why nations like poland didn't just build a wall across their borders to recompensate for their shitty geographical position that is hard to defend?
Why nations like poland didn't just build a wall across their borders to recompensate for their shitty geographical...
Because you can't just BUILD A WALL you need to maintain it, you need to garrison it, you need to check for sappers, you need to put in a habitable area so you have another fortification to fall back to
Poland only has those borders since the end of WW2 and they haven't been invaded since, so it's a shit map to use.
So why didn't they do that then?
How is a wall going to stop artillery, tanks and modern siege tactics?
Ask what happened to France with the Maginot Line
>Ask what happened to France with the Maginot Line
Reminder that the Maginot Line worked exactly as intended.
okay ill admit i forgot to mention that i was referring to 15-17 century when they were gangbanged by swedes and russians and tatars
Because before they got gangbanged and partitioned in the late 18th century, they had one of the most powerful armies in Europe, especially the cavalry. They chose the strategy of protecting all that clay with horsemen instead of walls, and it worked well for a while, until the nation became politically unstable and prime to be divided up by their rivals.
>Ask what happened to France with the Maginot Line
looks like it needed to be longer
>Poland only has those borders since the end of WW2
You wut?
The Maginot Line worked
Had French expended the Maginot Line they would have won the Battle of France
France could have won even without expanding the Maginot Line. They just straight up dropped the ball.
Um... The Germans actually did breach the Maginot.
It was a basically just a "Fuck you!" at that point since they were on the outskirts of Paris, but the Germany army actually figured out a way to breach the defenses a few days before the French surrendered.
Had they extended the wall it would have made it less of a total defeat on the part of the French, but static forts didn't really help in modern combat.
Nukes flying unfortunately. How do you need a wall? Between Germany and Russia?? This era Germany is peaceful
Costs too much
Poland fell because it was too poor and tax reform was resisted
>being proud of stabbing some granny with a silly hat
China built a fuckhuge wall and it turned out it was good for nothing and cost more lives than it saved
If you see a map of something ancient in what is now Slovakia that mirrors the modern Slovak border, you can be sure the map is complete horseshit created by a retard. In the 10th century there was no such thing as Nitra principality either.
yeah and you know that because you're time traveller right
it did its job
poland should have build a wall to the russian and german border and then invest into fleet to wrestle control of baltic from swedes
there i fixed their history
magyar cigani
tatars got stomped by Poles the fuck are you on about
I wonder too. Why haven't we built something like maginot line on our eastern and western borders yet?
only russians dissolved crimean khanate
polacks allowed them to pillage ukraine for hundreds of years they feared the muslim warrior
World wonders have a global limit of 1 per game.
fuck ukraine
fuck muslims
fuck lamellar
its 2017 and people still didnt realize that the maginot line works as intended jesus fucking christ
>dude just build a wall lmao
great fucking idea you got it from your Warcraft 3 matches?
You cant build walls in Warcraft 3 fucking normie
But you can wall off your base you fucking noob
wallofing you base with humans like that, unless you play against retarded people, that will work against you
only retarded people are still playing WC3 to begin with
said the one who make the reference in first place
said a fucking faggot who cannot wall his base fuck you I bet you played Night Elves
listen here, deadbeat
read what board you're on, pal
As i already said, wallofing you base that way with humans is retarded unless you play agains people with the same 2 digits IQ as you. Have you even played the campaing without chets?
I only played Undead anyway you stupid american fucking bullet magnet the pic was just an example.
>I only played Undead
All has been said, let me guess you only use the DK too.
And just for the record i am not american
then you're a faggot western europeon who gets weekly terrorist attacks in his neighbourhood
DK - Lich - Fiends is objectively the best setup
Because after regaining independence after 123 years, there was just 21 we had to build an entire fucking country. Not much time to build useless walls to "stop" Bolscheviks/Nazis.
I am south american and even I can said that you are a subhuman
>Because before they got gangbanged and partitioned in the late 18th century, they had one of the most powerful armies in Europe
it says one of the most powerful, which is undoubtedly true
That's not even a Polish name
You can paint the whole world and call it Poland for all I care, these maps are still bullshit.
except it isn't, Poland's army was always a joke, that's why they nearly always fought defensive wars.
Was it autism?
yet Poles still took Moscow
they already had too much to defend it why would they want more
Did you look at the date brainlet?
That newspaper is from June 16th, the Battle of Sedan was May 15th, the BEF evacuated from Dunkirk June 4th.
The battle of France was already lost by like 2 weeks on June 15th.
Polan can't into walls.
Doesn't change the fact that in June 1940, while conducting an assault river crossing from hasty positions, the Germans punched through over 10km of French fortifications in a single day.
Krauts still lost 30000 troops in this walk through france
>tfw you're a Pole and you know it's only a matter of time until the borders change again
We should've sided with the Ottomans when we had the upper hand.
im sure that karma will catch up with your shithole for genociding germans with soviet union
You don't have to be that edgy, this is not a /pol/.
Those territories were never properly integrated which you can clearly see on your map
Kek i see you what you did there
...for a short while...
Couldn't you have tried to join and out-breed them?
Maybe include a focus on scientific prowess and masterful craftsmanship?
Does Poland have something like the German Apprenticeship system?
>This comp
>not rushing the dark ranger instead.
Amerisharts literally cucked out of their own games
>We should've sided with the Ottomans
you would have just been attacked by the ottomans, there is literally no escape
2 years isn't a ''short while''
> June 16
The Belgian front reached Canal on 21st of May, completely occupied Belgium, NL and Picardy by 5th of June, with Dunkirk miracle happening then. Paris suburbs were reached by 12th of June, and Paris fell by 14th and France asked for armistrice by 16th. So yeah, by all standards, Maginot line did not fall until the collapse of France.
It is in this context
Why does Poland have the ugliest borders in Europe?
I'm pretty sure they did. The Central european hedge rows could span an entire country's length and hedges effectively funnel traffic into easily defended focal points.
Liberum veto. Any member of the Polish diet could end any proposal just with a veto. It's called exploding the Diet.
Completely fail to defend the country from invasion?
because a wall of that effort would've been a multigenerational, extremely expensive, hugely collective effort that would most likely have been sabotaged multiple times by proactive neighboring kingdoms throughout the attempts to build it
are you actually serious?
Citation needed. That sounds interesting.
>You can paint the whole world and call it Poland for all I care, these maps are still bullshit.
These were historical borders of Poland.
Here is a map from before WW1 showing Poland's borders in 1138.
They’re artificial and made up by communist beaureacrats in a boardroom
>t. historical illiterate