Want to buy some ARVN rifles?
Never been fired and only dropped once
Want to buy some ARVN rifles?
>never been fired
*fired at civillians
Stop being Buddhist.
I'll just get in this APC and make my escape!
>ARVN does most of the fighting, takes most of the casualties
>Americans do comparatively fuck all but sit on their asses and bomb shit from the air
Ah fuck off
Wasn't the whole scandal from the tet offensive that the american forces preformed well against the NVA, but the ARVN got completely BTFO'd?
they took so many casualties because they were so shit
americans tried everything to make them into a legitimate fighting force but their officers were so corrupt it didn't matter
So like Iraq and Afghanistan?
Americans were nothing but cowards in that war.
Fighting morale of US troops summed up
troops that served before Tet performed well and BTFO NVA and VC constantly
morale collapsed when they started drafting people when it was clear that no one wanted to go and die in some SEA shithole when it was clear that the war was unwinnable
>forcibly send random college kids overseas to a country they've never heard of to fight someone else's war for a cause they don't believe in
>blame them for not being enthusiastic about it
No the whole scandal from the Tet Offensive was that Westmoreland had claimed the NVA was completely drained and couldn't possibly launch an offensive
>excuses for being pussy faggots disloyal to their country
t. fatass internet tough guy who'd shit his pants at the bootcamp because drill instructor yelled at him because he couldn't do one push up
>baseless personal insults as the last resort
So we're done here? Are we in agreement they were a bunch of fags?
God you people are the worst.
It was absolutely winnable. In fact, the war was fucking won but we lost resolve and left because hippies were crying their eyes out non stop.
>b but the TET OFFENSIVE
Every major military movement the NVA made was a total failure when they came into contact with US forces so its laughable to say we could not win.
Militarily we were unstoppable to the NVA so if we just sucked it the fuck up and stuck it out there was no way we could lose. Communists fall apart after prolonged struggle when the peasantry realizes that their government cant provide shit. A few more years, a few more bombs, and a few more battles, and North Vietnam would have fallen apart.
Nobody in South Vietnam wanted to be communist, but we abandoned them after promising protection because american college students have the conviction of a sloth.
Call me a drumpfkin or whatever buzzword you want to throw out but liberal protesters are the scum of the fucking earth and should be ignored at every turn. It is no coincidence that the liberals didnt begin to ramp up protest when it became clear that they would be drafted along with the poor blacks and rednecks they claimed to want to help, and didnt give a flying fuck about the numerous atrocities and mass executions the NVA commited.
>didnt ramp up protesting until it became clear
>Not wanting to waste lives in another meaningless Jew war is disloyalty
Who could be behind this post?
>Jew war
>oh gee goy why would you fight the communists, the communists are our allies
>the Vietnam War was won when the US pulled out
>Nobody in South Vietnam wanted to be communist
I guess the Vietcong just didn't exist then
the only agreement here is that you're a fat ass internet tough guy who probably never never served.
really gets the neurons firing doesn't it Benjamin
Look, you're not wrong, but you are arguing impossibilities. Draft dodging boomers existed then, and still exist now. This is a fact of the times, to argue that the war was winnable is technically correct, but only if you get rid of the before factor. Also, iirc, being in college was adequate to not be drafted.
However, this directly lead to the american military being crafted into an all volunteer force just in time for it to land in the obese and suddenly swollen with patriotism baby boomers' hands, who now advocate intervention in everything with a ferocity not seen since the date ended with B.C.
>ARVN were notorious for holding US troops at gunpoint in order to get on evac helis first
>USA is shit for not trusting ARVN
Friendly reminder that Diem had the Vietcong on the run before he was assassinated on Kennedy's orders for not instantly turning South Vietnam into a corruption-free First World nation where rights and freedoms were respected
Where online can I read about ARVN cowardice or Vietnam stories in general?
If you kill your enemies they win
You're just sprouting bullshit
That has literally nothing to do with my post
>victory is just around the corner!
> but we abandoned them after promising protection because american college students have the conviction of a sloth.
>american college students realise that going to some tiny gook shithole to die in is pointless
>hurr conviction of sloth