Heres peter schiff talking to max keiser about how shit crypto...

Heres peter schiff talking to max keiser about how shit crypto, max keiser is a little more clued up than joe rogan is on crypto.

schiffs arguments fall apart, he's reduced to "but it has no real world value!!!?"

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Joe rogan needs to quit stirring the pot and being a little faggot

max keiser has been clued up on bitcoin since 2011

stop posting people over 40 on Veeky Forums reeeeee

stop trying to get boomers into bitcoin

Agreed. Boomers will be left behind, and there's nothing we or they can do about it. Even if they wanted crypto, they can't figure out how it works. They can barely operate microsoft word.

There has never been a more insecure financial professional. If you criticize him in any way on facebook, twitter, youtube, or wherever, he will be there combating your opinion. His insecurities in crypto have been showing for years now.

I get mocked at work for owning bitcoin by the older bunch, they think im a literal retard for putting a lot of my hard earned cash into it, they call me danny bitcoin. they dont have a clue how any of this works or why its relevent

>Danny Bitcoin

Why have you not capitalized on that with a YouTube channel or something? lol

i dont have the time or motivation, keeping track of it all is a full time job

"intrinsic value" & "fiat" is just bad philosophy. everything is fiat, nothing has intrinsic value. even gold. the only thing we care for in a currency is that no one controls it, gold isn't a good currency because it's used to make jewelry, it's a good currency for the exact same reason bitcoin is a good currency, nothing more, nothing less.

DANNYBTC for your Bugatti license plate

yeah thats more like it, lets get filthy rich

>russia today


this, gold is precious because people believe that others are willing to pay for it, you cannot eat it, you cannot have fun with it, it doesn't bring any good feeling as a sport car would for example. if somehow people come to a conclusion that gold is worth pennys, how many gold enthusiast there would be left? kek even jewlery wouldn't be so exclusiv since gold wouldn't expensive anymore, just like there is high deman for elephants horns etc, it's hard to get, that's the only thing
cryptos are literally BETTER than gold

at least with gold jews can't just dream up double the supply overnight

"im least wrong of all experts you have here" :D

haha gold in 2009 was $1200 gold in 2017 is $1297

> $97 ROI in 7 years

what the fuck, how is this a good investment

it's the 'doomsday prepper' of investments

at least with bitcoin youre not in a secular bear

not to mention when the chinks and musk lasso an asteroid and we're all eating our dinner on solid gold plates from amazon 6 plates for $20

damn I can't wait but that probably won't happen in our lifetimes

He likes Nexus. Check him out at the conference.

Oddly enough, these two will actually be debating each other there. It's like they wanted the chance to go at it with a lot more time after this one got cut short

that would be precious, to see ale the stupid boomers BTFO

I thought it must be some kind of separate speech or a debate when I saw his name, wtf, get get this kike off from my nxs coins

It is a debate lol Peter Schiff is almost playing batman here with reverse psychology and being the person the whole city can hate. He's being the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.

Had to stop there.

Schiff shills gold as an inflation hedge and historical store of value with industrial application, that is difficult to acquire.

Schiff cannot imagine the immenent future wherein the resources to solve the elliptic curve cryptography of btc is more rare and usefull than pulling (common, not rare) gold out of sea water/crust, or even its plasmodic synthesis.


boomers. goddamn I hate their faggot ass faces.

you can actually make gold in a nuclear reactor, its not finite. the problem is that making gold is more expensive in power than its actually worth, i think a lot more expensive.

does peter schill not think a quantum proof currency has any "real world value". security is probably the most valuable asset any crypto can provide.