The GREEKS created civilization, the first that placed value on knowledge. They made the Library of ALEXANDRIA to hold this Knowledge. Meanwhile, the JEWS made a religion that focuses all attention on one G*d, and that hates progress. The JEWS took over GREEK'S successor ROME, and made it burn the Library. A second library was set up but a Jewish CHRISTIANITY-INFLUENCED Pope burned that as well, then took over GREECE to PREVENT it from expanding the Human consciousness. Next, ISLAM placed chains on the GREEK after Rome fell due to a combined effort on the part of ANTI-JEW PAGANS of NORTH EUROPE. The OTTOMANS PREVENTED GREECE from ever doing any good! This continued on until the modern era, where Europe had attempted to Restart Greek civilization by reading the FEW REMNANTS OF ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE. The GREEKS at this point were already neutered, but JUST as they were recovering in contemporary times the Christian EUROPEAN UNION swept it up and helped create the IMF to hound GREECE until the end of time. In conclusion, The JEWS kept Greece in chains once they got too advanced by using silly MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION. We lost out on 2000 years of progress had the GREEKS not been swindled by the JEW.
Rough True Summaries of Western Civilization
Accurate in the broad strokes. In many respects, Classical Greece and China do represent an absolute high point in human development. Hebrew mythology and Buddhism totally fucked humanity and set us into a dark age that only started to clear in the late 20th century.
I don't think I've ever seen a worse post than this.
You a Chr*stian? I bet you shred paper on purpose, minion.
A joke
great hektor was jewish and so was themistocles
>Hebrew mythology and Buddhism totally fucked humanity
A bunch of Arab and Persian shits rediscovering stuff that Greeks wrote.
where do the numerals used in your post number come from?
>Greeks created civilization
>stole it from Mesopotamians and Egyptians
Yeah nah 3/10
>tfw you realise they were adopted by a european
Wow we have a bunch of swirly lines that signify numerals.
>implying they couldn't have been anything else
High point of human development featured rampant slavery? No thanks.
I kno u prob trollin, tho
Roman numerals are shit for any kind of math
>muh slaveri is eevel!!!!!
So what Jamal?
They could have been Greek numerals, it's not like they ancient Greek mathematicians used arabic numbers for their breakthroughs. They could have been anything else. Why are ten convenient characters the flagship of some meme golden age.
yeah they wrote out everything in words LMAO
The ancient Greeks primarily did geometry via diagrams and explanations with words.
And the number system is far from the only thing that was developed
>they wrote out everything in words
Ironic isn't it
Clever how you leave out the less straightforward system for numbers greater than 10
That's not the point though, they could have been anything else
What do you mean "they could have been anything else"
They're just characters
This is confusing
Basically the Hindu-arabic numeral system was fundamentally different from both the greek and roman systems because it didn't require a new symbol for a number that was greater than all the current ones
Nope, get back to me when those "civilizations" create a massive center for knowledge that could propel humanity into space 2000 years early.
waaah I can't into different concepts of labour relations and social organisation
So minimum of 10 repeating numeral convenience, I can live with that. But keep in mind that roman and greel numerals also repeat and dont have a significantly larger amount of primary characters
>waaah I can't into any of this
He's an idiot. A slave technically can have a better quality of life than an employee, and historically they often did.
They function differently. To write a large number in either roman or greek is very tedious, while it is much more compact with our current system, not to mention the ease of doing mathematical operations.
Other than freedom to leave, right?
Fair enough
Yes, but that's a meme.
>implying your average 21st century Bob has "freedom" and isn't a slave to a pre-established order.
Right, silly me - Slaves don't need to leave, they always had great quality of life.
Well I sure as hell can agree that any mainstream religion is a load of bullshit the stifles progress toward a better humanity.
I mean freedom to leave is a meme. A Walmart employee technically has the freedom to leave and he can utilize this freedom by getting hired by yet another shitty company, or starving to death. Laws aside, it's pretty much the same as being a slave, and worse in many regards.
not him, but would you two agree that we are slaves to our government? like David Hume said that because we don't give consent to the social contract and that since the average bob lacks skills he'd die? do you think that our lives are no better than a plantation slave in 1800s?
What are you smoking
In a way we are. But I see nothing inherently wrong with slavery. If a slave gets mistreated or abused then you should address mistreatment and abuse instead of addressing slavery as a whole.
>do you think that our lives are no better than a plantation slave in 1800s?
Let me rephrase that for you
>would I rather be a black slave than what I am today
No, I would not, but you didn't have to pick one of the shittier versions of slavery. Although it could get a little more exciting than your everyday life, where your everyday Bob has to pull a set of mental gymnastics every month in order to desuade him from jumping off a cliff, due to gis monotonous, pre-determined life.
what do we call slave-owning slaves, then
Niggers with pets.
Head of department
What it meant to the other Greeks was absolute TYRANNY. The Peloponnesian War was fought for the FREEDOM OF THE GREEKS. Just because Athens had a democracy, didn't mean that it was incapable of being a vicious Tyrant. Athens enslaved and terrorized the Greek peoples. Sparta literally prevented it from being absolutely destroyed and the people sold into slavery, it did this, because Athens fought bravely against Persia. The rest of the Greeks wanted to destroy Athens completely, just as Athens destroyed other Greeks peoples, just because it was Athens.
Daily reminder that the Parthenon was a symbol of Tyranny, not Freedom.
Calm down Tyrone it was just a shed for Zeus
Sparta: literally the saviours of western civilization.
>implying sparta gave a shit about anyone but sparta
>romans destroyed the library of Alexandria
I'm glad you like old movies but this is bullshit
t. r*maboo
>the first that placed value on knowledge
Lol they werent the first
Babylon was called the city of knowledge and learning for a reason
>Persian shits rediscovering stuff that Greeks wrote.
Lol no
we are censoring romans now
Hellenes were the truly civilized people