that shit may as well still be the Sahara.
...or ride stolen bikes on water
Stop posting ridiculous counterfactuals like this
The Sahara can't be green due to multiple factors
So shut the fuck up
If it was, by some miracle, green, then it would be densely populated by humans
>archaelogist find some Roman-inspired Architecture in the Green Sahara
>scriptures tells of how Romans interacted with North Africans and West Africans
>archaeologist digs in Italy uncovers goods found in Ancient Africa while the Roman goods would be found in the Sahara digging sites
>all this racism ITT
Sahara was green. Long time ago. Maybe humans did chopped trees on the fuel for the bonfires.
Seeking for attention for this question, What if Africa was several enormous islands or had inland seas or was a weird mix of both?
Would we see more trade and other crazy shit like several African Navies?
Same shit with middle-east and Central Asia?